Bittersweet Love - 1

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"Good morning." I heard Becky greeted joyfuly and I was in the kitchen cleaning up the mess since I just had my breakfast.

"Hey. So early." I said and she sat down and poured herself some coffee. We were bestfriends since high school and we were very comfortable with each other. It's like we own each others houses no need to ask for permission like knocking and eating foods stuff like that.

"No work today?" I asked as I wiped my wet hands.

"Nope." She answered as she enjoyed her coffee.

She was scrolling through her phone and she was smiling very cutely. I slowly peaked over her shoulder to see what she was looking that made her smile. When I saw it, I decided to tease her.

"Ha! i knew it." I playfully said and poked her waist.

"What?" She asked chuckling.

"Still drooling over him huh." I teased.

"So what? He's really hot. Look at him." Beck said and showed me the picture of her crush Mike.

"Yeah. You told me that for like a million times." I said.

"I wish I could work with him." Becky said and I looked at her.

"You're a great actress, I'm pretty sure they will cast you and you did great in your audition to be his leading lady." I said in a happy tone but deep inside I didn't like the idea of it and it sounded so selfish of me.

She's my bestfriend and I secretly like her. Nobody knows about my feelings for her and I have no plans of telling her.
I've been supporting her since the beginning until she became an actress and same way she supported me in having my own restaurant. Now we both get what we dreamed of and still have each others back. But me and her being a couple was out of the list, never gonna happen. I'm happy being her bestfriend, but am I really? I kept asking myself that.

"You think so?" Becky asked.

"Of course. Oh come on, you're Becky Armstrong. All your series are a hit and your movies are always a blockbuster." I said to boost her confidence.

She looked at me and gave me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
Then my phone rang.

"Right, I have to go." I said as I looked at my phone and my staff was calling me.

"Okay, take care." Becky yelled as I took my stuff and car keys.

"Yeah. Don't do something dumb and don't burn my house." I yelled back and went to my car.

Becky's POV

I went to Y/N's living room and watched netflix. I really like her house and I feel more at home than my own . I watched lots of movies to kill time until A notification popped on my phone showing I got an email.

I opened it and my eyes widened. I received an email from Mike's company that I got casted as his leading lady for his project.
I covered my mouth to stop me from screaming.
I kept reading the email for like 8 times until it sunk in my mind that I wasn't dreaming. I was so happy and excited at the same time so I called my manager to confirm it and it was true. My heart was racing and nervous thinking of working with Mike Angelo not just as a supporting actress but as his main leading lady. It was like a dream come true.

Y'/N's POV

I just closed my restaurant and I was really tired so I went straight home.

My house still had the lights on so meaning Becky was still in.

As I got inside , Becky came infront of me like a kid.

"Whoah, what's got you smiling?" I asked chuckling.

"Guess what?" Becky smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"I made it. I got casted for the role." Becky announced with her arms open. My heart skipped a beat since the only audition that she had was for the leading lady thing of her crush.

"Hey. I said I got casted. I'll be the leading lady of Mike." Becky repeated as I zoned out for a little bit.

"Oh, good for you." Was all I said and walked passed her to get something to eat in the kitchen and I could sense she might be pouting.

"Aren't you happy?" Becky said excitedly.

"Of course I'm happy. I'm just tired and I need a rest." I said as I stuffed some cold sushi from the fridge in my mouth.

"Okay. Well get some rest then. I need to go home too since I'll be having a meeting tomorrow. I actually wanted you to be the first to know that's why I waited for you. " Becky said and wasn't that sweet . She always wanted me to be the first to know about her new projects but this time I'm getting a mixed feelings.

Becky went home and I just leaned by the counter and I kept stuffing any food I have in my fridge. To be honest, I'm bothered. Well it's just a project and her as an actress of course she would be paired with so many actors and actresses and I was fine with it but her being paired with Mike that might hurt my eyes. I got no right to be jealous but I couldn't help it. Maybe I'm just scared of Mike might fall for her since Becky is very lovable and a nice woman. She's beautiful on the outside and from within no doubt people will surely fall in line.


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