Lust or Love - Part 6

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I was looking for Becky at the party but I couldn't find her so I stepped outside the hall maybe she was there somewhere. It turned out I was right, I spotted her at the porch drinking a wine by herself. I slowly walked towards her.

"Hey." I said and she jumped in shock. Becky just looked at me and went back drinking.

"You might wanna slow down with that." I added pointing at the wine. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand and turned to me. She looked slightly wasted.

"You want some?" She asked and was about to pour on a glass but I shook my head.

"No, I'm good and I'm driving." I said and she nodded.

"I saw you talked to Faye. What did you two talk about?" Becky asked holding the glass of wine.

"Nothing just some general topic like work and life. Something like that." I answered and Becky just nodded.

"Did she flirt on you?" Becky asked and I wasn't expecting that.

"No. She didn't." I answered honestly.

"Good." She nodded.

"Why are you here by yourself? It's your mom's birthday. You should be inside. Your relatives and friends are all there." I said and she chuckled.

"I'm fine here. I'm not in the mood." Becky answered and I think something's bothering her.

I didn't ask her lots of questions since she's not in the mood to talk . I just joined her even though we didn't talk that much and she kept drinking the wine. Later on, I heard her hiccup.

"Hey, that's enough." I said and Becky couldn't stand straight. I took the bottle that she almost emptied it.

"I want to go home, can you drive me?" Becky asked.

"Sure." I answered and I helped her walked to the car.
I went inside the hall and bid everyone goodnight especially her mom. I also told her that I'm gonna drive Becky to her home.

I drove home and helped Becky to her bedroom.  I fixed her bed and when I was about to stand up Becky caught my arm.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Becky asked and her eyes looked really tired.

"Okay, no problem. I'm just gonna go get your clothes." I said. Of course it's okay for me to stay with her and she actually need to look after her since she drank a lot even though it was just wine.

I went to her wardobe and picked out an oversized shirt.

"Here,you should change your clothes and I'll just go to the bathroom and wash my face." I said.

Becky's POV

I felt really tired but I know I wasn't drunk. I just don't have the energy due to overthinking. Y/N went to the bathroom to wash up and she handed me clothes to change. I sat at the edge of the bed and instead of changing, I slowly stood up and went to the bathroom as I heard the water running. As I reached the washroom I saw Y/N washing her face and she already changed her clothes into a shirt and pyjamas but she didn't notice me I was there.

I slowly walked inside and stood behind her. She wiped her face with a towel and when she saw me in the mirror, she jumped out in shocked.

"Becky, you scared me." She said.
"Do you need anything? She asked and turned around to face me and I shook my head.
I stared into her eyes deeply.

"Hi." I said more like a whisper and I didn't know why I said that. Y/N looked at me and I could tell she was curious.

"Are you okay?" She asked and I ignored it. I was staring at her deeply as I slowly slid off my dress down not breaking our eye contact. I let it fall down the floor. I was only wearing my underwear and my chest was exposed. I stood there infront of Y/N half naked.

"Becky, what are you doing?" Y/N asked.

"I want to spend the night with my wife." I said with teary eyes.

Y/N sighed but instead of touching me or doing something to me, she took the bathrobe that was on the corner and wrapped it around my body. I didn't move and just looked at her.

"I'm sorry, we shouldn't." She said and tied the bathrobe around my naked body making sure she covered it.

I didn't stop her then she walked me back to the bed.

"Are you not attracted to me anymore?" I asked and my voice was about to crack up. I sat at the edge of my bed and look up to her.

"Becky, you know I find you attractive, I really do but we're separating. Another thing is you're a bit drunk. I have so much respect on you. You're my wife, I mean you know. What I meant to say is you've been my other half. Even though we're not together anymore , you hold a special place in my heart. You're not someone that I just want to sleep with if I want to. You always have my respect." Y/N said and I was carried away by her words and I couldn't say a word.

"You're just tired , okay. Get some rest and sleep. Goodnight, Becky." She added and slowly kissed my forehead.

Y/N walked out of the room. I sat on my bed and tears started to run down my face. I gripped the pillow and sobbed. I just had the biggest regret of my life and I made a terrible decision.

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