School Queen - Part 4

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3 Days Later

Becky's POV

I was at the school corridor with Nam, Charlotte and Billy. I was chatting with them while Billy's arm was around my neck when I saw Y/N walked in. To be honest I was worried about her with what happend to her. I told Nam to apologize but she didn't want to.


I know everybody in school looked at me as I cameback after the incident but I didn't care, I went to school like nothing happend. I saw Becky and her gang looking at me but I just ignore them. Engfa came to me and helped me with my stuff for our next class. I saw Becky and her group walked passed us and both me and Engfa looked at each other. That was new, they usually came to pick at me but they didn't. Oh well, so me and Engfa went to class.

After class , me and Engfa went to the library to study and do some research for our homework before going home. Engfa had a band practice so I went to home by myself. As I was walking down the block , I saw Billy's car parked by the sidewalk. It was kinda unusual to park on that spot. I wonder what was he doing there. Before I reached his car, I saw Becky came out of the car and Billy ran after her. I quickly hid behind the tree because if they saw me I might be in trouble.

Becky's POV

Billy drove me home but before we reached my house, he parked his car 3 blocks away beside the road. He started kissing me and pushed me down that turned into a heated make out session. He pushed the car seat down and came on top of me. He started touching my breast not breaking the kiss. Then his hands went to unbuckle his pants. I could feel his bulge on my legs. Then he went to open my legs and lifted my skirt up , when he was about to pull my underwear down , I pushed him off me.

"Babe what the hell?" Billy complained.

"I told you I'm not ready for this." I answered with fear on my voice.

"I promise Babe , I'll be gentle." He said and was about to continue from what he was doing. But I pushed him away before he could touch me again. I got out of his car and fix myself.

"Babe. Come on. Comeback in the car." Billy called but I ignored him and I started walking home and I could hear his car behind me.

"Fine. Then go home by yourself!" He yelled and drove off.

I was walking on my way home when I heard footsteps behind me. I slowly looked back and I saw Y/N.


I stopped my tracks when Becky saw me. If there are other ways to my home I would go the other way but none, so I didn't have a choice but to walk the same way.

"Oh it was you. Are you following me?" Becky asked in an annoyed tone.

"No. My home is just a few blocks from here so I have to walk this way." I explained and she nodded.

"You saw that , me and Billy , didn't you?" She asked and I carefully nodded.

I slowly took a few steps until I reached her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. I didn't know what came over me to ask her.

"Yeah. How about you? How are you? You just came back to school. " She added.

"I'm okay. I'm still thankful it wasn't that bad." I answered and she nodded.

We started walking together and it was really awkward. I actually know where she lived , I guess everyone in school knows that. We stopped infront of her beautiful house.

"I'll see you at school. Bye." Becky said flatly and walked inside their gate before I could say anything.

"See you." I answered back. I don't know if she heard it but of course she doesn't care so why bother right.

As I reached home, I went straight to my bedroom and I still couldn't believe that I walked home with my bully. She was actually quite nice by the way even though we didn't talk much.

Becky's POV

2 days later

After class, I went to the basketball gym to see Billy. As I reached the gym I couldn't see him, so I approached one of his friends. I don't like it when I talk to them because everytime they see me they whistle at me. I already told Billy that his friends make me uncomfortable sometimes but Billy seemed not to care since he knew it's his friends. They told me Billy didn't show up for their practice and I noticed that they were lying so I still went to his locker room to check. When I was about to reach the locker room I heard moaning and chuckling and I noticed his voice. My hands were shaking and as I opened the door I saw Billy making out with one of the cheerleaders. They both jumped in shocked when they saw me.
I crossed my arms as I waited for Billy to explain and I glared at him. Instead of getting worried , his face just grinned at me.

"I don't need to explain this to you Becky. We're done. You can't even give it to me." Billy spat on me.

"Okay fine. I don't need you in my life either." I said and rolled my eyes. I walked away with my head up high and exited the basketball gym.

I went to the bathroom and cried. Of course I was hurt not because of losing Billy , but because the way he cleared that he was only up for one thing. I texted Nam and Charlotte about what happened but they don't seem to care.

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