Lust or Love - Part 10

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Becky's POV

The next morning, I went to Mike's house.

"Mike, I want to talk to you." I said as I Was standing infront of him in the living room.

"Sure, what is it , babe?" He asked.

"Uhm, I want to end this." I started and he chuckled.

"End what?" He asked like he didn't know what I was trying to say.

"I want to end what we have. We should stop seeing each other. We have to cut off our communication." I said.

"Wait, is this a prank? I've seen this on tiktok.. you're just pranking me, right." He said and was about to laugh.

"Why would I joke about this. Can you be serious this time. I'm breaking up with you. To be clear." I said and he stopped.

"Why?" He asked. I could see his face still not being serious.

"What we are doing isn't right." I said.

"What's not right? You broke up with your wife." He said.

"Well it turned out it was me who didn't sign the paper. I realized that I'm still inlove with my wife. I'm sorry." I said and I was about to turn my back around but he caught my arm.

"Why? What does your wife have that I don't? Did you sleep with her then you realized that? I swear that I'm better than her in bed." Mike said. I pulled my arm from his grip and slapped his face.

"What does she have that you don't? Y/N loves me unconditionally. She takes care of me like I'm the most precious thing in this world. I feel real love with her. All you want is to fuck me whenever you want to. I couldn't believe I fell for you. So if you'll excuse me I'm going home and that is to my wife. She's my home." I said. I fixed myself and walked out of Mike's house.

I drove to the nearest restaurant to get a take out lunch for my wife then went to her office. I wanted her back. As soon as I arrived at her office, I slowly knocked on her door. I didn't wait for her to say "come in" but being her wife I always have the right to enter her room whenever I want to so I slid inside her office.
I stopped my tracks as I saw Y/N standing so close to a girl that I haven't seen before. The girl looked gorgeous and her hands were wrapped around Y/N arm as they were busy giggling with each other and it was obvious they didn't notice me. When they both saw me, I watched the girl as she let go of Y/N.

"Sorry. Did I come at a wrong time?" I asked.

"Becky. Uhm what a surprise visit." Y/N said.

"Yeah. I came to bring you some lunch." I said and the girl looked at me smiling.

"Oh so you must be Becky." The girl said and walked towards me.

"Yes and I'm her wife." I said in a claiming what's mine tone.

"I'm Lisa. Y/N told me all about you. It's true that you are beautiful." She said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course, my wife never lie." I said and Lisa nodded.

"Uhm Lisa. Will you give us a minute, please?" Y/N said. Lisa gave a smile at Y/N then she went out the room.

"So, Becky, what brings you here?" Y/N asked smiling but I felt like I'm not someone she should expect.

"Uhhm. I just came to give you lunch." I said and handed the bag. Y/N didn't hesitate to take it and put it on her table.

"Thank you, Becky." She said and I smiled at her.

"Y/N? Who is Lisa?" I asked and Y/N looked at me. I didn't know but I already felt hurt to hear her answer.

"Lisa is a music teacher , also a dance mentor and we met in a Korean restaurant a few days ago. She's a friend, Becky.
I'm seeing her. I was going to tell you but I know that it's not important to you who I'm seeing right now." Y/N said and the way she said that breaks me. She didn't know I'm still married to her.

"Right. I see the way she wraps her hands around your arm. Well , you look good together." I said and I started to sniff.

"Hey , are you okay?" Y/N asked . I lowered my head to avoid her contact and I don't want her to see me hurting.

"Yes. I'm just happy for you. I have to go. Enjoy your lunch." I said. I didn't wait for Y/N to say a word and I quickly rushed out her office sniffing.

Now I know how it feels when I was with Mike. It felt hell'a like this. I ran to my car and sobbed. How can I tell her that I called the divorce off when she started seeing someone. What's the purpose of telling her that I broke up with Mike to be with her again. It's clearly too late.

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