Fate and Faith - Part 5

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Becky's POV

I was combing Lily's hair as we were about to go to bed.

"Mommy?" Lily said.

"Yes, baby?" I asked as I was brushing her hair slowly.

"Are we gonna stay here forever with Y/N?" Lily asked and I was taken aback by her question.

"Uhm why do you ask,baby?" I said.

"Well, I like her, mommy. She's very kind." Lily said.

"Yes baby and I like her too more than you know." I said and kissed her head. Suddenly, there was a knock on our door.

"Hello." Y/N greeted as I opened the door.

"Hi." I said and smiled at her.

"I have something for you , Lily." Y/N said and Lily stood up.

I saw Y/N holding something behind her back.

"Tadah!" Y/N announced as she handed a doll. My eyes widened as I saw the doll. I know it was expensive.

"Wow. Look, mommy it's Princess Anna from frozen." Lily squealed and showed me her new doll.

"Wow. What will you say, baby?" I said.

"Thank you." Lily said and hugged Y/N's hips.

"Aww. You're welcome." Y/N said and tapped her head.
Lily went straight to her bed and played with her new toy.

"Thank you, Y/N." I said and Y/N nodded.

I looked at Lily and how Y/N made her happy. Then I remembered Megan kissing a man earlier at the mall.

"I have to go to bed. I just came to give Lily that. Goodnight, Becky." Y/N said.

"Goodnight, Y/N." Then she left the room.

Weeks passed and my guilt was killing me everytime I see Megan and Y/N together.

One afternoon, Y/N took me and Lily to go buy a gift for Megan since their anniversary was coming up. I always obey her since I still know my place. We were driving around the city until Y/S suddenly stopped the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked and looked at Y/N. Her eyes widened and I followed her gaze. Then there was. There was Megan with the same man I saw weeks ago in the mall. Their arms were wrapped around each others as they were standing outside a coffee shop. I looked back at Y/N and her face was flaring red. I was about to say something but she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and rushed out the car slamming the door. She went towards to where Megan was.
"Shit." I cursed to myself.

"Lily, stay in the car." I said to Lily and I followed
Y/N outside.


I saw Megan snogging a man. My blood was rising so I got out of the car and walked towards them.
As they saw me, Megan's eyes widened looking scared and shock at the same time.

"Megan?" I asked . My voice was cracking. I was clutching my fist when I look at the man.

"Y/N." Megan said.

"Who is he?" I asked trying to calm myself.

"This is Joe." Megan answered shakingly.

"And Joe is?" I continued.

"My boyfriend. I wanted to tell you but..." She started but I didn't lt her finish.

"No. I don't need your explanation. We're done." I said. Then I saw Becky standing behind me.

"Let's go, Becky." I said.

I walked to the car so fast with Becky behind me. As we both got inside the car, I quickly drove off.
I didn't notice I was speeding up.

"Y/N slow down." Becky said then I stopped beside the road. I broke down and cried with my head on the wheel. I felt Becky's hand rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

"It's okay. Let it out." Becky whispered. I sobbed so hard but I tried to hold it back since we have Lily inside. I pulled myself together and drove us back home.

Becky's POV

Y/N drove us back after what just happened.

"Uhm. Honey, can you go upstairs to our room for a moment." I told Lily and she nodded.

I saw Y/N sitting in the sofa with her head down and she was crying so hard.
I slowly sat beside her and rubbed her back.

"I'm so sorry." I said and at the same time I felt guilty of not telling her the truth.

"No. It's not your fault. Megan is my first true love. I was so dumb for her. I did everything for her but I felt like it wasn't enough for her to look for a man." Y/N sniffed.

"You did everything right. It was her who didn't value the things you did for her. Don't blame yourself." I said and kept calming her down.

A few minutes later, Y/N stopped crying but just stared down. I couldn't take it anymore, if she gets mad at me I have to deal with it since she has the right to so I started.

"Y/N, there is something I want to tell you." I said.

"Uhm remember when we were at the mall when you were buying airpods with Lily?" I asked.

"Uhmm what about it?" She said without looking at me.

"Then you told me like I've seen a ghost?" I continued and she hummed in response.

"It was Megan. I saw Megan kissing the man from earlier." I added. Y/N looked at me and straightened herself up.

"What?" She asked and I nodded.

"So you're trying to say that you already know that Megan was cheating on me?" Y/N in a loud tone and I just nodded.

"What the fuck!" Y/N yelled.

"I was going to tell you but I just couldn't find the right time and right words." I tried to explain.

"I let you and your daughter stay in my house and this is how you going to repay me. I trust you with everything but why like this?" She was yelling at me and I know she was so hurt and disappointed.

"I'm really sorry." I said and tears started to escape my eyes.

"You know what?Forget it. I think you should leave." Y/N said and my eyes widened.

"What?" I whispered.

"I want to be alone. Please just leave." She said and I didn't hesitate to stand up and went upstairs to get Lily. Of course she has the right to do that. I told myself. I entered the room and saw Lily playing. I wiped my tears and went to her.

"Baby, come with me. We are going out somewhere." I said and Lily stood up and I carried her in my arms.

I walked down with Lily and Y/N was sitting on the sofa without looking at us. I slowly stepped outside and walked out of the house.

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