School Queen - Part 12

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Becky's POV

After Y/N just witnessed, I ran back inside Nam's house and gathered my things. Nam and Charlotte tried to calm me down but it was no use. I was panicking and crying. I saw Billy himself.

"Becky, I..." Billy started and I didn't let him finish, so I went to him and slapped his face really hard. Nam and Charlotte ran after me and stopped me before I could kill Billy for what he did.

"Fuck you, Billy. You took advantage of me. How could you do that ?" I started yelling at him.

Nam told Billy to leave before anything could happen because I was so mad at him. I was crying and Nam and Charlotte tried to comfort me but of course, it wouldn't help. I couldn't bear to see Y/N mad at me especially because of this. I wanted to talk to her and beg for her forgiveness as the best as I could.

Charlotte drove me home since I wasn't in a state of mind. As I reached home, I quickly ran to the bedroom before anyone in the house could notice. I locked myself inside and cried. I was holding my phone and kept on calling Y/N but she wouldn't pick up and it always lead straight into voicemail. Of course, she was really mad at me right now for her to talk to me. I went to shower and wash up my body with the thought of how dirty I was after sleeping with Billy. I kept on cursing and I sat on the tub and cried. I was so messed up.

After showering, I gathered up myself but I still couldn't puzzle up my words. I fixed myself and went to Y/N's house. My hands were shaking as I rang the doorbell, then Y/N's maid opened the gate for me and signalled me to get in. She told me to wait for
Y/N in the living room. Later on, Y/N walked down the stairs. Her eyes were swollen red from crying.
My chest was rising as she slowly approached me. She was really mad.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay away from me?" Y/N said angrily and my heart was aching.

"I came to explain. Please baby just hear me out. You know how much I love you." I answered . I was about to hold her hand but she backed away so I started to explain myself.

"I didn't know Billy would be there, none of us knew, he just showed up. Nam let him even though I didn't want to. I ignored him until Nam and Charlotte passed out and went to sleep. Of course I stayed up to keep an eye on the girls since Billy wasn't leaving until I took a sip of my drink, I didn't know what happend after that, I got dizzy and everything went blank." I explained while tears rolling down my face.

"So you're saying that Billy drugged you? Really? You really think I would believe that? Maybe that's why you didn't  let me drive you to Nam because you know Billy would be there." Y/N said and she was starting to raise her voice.

"No, I didn't know Billy would be there. Please baby, believe me. I'll never hurt you." I cried and I hugged her tight as I could but she was trying to push me.

"Let go Becky.." Y/N commanded. I shook my head and I held onto her tighter . still sobbing.

"No, I'm not letting go. Y/N please . I'm so sorry, baby. Please forgive me,I love you."I begged. Y/N grabbed my shoulders and separated me from her.

"You need to leave. I don't want to hear anything from you. I'm sorry. There's the door, please." Y/N said and left me. She went upstairs to her bedroom and left me crying. I slowly exited their house and hugged myself. I was sobbing and my heart shattered into pieces.

It's been a week and Y/N still didn't want to talk to me. It was really hard for me to see her everyday in school but she just ignored me. I send her messages every single day even though I don't get a reply I still send her care and I love you's. My eyebags were terrible and I looked so haggard but I didn't care.

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