Fate and Faith - Part 11

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Becky's POV

"Mommy, mommy!" Lily screamed while I was fixing the bed. She came running to me and I immediately picked her up. I almost got a heart attacked with her high pitched voice.

"Yes, honey. What is it?what's wrong?" I asked worridly as I rubbed her back.

"There are hands on wall of the bathroom." Lily said in a scared voice and she was hugging me tight.
I went inside the bathroom to have a look and I definitely knew what she meant. It was my handmarks from me and Y/N's steamy lovemaking last night in the shower. I should have wiped it after. I tried so hard to restrain myself from laughing.

I went back and put Lily down and I tried to think of something to get me out.

"Uhm. Honey, it was just my hand marks, okay?I went to shower last night while you were asleep and Mommy almost slipped so I took a hold on the wall so I wouldn't fall that's why there were marks. You don't have to worry, okay?" I said and kissed her forehead. Lily nodded then later on, the door swung open revealing a panicking Y/N.

"What happened? Are you guys okay? I heard Lily screamed." Y/N asked worridly.

"Yeah. Lily went to the toilet and got scared of the handmarks." I told Y/N hoping to get the meaning of it . I winked at her so she could play along with me.

"Oh. Why? What about the handmarks?" Y/N asked like she didn't know.

"Well, when I was in the shower last night I almost fell but luckily I held on the wall so it prevented me from hitting the floor." I answered and I saw Y/N smiling like an idiot knowing she has a participation for those marks.

"Right. So be careful next time." Y/N said and winked at me.
"Come on, Lily. Let's have breakfast downstairs." She added.

I finished fixing and cleaning our bedroom before going downstairs.

After breakfast, Y/N went to work and of course I had to look after the house and Lily. Three hours layer while I was cleaning in the living room there was a knock at the door. I had no idea who it was so I looked through the window and I recognized the car that was parked outside. I took a heavy sigh and opened the door.

"Ms. Megan. Hi." I greeted and flashed her a smile.

"Hello, Becky." Megan greeted back.

"Uhm, Well Y/N is at work. Do you want me to..." before I finished my sentence, Megan cut me off.

"No. I'm not here to see Y/N." She said and I got suddenly nervous.

"Oh. Well uh.. Is there anything I can help?" I asked.

"I came to talk to you." Megan said and I nodded.

I gestured her to get inside and she sat in the living room. I sat opposite her and Megan eyed me from head to toe.

"So, Becky, do you have a husband?" Megan asked in a serious tone and I just shook my head.

"A boyfriend?" Megan continued.

"No, I don't." I answered and Megan hummed in response.

"So. what's your relationship with Y/N?" She asked and I couldn't answer straight so I just stayed silent. I looked at Megan and I knew she got my point.

"Hmm I see. So that explains that hickey on your neck. Am I right?" She asked and I almost forgot I have that but It was too late to hide it.

"Uhm. Ms. Megan, Please not infront of my daughter." I said in a low voice.

"Why not? Are you embarassed of what you're doing?" Megan said and I didn't know exactly what she was trying to do to me.

"So tell me, you took advantage of Y/N's feelings after we broke up, right. It was like you're there for her as a friend , comfort her when she's hurting blah blah blah but deep inside you're getting her attention and taking advantage of her when she's feeling low so she would fall for you. You seduced her in short." Megan said insensitively.

"No. I never did that. I respect Y/N so much and I respect you too. I never show an ulterior motive to Y/N. I never seduced her." I explained carefully and Megan chuckled sarcastically.

"You're just desperate because she is being generous." Megan said and I closed my eyes to calm myself.

"So, may I ask what are you trying to tell me?" I asked.

"I'm just saying that don't be too proud of yourself. I still couldn't believe that she replaced me easily with someone like you. A homeless poor single-mom who is so desperate for love and money. " Megan spat on me and stood up. When she walked out the door, I followed her.

"Megan." I called and she turned around raising her eyebrow. She crossed her arms and looked at me.

"I think this is the time I will just call you by your name. So you came all the way to give me a sermon. Yes, Y/N and I are together. It's not my fault that she didn't come after you. You cheated on her, it's your fault that she broke up with you. Then telling me those things just to make me feel bad about myself, I actually am not. You don't know me. You don't know what I've been through for you to tell me those things. Do you think I would be insecure about everything you said. You're wrong. You are the one that is insecure, not me. So keep your mouth shut because you don't know my story." I told Megan. I got fed up so that's why I got the courage to say those things. She just looked at me and paused until she went into her car and drove off.

At dinner

"Becky, are you okay?You seemed so quiet." Y/N asked.
"Yeah. I'm okay." I answered.

"Becky, I want to introduce you to my parents." Y/N said and I stopped my dinner.

"Uhm Y/N? I would really love to meet your parents but uh I don't think I'm ready yet." I said and Y/N looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked.

"Uhm. I want to talk to you about something." I said.

"Sure. What is it?" She asked while eating dinner.

"I want to look for a job." I started. Y/N paused and looked at me.

"Yeah?" She asked and I nodded.

"I don't want to embarass you to your parents. I want to atleast be confident when I meet them and I have a daughter she's my responsibility." I explained.

"Anywhere and any job that I could fit. Since Me and Lily are living with you. I want to help you. I want to help you on paying bills, for the foods and our needs. I also want to save money so I can send Lily to school in the next school year since she'll be turning 4." I added.

"Whatever your decision is, I'll support you. I'm
not gonna force you if you're not ready to meet them yet. It's okay and I'll support you for Lily's schooling." Y/N smiled at me.

"Thank you so much. Can I ask for a favor?" I said and.

"Go ahead." She answered.

"Can you watch after Lily for me while I'll look for a job. I was thinking if I could use your day off and I'll go look?" I asked.

"Of course. Don't worry I'll look after her." Y/N said.

"Thank you so much." I said.
We went back eating the dinner then after that we watched a movie together with Lily in the living room. Lily sat on my lap while I rest my head on
Y/N's shoulder. We spent the night chilling and hanging out . Even if Y/N and I are together, we still keep ourselves not to be touchy with each other especially when Lily is around.

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