School Queen - Part 5

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It was Saturday Night and I decided to call Engfa to hang out.

"Hey Engfa." I greeted.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?" She answered.

"Let's go to the carnival tonight. " I said excitedly.

"Oh I can't. I have my period and it fucking hurts." She answered.

"Aww. Okay. Get some rest and some sleep for now. Maybe next time we'll go." I told her.

"Yes. Thank you and I'm sorry." She said sincerely.

"It's fine. I'l just see you on Monday." I said and I hung up.

I stayed at home and I find it really boring so I decided to just go alone to the carnival. I put on my pants, sneakers and a jacket since it's almost 6pm.
I just walked to the carnival since it's not that far and there were a lot of people on the street so it was safe to walk. As I arrived at the carnival, it was so cool. The lights were beautiful and you could hear people screaming riding the rollercoaster. Some were playing games and there were food stalls if you want to grab some snacks. I kept looking around and watched some people play ganes. I wish I could play with my bestfriend Engfa but it's okay I can manage.
I was busy looking around until I didn't realized I bumped into a girl.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I said to the girl but then when I saw her face , I paused. It was Becky.

"Oh hey there." She said and she gave me a smile. For the very first time she smiled at me and she was really beautiful. Until she snapped her finger infront of me.

"Are you okay?"Becky asked.

"Uh yeah. Sorry I wasn't looking." I answered.

"It's alright." She said. "Uhm are you waiting for someone?" Becky added.

"Oh no. It's just me. I was just enjoying my own company. You?" I said back.

"It's just me. I was hoping Nam and Charlotte would come with me but they didn't, after me and Billy broke up they kicked me out of the group." Becky said and I feel bad for her but I didn't say anything so I just nodded.

"Uhm wanna join me here tonight if that's okay ?" She asked.

"Sure." I said and again she smiled at me. She should stop doing that because my knees were starting to go weak.

We played some games and it was realy fun. She was so cute like a child everytime she didn't win. The way she pouts was so cute. After some games we went to go try on the ferris wheel. We sat down and the operator secured the safety strap on us. It was high and slow enough to enjoy the breeze. Then there was a moment of silence between us until...

"Becky?" I started and she looked at me.

"Uhm why are you talking to me?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" Becky said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I mean you usually pick on me and  just ignore me. You don't even want me near you." I added and she sighed.

"Right. I don't know. There's something in me that made me want to talk to you." She answered and I stayed silent.

"With what you just said, you probably hate me for that, right?" Becky added.

"I actually don't hate you. Yes I don't like you for that but I never said I hate you." I answered and she gave me a slight smile.

"This is really nice." Becky said as she was feeling the breeze.

"You told me that you and Billy broke up. May I know why?" I said and Becky told me what happened and I could tell she was hurt of what Billy did and said to her.

"I'm sorry it happend to you." I said and tried to ease the pain she was feeling.

"No, don't be. I think I deserve that. I'm not a nice person to everyone especially to you." She said.

"Don't say that. Nobody deserves that but I think Billy isn't right for you. You deserve better than him." I added.

"Thank you Y/N." Becky said and we smiled at each other until it was time to get down from the ride.

We grabbed some snacks and sat by the bench. We took a little walk around before we decided we should go home.
We walked home together until we reached her house.

"Well, uhm that was really fun. I had a great time
Y/N." Becky said.

"Me too. I had a great time too. I'm not really good at this but thank you , I enjoyed it." I said.

"It was fun and I like talking to you Y/N." Becky added and I stared at her for a moment.

"Oh here. For you." I handed ger the carebear that I just won esrlier.

"If you feel sad just look at this cute carebear." I said and she didn't hesitate to take it.

"Are you sure?" Becky asked.

"Yeah. You can have it. "I said and she hugged the carebear to her chest.

"Thank you Y/N." Becky said.

"You're welcome. Well. I must be going. Goodnight Becky. I'll see you on Monday." I said and she nodded.

"Goodnight Y/N. Be safe." She said and I walked home.

Becky's POV

I really had a great time with Y/N but after the night , I realized I was starting to like her. She gave me her carebear that she won from the carnival and I was really fluttered of what she said to me after I told her about how me and Billy broke up. I haven't even say sorry to her after making her life a living hell at school but I hope she'll forgive me. I want to get to know her more and I want to change things. I want to know who she likes or if she likes someone. I don't want her to see me as her bully, I want to change that.

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