School Queen - Part 13

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Becky's POV

I didn't go to class since my head was killing me. Nam and Charlotte called me to check up on me if I was okay and I thank them for taking care of me. How I wished Y/N would ask me how I was but of course she was still mad at me and I was really embarassed at the same time after all.

I stayed at my room for hours thinking about how am I gonna make it up with Y/N. I got up and decided to go to Y/N's house. It wasn't that far so I just took a walk.
As I arrived, I rang the door bell and their maid P'Bear opened it for me.

"Hi , Good afternoon. Is Y/N here?" I asked politely.

"Hello N'Becky. Y/N is still in school." P'Bear said and I nodded.

"Do you want to come in and wait for her inside?" She asked.

"Uhm I. Uhm How was she by the way? Do you think it would be okay for her if she sees me here?" I asked sadly.

"She was really upset to be honest. Sometimes
Y/N doesn't touch her food. I'm sure she won't mind if you're here. " P'Bear smiled at me and she let me in.

I sat in the living room and looked at the time and I still have an hour before Y/N would come home.
So I looked for P'Bear.

"Uhm P'Bear. I want to do something for Y/N. Can you help me?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?" P'Bear replied.

"I want to cook her favorite pasta. Atleast somehow she has something to eat when she arrived from school. I'm sure she's tired." I said and P'Bear gladly obeyed.

We both went to the kitchen and looked for some ingredients that they have and luckily there was. P'Bear helped me sliced the ingredients while she shared how lucky she was to be their maid. She's been taking care of Y/N since she was young and they treated her like a family.

I started cooking the sauce and boiled the pasta. I put lots of Thai Basil in the pasta sauce since Y/N love Thai Basil. I put on all my effort to make it delicious. I really hoped she'll love it. I made her an orange juice and a toasted bread for the sides. I prepared the table and set up the plate for her, until the door opened. My heartbeat suddenly rise , I know it was her.

"Wow, P'Bear it smells so good." Y/N shouted from the living room. I stayed in the kitchen and waited for her. Y/N walked in the kitchen and she was stunned to see me. I smiled at her but she just looked at me blankly. It hurts me everytime I see her annoyed when she shees me.

"Uhm Hi baby." I greeted and she just nodded.

"I made you your favorite. You must be hungry and tired from school. Uhm here have a seat." I said and pulled out the chair for her. She didn't hesitate to sit down and it makes me blushed even if she's been so cold to me. Of course if your girlfriend cheated on you you would be so cold and mad, so I couldn't blame her. But in my situation it was an accident, I didn't do it on purpose.

I put some pasta on her plate and placed it infront of her and poured the orange juice as well on a glass.

"I made it myself. Uhm well of course P'Bear helped me." I said proudly.

Y/N started to dig in and I could see she was enjoying it.

"Aren't you gonna join me?" Y/N asked coldly but she wasn't looking at me.

"Uhm I..." before I could answer , she continued.

"Go get a plate and eat with me and P'Bear too." She said and I obeyed her.

I called P'Bear and we joined Y/N in the table. It was a deafening silence and really awkward. I looked at Y/N while she was eating and smiled at her.

"Just so you know Y/N. Becky did all the cooking. It's delicious , right?" P'Bear said and smiled at me.
Y/N didn't say anything and just eat. She's really cute.

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