Dawn of Love - Part 2

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It's been a week since I've been courting Becky. I always give her a ride to work and pick her up. Even though it's kinda difficult since I also have work and  Becky really was different than before. I chose to do that and I'm got gonna stop until she forgives me.

Becky's POV

"Miss Armstrong, delivery for you." Someone told me.

"Oh,from who?" I asked and I knew who was it from.

I checked the tag and I was right. It was from Y/N. She gave me my favorite comfort food, sometimes lunch and snacks.

One afternoon, while I was about to go home, Y/N was already waiting for me outside to drive me. She was holding a milktea. Honestly, everything she does gave me butterflies and my heart beats really fast when she's around. I couldn't show any interest because I want to teach her a lesson. I showed coldness and bitterness towards her. I tried my hardest not to give in.

"Hey. Uhm hear I got you your favorite." Y/N and she handed the milktea. I took it since I couldn't deny I was craving it.

I hopped in the car and she started the engine.

"Tomorrow is Saturday and my friends are coming over at my house." I started.

"That's good." She answered.

"I need you to buy me the foods and drinks." I told her.

"Sure. Give me the list and I'll take care of it." Y/N said.

As we arrived, I got out the car and she followed me outside.

"Here's the money and make sure to buy everything." I said and gave it to her.

As I was about to enter my house, I thought of an idea.

"By the way my maid is on her day off tomorrow. Do you mind cleaning my house?." I asked more like a command.

"What?" Y/N asked and she reacted like she wasn't expecting it.

"What? You don't want to. Uh such no use." I rolled my eyes.

"No. I will come here after buying the foods then I'll clean the place." Y/N said and I know she was trying her best to smile.

"Okay. Good. Don't be late." I said and got inside my house then shut the door behind.

I didn't want her to do all those things but I was so mad at her. I still couldn't believe that she really came back after 5 years. I miss her everytime I see her. I wanted to hug her but my anger always took over. I wanted to tell her that just stay with me and don't leave me again but my mind say I shouldn't.


Saturday morning, I went to Becky's house as I promised. I already bought the foods and drinks that was on the list. I knocked three times before she opened the door revealing a disturbed Becky.

"Good morning. Sorry.  Did you just wake up?" I asked carrying the bags of food and she just rolled her eyes at me.
I was struggling with the bags  and instead of helping me Becky just went back upstairs so I slowly brought it to the kitchen. I looked around and her house was a mess. I started cleaning and did some polishing. I wanted to impress her and of course I want to prove that I'm not giving up easily. I was sweating and tired and I hope I reached her expectation.

I spent the whole afternoon cleaning and without eating. Later on, Becky walked down the stairs. She still looked really beautiful after years. She's now a grown woman and I admired her more.

"Okay. Impressive." She said and looked around the place.

"Thank you." I replied.

"My friends are coming any minute. Stay at the back of my house. I don't want my friends to see you, don't make a sound. Change your clothes, you stink." Becky said and I lowered my head. Her words hurt me and the way she said those things it's clear that she's embarassed with me so I just nodded.

"Uhm what if I'll just go home since I'm done with everything." I gently said.

"Who says you're done? Who will clean the mess after?" Becky asked.

I did what Becky asked me. I stayed quiet while her and her friends were having fun. With the loud music going on. Laughing and dancing to the beat of the music. I got a little thirsty so I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and since they were all having a great. As I was getting a glass of water I overheard their conversation.

"So your ex-girlfriend is back?" One of her friends asked Becky.

" Yeah." Becky answered.

"So what are you gonna do with her? Don't tell us you're taking her back." One asked.

"I'm not dumb. I'm so over her. I'm not gonna take her back for fucksake. I've moved on. I'm just doing this to make her suffer." Becky said. They laughed and clapped evily.

My heart broke at what she just said. It's fine for me if she wants me to suffer because I could bare it but hearing her said that she moved on that's it my heart shattered into pieces.

I fell asleep until I realized there was no music. Maybe they're done hanging out, I told myself. I peaked through the living room and saw that everybody's gone. I walked in and saw Becky sleeping on the couch. I cleaned the mess carefully trying not to wake her up. I removed all the trash and the empty glasses.
When I was done, I kneeled down infront of Becky.

"Hi Baby, you're still beautiful as ever. You may be a bitch to me now but I'm not giving up on you. If you don't forgive it's okay, but please don't forget the real you because this is not the Becky that I know." I whispered and moved her hairstrand that was on her face. Her lashes and beautiful face that I could stare forever makes me want to lean in for a kiss but of course I didn't.

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