School Queen - Part 8

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Becky's POV

I just finished my last period and I saw Engfa walking down the hallway.

"Engfa!" I called but she didn't stop so I ran until I reached her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Hey. " I said and Engfa looked at me blankly and I didn't know why.

"What now Armstrong?" Engfa said and I don't like it when she calls me like that.

"Uhm You guys left the party so early. Where is Y/N?" I asked . Engfa clutched her book to her chest and looked at me.

"Can I ask you something? Why did you invite us to your party?" Engfa asked in a serious tone.

"I wanted to get to know you and Y/N." I answered.

"Are you for real?" She said and I think something is up. Engfa continued.

"You made Y/N think that you have changed into a different person but you are not. You even hang out with her at the carnival like you are a friend to her. You know how soft hearted Y/N is so you took advantage of her. You even had her believe that you broke up with Billy. You made her like you." Engfa said and my eyes widened at what she said.

"Y/N likes me?" I asked and my heart was beating fast.

"What's your deal Armstrong? What's all these? Stop looking for her nor stop asking me where Y/N is. One thing that I ask you to do is please don't play with her heart." Engfa added.

"I wasn't playing with her or to both of you. What are you trying to say? What did I do?" I asked . I was about to yell because I was so confused.

"At your party we saw you making out with Billy.
Y/N almost cried when she saw you that's why we left. She was hurt like hell." Engfa said and my eyes widened. Oh no they got the wrong idea about that night.

"You saw that?It wasn't like that." I tried to explain but Engfa raised her hand at me.

"Just drop the act okay , Armstrong." Engfa said and turned her back at me then left.

I was so messed up. So Y/N likes me. I had to explain it to Y/N and tell her what really happened that night. I have to see her.


After school, I went home and I saw Becky sitting down outside beside our gate. She was looking at the opposite way so she didn't see me.

"Becky?" I said. She turned and looked up at me.

"Y/N." Becky said and stood up.

"What are you doing here? Why are you stting on the ground." I said and I saw her eyes were swollen. She must have been crying.

"I was waiting for you. I want to talk to you about something." She answered and I sighed.

" You wanna come inside. It's hot out here. We can sit by the bench in our yard." I offered and she nodded. I gestured her to follow me.
"My parents are still at work so it'll just be me and you here." I added. I got her a glass of water and we sat beside each other. It was really awkward.

"Uhm, Y/N, why did you left the party?" Becky started and I took a heavy sigh.

"Let me guess, You talked to Engfa , right?" I said and Becky nodded.

"When I met you, I was scared of you. When you say mean things to me, do things to me, I was really hurt. But when you stopped and you started talking to me , hang out with me , I easily developed feelings for you. Then at your party after I saw you making out with Billy, I was jealous as hell. I realized that maybe it's better to just bully me than to have this feeling I have for you because it hurts me more. I like you Becky. I really like you." There I said it and I saw Becky was in shocked.

Becky's POV

After Y/N confessed to me her feelings , I was beyond happy but I still have to clear the air.

"Y/N, listen to me carefully. I'm really sorry for everything I did to you and for making your life terrible because of me and you deserve a big apology. That kiss with Billy , it wasn't like that. I wasn't making out with him. He went to me really drunk and he grabbed me then that's how it happens when you thought I was kissing him. I actually tried to push him but he was so strong until I gathered my strength to kick him down. We're not back together. I'm telling you this because I don't want you to misinterpret it because the truth is, I like you too Y/N. When you left the party I was really upset and the thing is you're the only one I wanted to see that night. I really like you Y/N. You're the first one who made me feel that I'm much more than being the school queen and I love the way you looked at me."

I said it all and my tears started to form. I lowered my head but Y/N held my cheeks and looked at me in the eyes. She smiled at me and her eyes were also teary. She engulfed me with a hug and I held onto her arms. I sniffed and hugged her tighter until we broke out.

"I'm really sorry Y/N." I said and Y/N wiped away my tears. I was looking at her lips hoping she would kiss me at that moment but instead she held my shoulder and kissed my forehead. It lingered for like 5 seconds and it was the best thing anyone had given me. I feel love, sincerity and mostly I feel so respected with that gesture.
We looked at each other and she gave me a loving smile. I hugged her again and I felt warmth and safe around her arms.

"Can I ask you something Becky?" Y/N said and I let go to look at her.

"Sure, what is it?" I waited for het response.

"Will you go out with me?" Y/N said and I nodded.

"Of course, I would love to go out with you." I answered then went back to hug her again. We stayed for a little while and just talk about anything until it was time for me to go home. Finally, we confessed our feelings for each other and I couldn't wait for our date. I know it would be so amazing and romantic.

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