Lust or Love - Part 12

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2 weeks later


Becky's POV

"Honey, can you get my phone downstairs , please? I left it on the table in the living room." I called Y/N as I was still in the shower taking a half bath.

As I finished, I put my towel around my body and got put of the shower.
I saw Y/N sitting on our bed , resting her head on the headboard. Her face turned red when she saw me walking towards her and I sat at the edge of the bed beside her.

"Hi Honey." I said and Y/N gulped when I started leaning closer and kissed her cheek softly. Y/N told my hand and kissed it. She looked at me and touched my cheek. I closed my eyes as she rubbed it with her thumb slowly.

" I love you." Y/N said softly. I smiled at her and looked at her lips until I went to kiss her.
She kissed back and we both deepen the kiss. It was a passionate make out until I moaned unaware.
I started kissing her neck down and started fiddling her shirt. I broke the kiss and slowly pulled her shirt over her head. Y/N kissed me and this time it was a bit harder. She pulled me on her lap and I straddled her. I slowly took off my towel and throw it somewhere on the floor. I was sitting on her lap revealing my naked body. She eyed my body hungrily and went to kiss my neck. She sucked and bit that made me moan louder as I put my arms around her shoulder signalling her to keep doing that. I felt her warm hands snaking around my back then she went lower and kissed my shoulder blade. My eyes were closed as I melted into her arms. She started to go lower and sucked my perky breast. She gave the same treatment and I was going crazy when she did that.

We both stopped and I slowly pushed her down the bed and started kissing her hungrily while I was on top of her. I went down to kiss her neck down to her abdomen and lick them. She tensed as I ran my tongue down until I reached the waistband of her boxers. I looked up and I could see my wife was looking at me signalling me to do it. I pulled down her boxers revealing her hard meat. I pumped her and massaged her before I engulfed it with my mouth. I started licking and sucking her tip with her pre-cum. Y/N was moaning and shutting her eyes until I swallowed her jizz. I wiped my lips and crawled up to her.
She was panting and catching her breath.

"Are you alright, honey?" I asked with a grin on my face and she just nodded still regaining her breathing.

"Am I as good as before?" I husked on her ear seductively.

"You're the best." She answered. She pulled me down and turned as around. Now I was underneath her. She didn't waste time and just went for my lips and kissed me passionately. Our tongues were brushing each others mouth and moaned at the feeling.
Her hands kept roaming around my naked body, she sucked and licked my nipples . I missed her touch so much that it drives me crazy everytime she touches my sensitive parts. I was moaning with the pleasure she was giving me and how she held me in her arms.
When she stopped, she placed her hands beside me and looked down on me. She put her tip on my hole until she carefully entered me. I slowly closed my eyes at the feeling of her meat diving inside me. She started in a slow pace and her lips were on my neck. I put my hands around her shoulder and held onto her as she fucked me. Minutes later, she went rough with me and started pounding in me. Our skins slapping , moans could be heard and the bed almost break at the movement.

"Fuck! Baby!" I moaned and I could hear Y/N groaning as she kept fucking me.
My toes curled as she hit my deepest spot right there and I know I was close.
I cummed before her and Y/N slowed her movement. Instead of stopping, I pushed myself up to her and started moving.

"You should cum too." I panted. Y/N went fast again with me and I let her fuck me relentlessly like we were animals mating.
She came inside me until she slowed down riding out our highs.
She slowly pulled out with a slick sound and I could feel her cum dripping on my legs.
Y/N laid down beside me and cover ourselves with the blanket. She kissed my forehead and we snuggled in each others's embrace.

"That was the best night ever. I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too, honey." Y/N said and held me closer towards her until we both fell asleep.

4 days later

I started throwing up every morning, I felt dizzy even if I was at work and my period was late so I decided to buy 5 pregnancy test.

One Sunday morning, I took a test and waited for the lines to appear until two lines on the test were visible. All the test have two lines so it meant I'm positive. I'm pregnant.
I was so happy with the result so I went back to our bed and saw Y/N still sleeping peacefully. I couldn't wait to tell her so I carefully nodged her shoulder.

"Honey," i said and started shaking her. She let out a moan and went back to sleep again. My wife is a heavy sleeper.
I started rubbing her nose with mine until she slowly opened her eyes. She smiled at me and I pecked her lips.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"I have a good news for you." I said and her ears perked up.

I showed her the test that I took.

"I'm pregnant." I said and Y/N sat up quickly and checked all the 5 tests.

"You mean we're gonna be parents? We're gonna be moms." Y/N said cheerfully.

"Yes. We're gonna be parents." I said and Y/N was so happy. Well we both are.

"I love you so much." She said and kissed my lips. She went down and hugged my stomach.

"Hi little one. Your mommy and I are so excited to meet you. We already love you and we'll make sure to give you all the love you deserve." Y/N talked to my tummy.

I patted her head and I was so touched by just watching her already showing her love to our soon baby.

9 months later

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Y/N was there for me all through out my journey of being pregnant. She gave all my needs and really took care of me and our baby.

Our baby is so cute, she looked like a carbon copy of my wife except for the nose. She has my nose and she's very beautiful. She is the product of our love.

"Hey, how's our little angel?" Y/N cooed as I was holding her in my arms.

"Can I hold her?" She asked and I slowly transferred her to my wife.

I melted at the sight infront of me as I could see how Y/N held our precious daughter in her arms. I have a beautiful family.
I was so thankful despite of everything that happend between us none of us give up. We almost broke up but we managed to fix it. We love each other so much and one of the most important thing is to trust each other. We got hurt and cried but we both forgive each other and that was because of true love.

Becky armstrong imagines(fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now