Lust or Love - Part 7

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Becky's POV

I wasn't sure what to do anymore, so I went to Mike.
As I reached his flat , I slowly walked inside.

"Hey babe." He greeted.

"Hey." I said back. He went towards me and hugged me.

"What's wrong with you?" He chuckled. Of course he noticed I went stiff and didn't hug back.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about work." I answered.

"Well, this will be the perfect time to give you these." Mike said and handed me a small envelope. I looked at him curiously and took it from his hand.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Hmm, open it." He said. I slowly opened it and it was a ticket overseas.

"A ticket to Paris?" I said and looked at him. I didn't know what or how to react.

"Yes. You know to have a great time and we can have more privacy in there." Mike said and winked at me. I don't know but I'm starting to feel cringe when he does that.

"Mike, babe, uhmm thanks. ." Was all I said.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Of course." I lied and I gave him a smile as the best I can. Mike surprisingly kissed my lips and hugged me. Instead of long dicussion I just hug him back.

Later that evening, I was walking around the street with Irin and I told her about the ticket.

"So what did you say to Mike?" Irin asked as we were walking.

"I just said thanks. I didn't know what to say so I just thanked him." I answered and sipped my milktea.

"What? Do you want to go with him to Paris? Just the two of you?" She asked .I sighed and took a last sip.

"Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't know." I said and I took a deep breath.

"Remember you're still married." Irin said.

As we were walking down the street looking for a restaurant, Irin stopped.

"Wait, Becky is that Y/N with...?" She asked pointing at a fancy restaurant. I looked to the direction where Irin was pointing and I saw Y/N with non other than my cousin Faye. I could clearly see them through the window they were standing and talking to each other. I felt sad and jealous at the same time. I know Y/N and I broke up but I still couldn't help but feel jealous. I saw them talking comfortably with each other. I got annoyed by just looking at them so I walked away quickly.

"Bec, wait." Irin called. I walked so fast until I spotted a bench and sat down.

Irin sat beside me.

"That bitch. I know Faye's just trying to get back at me." I said angrily and clenched my fist.

"Hey. Are you jealous?" Irin asked carefully. I slowly nodded and tears started to form in my eyes.

"Come here." Irin said and she put her arm around my shoulder.

"They're just talking. They're probably not dating. Don't overthink."Irin said to soothe my emotion.

"They're inside that fancy restaurant. Of course, they have a date." I said sadly.

"So you still love Y/N. Don't you?" Irin asked.

"She's still my wife, Irin. She's going out with my mortal enemy. Out of all people in this world, why her? How can I not be jealous of that?" I said and started sniffing.

"I understand. Come on let's just go home. You're probably not hungry anymore." Irin said.

I went home and sat down in the living room and watched some movie. I wasn't paying attention to the movie since couldn't get off the scenario of Y/N and Faye at the restaurant. I realized I couldn't bare seeing them together. My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang.

I looked at the screen and it was attorney.

"Hello?" I said.

"Good evening, Ma'am."Attorney greeted.

"Good evening too, Attorney." I said.

"I'm sorry for calling this late. Can you come to my office tomorrow morning. I just want to discuss about the divorce papers so we can approve it once everything is settled." Attorney said and I suddenly got nervous.

"Yes, Attorney." I said.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow , Ma'am." He said and hung up.

I put down my phone and went back to watch the movie. Maybe starting tomorrow I'll be officially and legally divorced to my wife Y/N. I sighed and I don't know if I could handle it. I told my self.


Sorry for not updating the previous days I was busy. Hehe. I know this is really short and sorry for making you wait for the next chapters. Thank you for your patience , dear readers😊

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