Lust or Love - Part 5

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Becky's POV

One afternoon, I just finished work and Mike asked me to have dinner with him.

"I'm glad Y/N already signed the divorce paper." Mike started.

"Yeah." Was all I said and started eating.

"So when do you plan to move in with me?" Mike asked and I almost choked.

"Uhm, Mike, don't you think we're going too fast? I mean, yes I want to move in with you but the papers are still on process. Me and Y/N are still not legally separated." I told Mike.

"It's the same thing. You already handed the paper to the attorney so it means you're not married now. It will be easier for us too if we live in together and we can have sex anytime we want." Mike said with a smirk and carressed my hand. I don't know but I cringed when he said the last part.

I slowly pulled my hand back.

"You know what, why don't we just enjoy the food , okay." I said just to change the topic.

After dinner, I told Mike that I was gonna meet up with Irin so he didn't need to drive me home but I lied. I actually wanted to go home to me and Y/N's house. I started to feel bad about this divorce thing.

As I reached the house, I saw bags on the living room. Later on, Y/N walked down the stairs carrying another bag. Is she already leaving?

"Y/N, what is this?" I carefully asked.

"Ohw. I'm just gonna go and stay with my parents for awhile." Y/N said.

"Why? You can still stay here. The house is big enough and we have our own rooms." I said. I didn't want her to leave yet. I wasn't expecting that she will leave this instant.

"Well, I think it's much better if we go on our separate ways now, you know." She said.

"But you bought this house. This house mean so much to you, right? I should be the one leaving, not you." I said in concerned tone.

"That's why I'm leaving. I bought this for us and I don't think I can still live here in this house with so much memories." Y/N said and her voice was cracking but she was trying to smile.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said.

"No need to feel sorry. I must go now. Bye Becky. Just call me if you need financially for the divorce process. Take care." She said but before she could leave I grabbed her arm. She looked at me confused and I immediately pulled her into an embrace. Y/N hugged me back and it wasn't different.
Then Y/N pulled away and slowly planted a kiss on my cheek for 3 seconds. I closed my eyes for a moment.

I watched her walked out of the house as she put her bags in her car and drove off. I closed the door and looked around our house. I remembered everything. How we danced in the living room with slow music, our cuddles when we watched a movie. Decorating together during Christmas seasons and all those
lovey-doveys we shared here in our home.

I sat down in the living room and started crying. I fucked up.


I left the house and went to my parents home. I wanted to stay in my own home but It'll just hurt me more if I stay longer. Becky didn't want me in her life so I think it's better if I just move on and start all over.

2 weeks later

I was at work and I was very busy in the company supervising my employees and doing paperworks when I got a message from Becky's mom. She was inviting me on her birthday party tonight. Of course I didn't hesitate to say yes since she's also my mom.

Aftet work, I drove to the venue of the party even though I was already late.As I arrived , there were already lots of families and close friends.
I saw Becky talking with her relatives looking pretty as always, then her mom came to me.

"Y/N, good to see you." Becky's mom said and hugged me.

"Happy Birthday Mom, I'm sorry I'm late. This is for you." I said and handed her present.

"Oh it's okay and thank you , dear. " she said and we talked for awhile. She didn't look at me differently even if me and Becky were not together anymore I could still feel her warm welcome.

Becky's POV

I saw Y/N talking to my mom, I remember the first time I told my family about our relationship and how they welcomed Y/N to our family was the best time. The feeling was great when your lover is accepted by your family, right. My mom was disappointed when she I told her about our marriage falling apart and when we went on our separate ways.

Later on, my cousin Faye came. Faye and I were so close when we were kids until our teenage years. When she found out I was sneaking around with her boyfriend behind her back when we were in highschool and that's when we stopped talking to each other again. I was a naughty spoiled brat teenager back then but when I met Y/N I learn how to fall inlove.
Faye walked towards me.

"Hey Becky." Faye greeted and I was shocked that she talked to me.

"Hi," I said back and I was still not happy of what I did to her back then.

"So, I heard that you're getting a divorce with your wife." She said and I didn't say anything.
"I remember something what you did in highschool maybe it's called "karma"." Faye said it to my face.

"Look Faye, I'm really sorry. I know what I did was wrong and I was immature back then. Please don't bring up my marriage with Y/N because it has nothing to do with it. I may be messed up but please I need respect to that." I said and Faye chuckled sarcastically.

"Respect? You're asking me to respect you after what you did to me? Huh. You're funny." She said and sipped her drink. I watched her as she turned her gaze to Y/N.
"Oh, isn't that your wife Y/N talking to your mom? Hmm I just realized how cute she is. I want to talk to her, can I?." Faye asked and looked at me but before I could say something she cut me off. "Oh, why am I asking for your permission, you two already broke up, so it should be fine." She said and was about to walk to Y/N but I caught her arm.

"Stop being a bitch just to get back at me. We're not yet legally divorced, she's still my wife." I glared at her. Then she shook her arm from my grip.
"You're the bitch here ,not me. I know you're seeing someone while you're still married. What's his name again? Mike?" Faye said and how did she know that.
"What? Can't speak? Still you didn't change. I should excuse myself." Faye said and walked away. She went towards Y/N.

They started talking to each other and I could see
Y/N laughing with her. They seemed to enjoy each others company. I watched them as I already felt annoyed. I know Faye was doing that on purpose. I took one bottle of wine and went out to the back of the hall on a porch and started chugging on the wine down my system. I felt anger, jealousy and guilt. I realized how terrible person and a wife I am.

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