School Queen - Part 11

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A week later


It was saturday night and I was watching a movie with my family when Becky called me.

"Hi baby." Backy greeted on the other line.

"Hey love." I said and smiled by just hearing her voice.

"I'm going to hang out with Nam and Charlotte." Becky said and I was surprised.

"With Nam and Charlotte? . I thought they kicked you out of the group?" I asked.

"Yeah I am surprised and happy at the same time knowing that they still want me to be their friend and I miss hanging out with them too." She said.

"Well that's good at least you guys are friends again. Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"Just at Nam's house, baby. Just the three of us and You don't have to worry." Becky said.

"Okay , do you want me to drive you there? I'll pick you up." I offered.

"No it's fine. It's not that far and besides I don't want to interrupt your time with your family." She said and I smiled.

We talked and flirted a little over the phone and I love hearing her giggles and laugh. I was blushing by just taling to her and my face probably looked like a tomato. I was happy that she would be hanging out with Nam and Charlotte  atleast they're back to being friends again.

Becky's POV

I went to Nam's house and Charlotte was already there. Her parents were out of town so it was just the three of us. We started hang out like before and I told them about my relationship with Y/N and they easily accepted it. We had a few drinks and doing some karaoke and I kinda missed it really. While in the middle of our fun , their doorbell rang.
Nam quickly opened it and as I look to who it was , I was shocked to see Billy. What the hell? I thought .What was he doing there.

" Did you guys invite him?" I asked Charlotte.

"What? no, of course not." Charlotte answered.

"Hi girls. Hi Becky." Billy said and I just froze.

"Uhm Billy what are you doing here?" Nam asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"I saw your cars outside as I was passing by and I thought of checking you girls. Is it okay for you girls  to hang out here with you for a bit? We're friends, right?" Billy said and I was about to say no but Nam agreed so I didn't say anything since we just started hanging out again, I didn't want to ruin anyone's mood.

Billy entered the house and started gulping drinks and telling jokes. Honestly, I wasn't feeling him being there so I just ignored him. He mostly talked with Nam while I talked with Charlotte. I really missed the girls but Billy was there I know Y/N wouldn't be okay with it.

It was already midnight. Charlotte and Nam already passed out on the sofa and Billy was still up. I had to stay sober to keep an eye on the girls and watch over them since we had a boy there. I waited for Billy to go home but I don't think he would. He sat beside me and started talking to me as I took a sip on my flavored juice I felt dizzy then suddenly, It all went black .


I woke up the next morning and called Becky but she wasn't answering. I sent her messages but also no response. I know that she's with her friends last night but I worry everytime she doesn't reply. She quickly reply everytime I call her but this time she didn't. I took my mom's car key and decided to drive to her house to check up on her .

As I reached their house I rang the doorbell and P'Sa their nanny opened the door.

"Oh hi Y/N." P'Sa greeted.

"Good morning P'Sa. Uhm is Becky up?" I politely asked.

"Uhm she didn't come home last night , she went out to hang out with her friends Nam and Charlotte. Maybe she was still at Nam's house." P'Sa answered.

"Oh, I'll just check on Nam's. Thank you P'sa." I said and went off to Nam's.

When I reached Nam's house , I got off the car and knocked on the door. It took me a while until Nam came and open the door for me. I could see she just woke up.

"Hi Nam, uhm Good morning. Is Becky here?" I asked and I was worried already. I was actually not comfortable yet with Nam since I never talked to her after the accident on the P. E class.

"Yes, she's here. Come on in Y/N. Sorry I just woke up. " Nam said and she let me in. Her house was a little mess and I saw Charlotte still asleep on the sofa so I made sure not to make a sound. They probably had fun last night but there's still no sign of my girlfriend.

"Sorry for the mess Y/N. I'm not sure where is Becky since I just woke up and I fell asleep first last night before her. I'll just check on the bathroom maybe she's there." Nam said and I waited in the living room. Before Nam could check on the bathroom, we heard footsteps upstairs and suddenly my heart dropped.
I saw Billy half naked chasing Becky. Becky was walking down the stairs hurridly as she was fixing her clothes and Billy called for her.

"Becky wait." I heard Billy called. I stood there as I watched them before they could see me and Nam. I glanced at Nam and she was in shocked too. I turned red seeing both of them. Suddenly, Becky stopped when she saw me and she was really shocked. None of us know what to do. I frozed and I fisted my hands.

Becky quickly walked towards me and held my arms. Her eyes were so scared and I could see she was rattled.

"Baby." Becky started and my face was flaming red.

"Becky what the hell is this all about?" I asked and pulled my hand out from her grip.

" Y/N , I can explain , please." Becky started to tear up and glanced at Billy. I wanted to throw punches at him but Becky stopped me.

"Did you sleep with him? Is this what you called hanging out with friends?" I asked angrily in a whisper way enough for her to hear me . Becky couldn't say anything and kept shaking her head and she was already crying while holding my arms begging for me. I swatted her hands from me and she was trying to keep a hold on me.

"Baby please." Was all she could say.

"Stay away from me." I said in a disgusted tone. Before I could do anything, I stormed out of the house and hurridly walked towards my car. I heard Becky running and calling for me.  As soon as I reached the car I quickly drove off. I was crushed and broken. Becky my girlfriend, just cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend.

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