Dawn of Love - Part 4

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The next morning, I got up early because I wanted to check up on Becky if she got home safe. I passed by a cafè to get her a coffee and some doughnuts.
When I reached her home I saw an unfamiliar car infront of her house. I didn't know why but my heartbeat skipped really fast.

I peaked through her window and it was really dark so I carefully rang the doorbell. I was expecting her maid to open the door. Later on, the door swung open revealing Billy the guy she met at the club. His hair was a mess and he was half naked. My jaw dropped at the sight then I heard.

"Babe, who is it?" I heard Becky's voice from behind. She called him BABE? What the hell.

"Your friend!" Billy shouted back. Then Becky came to the door and she was holding a blanket around her since she was wearing only her underwear. I clenched my fist just watching the two of them. Becky looksed so flustered when she saw me. She told Billy to get back inside. That was it, I was done.
I couldn't take it anymore.

"Y/N?" Becky let out and she looked so shocked.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I yelled at her and slammed the food that I bought for her to the ground. Becky jumped out in shocked and I could see she got scared. My tears were falling and my hands were shaking.

"I did everything for you and I lowered myself to tame you. You didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. What happened to you? If you hate me that much then just say it or you can hit me as you want because I can take that kind of pain  but this? You're unbelievable. Hurt me the way you want but not like this. Not this one, Becky. I'm done with you." I blurted out and when I was about to turn around I felt her hand gripped my wrist.

"Y/N it's not what you think. I'm sorry." Becky started to tear.
I closed my eyes and I hate seeing her cry. I walked back to her and fixed the blanket that she was holding and secure it around her semi-naked body. I sighed and calmed myself down.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Stop crying , please. Uhm you go back to your boyfriend, okay?I'm sorry for barging in. I have to go and I got some important things to do. Take care of yourself, alright." I said and trying to stop my tears from falling. Becky was looking right up at me. I gave her a small smile and kissed her forehead. I turned around and got into my car then left.

Becky's POV

I was so scared when Y/N raised her voice at me. She was really mad that moment when she saw me with  Billy. I've never seen her that angry before. I couldn't say a word and I was shaking too. Her face was flaming red while clenching her fists. When she left me, I cried harded. I cried after hearing her say she's done with me. I saw the mess she threw on the ground and I watched her as she drove off.
I got back inside and I saw Billy in my bed.

"What was that? What's with the yelling?" He asked being disturbed.

" You! Get your clothes and get out of here. I never want to see you again." I pointed at him as I fixed myself.

"Fine. Thanks for the time." He said and I rolled my eyes in disgust.

When Billy left, I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself. Few hours later I heard the doorbell again ringing continously. I got up and dried myself and hurridly put on some fresh clothes.

"Wait up!" I shouted to whoever was at the door.

When I opened it, It was Irin my ex-bestfriend. Before I could say anything I felt a hand on my cheek.

"Hey! What the hell!" I yelled at Irin since she just slapped me out of nowhere.

"Don't what the hell me you bitch." Irin said angrily.
"What did you do to Y/N huh?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" I replied in a harsh tone.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Y/N came to me this morning crying her eyes out. Did you hear her reasons why she left you 5 years ago. Well no , right? Because you didn't even give her a chance to explain herself. You did all of these shit just to get back at her. Y/N has a very good heart and I don't know what she sees in you to do all those things for you. Maybe just because she loves you too much but what did you do? You treated her like garbage infront of your bitches." Irin explained like she was giving me a lecture.

" i was just..." I was about to say something but Irin cut me off.

"I'm not done talking. Shut your mouth." She commanded.

"Why didn't you just tell her you don't want her back instead of making her suffer. What makes you think she deserve that without knowing her side of story? You're trying to get back at her with those nonsense actions. So I guess she made a right decision. You don't deserve her.  But you know what? You should celebrate because you get what you want. You want to hurt her right?and you succeeded. Now she's leaving again." Irin said and her words hit me. Tears started to fall when she said all those things and she was right.

"What? She's leaving?" I asked sniffing.

"That's right." Irin answered still looking mad at me.

"But where is she going?"  I asked.

"She's on her way to the airport. She's going back to New York so she could be away from you." Irin spatted and left me.

I broke down to tears, Y/N is leaving again. After Irin left, I fixed myself and got inside my house. I took my phone and wallet. I ran outside and took a taxi to the airport.
As I reached the airport, I ran inside not caring about the securities. It was imposible to spot her since there was a lot of people.

I called her phone many times but she wasn' t picking up.

"Where are you? Baby, please pick up the phone." I told myself as I kept searching for her.

Minutes of searching I heard them announcing the passengers to New York to board the plane but I looked around but there was still no sign. Then I gave up. I sat down to the passenger's waiting area and plamed my face. Fuck, I was so messed up. Y/N left me again and much worse I didn't hear her side of the story that Irin was saying.

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