School Queen - Part 16 (ending)

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Becky's POV

The next morning, I spent the whole day with Y/N and her family at the resort. We took a swim at the beach and had a great time playing. Y/N's family is amazing and I had really fun time with them.

That evening, they drove me home. I thank everyone for having me and bid them goodnight.
As I entered our house , I saw my mom sitting in the living room.

"Hi mom." I kissed her cheeks.

"Hey Honey, so how was your trip?" My mom asked.

"It's amazing mom and they are really nice to me." I answered and my mom just nodded.

"Good, can I talk to you Becky for a minute?" Mom asked.

"Sure, Mom. Is everything okay?" I said and I put my bags dow and sat next to her.

" How long have you and Y/N been together?" Mom asked in a serious tone.

"6 months." I answered.

"Hmm, you already hang out with her family. So you two are obviously serious." Mom said and I didn't get what she was trying to say.

"Yes mom." I politely answered.

"So tell me, what makes you want to date her?it's not like I don't believe in you. When you became a teenager I prepared myself that I know when you reach your age you will go out and date, but what makes you want to date her?" My mom asked and I was slightly wasn't expecting that.

"It's not actually a difficult question but I don't know how to explain it." I said.

"You can try." Mom said and I smiled.

"Everyone knows me as a spoiled brat and mean in school. I went out with guys but they're all the same. They were after my popularity and my body but they left me when I didn't give in and it hurts. They didn't care about me, they didn't think that I was also hurting not because they left me but because they let me feel that are all after of getting me to bed. Everytime I see Y/N in school, I'm not annoyed at her or hate her. I always looked at her in school. I see her in library , cafeteria and I didn't realize I had a crush on her but she never looked my way and it makes me sad that someone like her will never like me. So when I started picking up on her, it hurts me. I did that because I wanted her attention, I know it is in a very bad way but I just wanted her to remember me or even think of me even in that way. But I realized, I had to stop what I was doing to her. I started to be nice to her. But you know what mom, even if I was like that she never despised me. When I started hanging out with her, she gave me chance, that's when I realized I was falling for her." Tears started to form in my eyes as I remember how Y/N was so nice to me after what I did.

"Y/N deserves a big apology from me. When we started dating, she never bring out the past or talk about it. She chose to forget it. I know she'll never forget what I was to her but still she chose being with me. She is very understanding and she really cares about me and I'm doing the same for her. If I could, I want to marry her right away because I know I'll never find someone like her, but we want to chase our dreams first. We both want to have a better future. If it wasn't for her , I would still be the person I was but when Y/N came into my life , she changed me. I really love her so much , Mom. I know you have doubts but trust me on this." I said and my tears fell down my cheeks.
Mom moved closer to me and put her arms around me.

"Honey, it was you who changed your life. I'm really proud of you and I believe in you. I promise you I will always here to support you and your love to each other." My mom said and hugged me. She smiled at me and wiped my tears.

"So, come on, now tell me how was your day with her and her family. You can leave the naughty details." Mom joked and I was a little embarassed and she laughed.

I shared her my experience with Y/N's family and we also had a mother-daughter talk. To be honest, I was never this open to my mom but now I feel comfortable of telling her anything.

I became closer and open to my mom. Y/N and I were going strong. After graduation, me and Y/N went to a different universities. We took different courses and we also made new friends. It was hard not to see each other inweeks or perhaps months but we always do facetime and chats. We even argued due to different schedules but we always make up to each other. When we have time, we make the most of it. We go on dates, hang out and of course there's always the naughty stuff. Lol. Even if it is a long distance, we always communicate and most importantly our trust for each other. I always bare in my mind that being away from each other is just temporary, so we have to stay strong because at the end, we will be together and be with each other for the rest of our lives.

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