Different Lives - Part 8

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Becky's POV

I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face through the window. As soon as I adjusted my eyes, I held the blanket that was covering my naked body and smiled as I remembered what happend last night. I looked at Y/N who was still asleep beside me. I smiled at her and stared at her for a moment. She looked so cute though. Later on, Y/N stirred from her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. She grinned at me and I didn't know but I kinda feel shy as I remember how loud I was last night.

"Good morning, love." Y/N said smiling as she put on a sleeveless shirt and went back on the bed beside me.

"Good morning." I answered and she was still smiling at me. I clutched the blankets tightly to my body since I was still naked.

"Are you okay?" She asked chuckling.

"Uhmm." I said and palmed my face from embarassment.

"I like the sounds you made last night." Y/N joked and I playfully hit her arms.

"Shut up." I said and she laughed.

"But It was the best night. I love you." She said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I said. I touched her face and pecked her lips. I fixed the blanket around my body as It was about to slip.

"What are you doing? It's not like I haven't seen you. You weren't even shy last night undressing infront of me." Y/N joked and I blushed since she was right.

"Y/N, please. Stop making fun of me." I pouted.

"Just kidding. I'll just go to the kitchen to prepare your breakfast. Okay?" Y/N kissed my cheeks and went out and closed the door.

I gathered all my clothes on the floor and put it on. Damn. My clothes were everywhere, I didn't know how I did that. After I fixed myself I went to the kitchen and saw Y/N making eggs , toast and coffee.
We ate together like normal couples do.

I was about to call my driver to pick me up but I remembered that I didn't let him go home. I checked outside and saw the car still outside the building. I peeped through the tinted glass and saw my driver sleeping inside. I carefully knocked and apologized for not sending home last night which he completely understand.

I went inside to tell Y/N that I should be going home and we shared a little kissing.

"I'll call you later, okay?" I said.

"Sure. Take care." Y/N answered and gave me a soft kiss.

I ran outside and hopped inside the car.

When I reached home, I was surprised to see my mom at home, since mostly she was at the company.

"Mom. What are you doing home?" I said as I tried to act normally.

"Did you just got in?" Mom asked and I nodded slowly. She eyed me from head to toe.

"Where were you?"she added.

"Uhm, I was at Irin's." I lied.

"Irin's huh. Same clothes from yesterday." She said and I couldn't speak or even move.

"You are with that woman that you called a friend. With Y/N." Mom answered.

"I saw everything, Rebecca. You think I didn't notice last night at the dinner. To confirm my speculations, I followed you. I saw you with her outside of some building which was her apartment where she lives. Am I right? Do you usually talk to your friends that way? Probably not. Then you went inside and stayed with her that's why you just go home today. Am I correct?" Mom asked as she crossed her arms.

"Yes, Mom. "I answered and lowered my head.

"What happend to you? You have everything you need here. So this is the reason why you don't like Nat." She added and this time I started to speak.

"I don't like Nat. I really don't. " I replied.

"Then what can this woman offer you? Can she feed you? Can she protect you? Think about your career. What will other people say if they find out your dating this woman? What can she give you?" Mom yelled at me.

"I found love in her. Do you want me to be with Nat who wanted me for fame? Nat goes out with different women everynight, I kept this since I don't want to ruin him infront of you but that's what he is. Do you want me to be with that kind of a person? While Y/N loves me truly. She doesn't take advantage of me and she gives me so much respect." I said and tried my best to explain myself.

"I don't want to argue with you about this but I want you to end everything you have between you and this woman. Done." Mom said and left. I was so mad and ran upstairs slamming the door shut.


I was working at the back kitchen in shop when my manager called me.

"Y/N, someone wants to see you here." My manager called. Who could it be? Probably it's not Becky because everytime she comes she doesn't let anyone know she's here.
My manager pointed the table at the coner and I saw a woman sitting facing her back at me.

I walked towards the woman and when I reached the table, I recognized her. It was Becky's mom.

"Mrs. Armstrong. Good morning." I said nervously and gave her my greetings and she nodded her head.

"Why don't you sit down." She said and I carefully obeyed.

"So, Y/N. You're seeing my daughter, right?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush here. So tell me, what can you give to Becky? She's a high end girl while you are just a commoner. What can you offer her?" She directly asked and I was fiddling my hands under the table.

"Ma'am, I love your daughter. I love her so much. I know you won't support me for her. Believe it or not Ma'am , I tried my best to hold my feelings but I fell for her. I couldn't stop it. I never take advantage of her and I respect her so much. I'm not gonna hurt your daughter. I'm not gonna hurt Becky." I explained and I looked at her and she was just not buying it.

"That's not the answer I was asking for. So it's clear that you can't offer her anything. I don't want Becky to be with someone who can't protect her. So I'm asking you Y/N to leave my daughter." She said and my headt breaks.

"Listen, Y/N. I'm a strict mom when it comes to my children but my husband is much more strict than me. Don't wait until my husband finds out about your relationship with Becky. He will never allow you to come near us. My husband will do anything to keep you away from Becky. I'm asking you this to put yourself first before anything else. Live with the reality. I was dreadfully poor before I marry my husband until I realized that I don't want to stay like that. I studied and strive hard to atleast get an achivement so here I am. I know you get what I'm trying to say. Prove yourself first and I will allow you to date my daughter. Prove it to Becky that you can be anything you wanted to be. I promise you it will be worth it. We know Becky is a superstar, your relationship will be hidded  for now but you can't keep that forever it will soon be all over the internet and when my husband finds out about this, he'll do anything to get your hands off our only daughter. So take my advice or face the consequence. Don't tell Becky that I came here." Mrs. Armstrong said. She stood up and went out the shop. She didn't let me say a word but just left.

I went back to the kitchen and her words kept running through my head.

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