Lust or Love - Part 9

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Becky's POV

I stayed at home the whole day after I went to Attorney. I didn't know what to do so I just laid down the bed and stared at the ceiling. I kept thinking about Y/N, I brought my mind back to the first time she asked me out, when she confessed her love for me, our first kiss and even our first time. I also remember the first time we said our " i love you's", when we exchanged our vows on our wedding day. We we're so inlove that time and I think it's time to talk about us. I hope it's not too late.

It was already 6 in the evening and I drove to Y/N office. As I arrived at her building , her employees were starting to leave since it's already 6 and they still greeted me as soon as I walked past them.

I knocked on Y/N's office and I opened the door.
Y/N was doing some paperworks but she stopped as soon as she saw me.

"Becky." Y/N greeted.

"Hey. Uhm. Still busy?" I asked and smiled at her.

"Yeah a little but I'm already packing up." She said and I nodded.

"Can I talk to you? I will be going to Paris tomorrow so I need to talk to you before my flight."I carefully asked.

"Wow, to Paris. With your family?" Y/N asked.

"No, uhm with Mike." I said. I wanted to see what will be her reaction but Y/N just nodded.

"So can we talk?" I asked again.

"Of course, sit down." She said and I sat down at the opposite of her office table.

I looked at her before I started.

"Y/N. Do you remember that time when I told you about Mike and when I started spending time with him than I do with you?"asked.

"Yes. I remember." Y/N answered.

"Why didn't you hold onto me? Why did you just let me? You didn't even fight for me or for us. May I know why?" I asked carefully.

" Well, this might sound unfair but before you told me about Mike, I already know that you're seeing someone." Y/N confessed and I got shocked of what she just said.

"What?" I said and she just chuckled slightly.

"Becky, I know my wife too well. When you started being cold to me I had a feeling that you're seeing someone. I wished that what my suspicions was wrong but it turned out I was right. I saw his name popped on your phone many times. I once even followed you just to prove that it is true. I was so mad and hurt when I found out it is true. I didn't ask you or confront you about it. I wanted you to confess it to me, I wanted you to be honest. When you did, I was breaking. My heart shattered but atleast you told me the truth. I almost died of heartbreak. I saw how happy you are with Mike. How your face lit up when his name popped on your phone or when you smile while you talk to him over the phone. I wanted you back but I know couldn't compete with him. I tried to fight for you but I ended up losing. I wanted to earn your love again but I know you don't want me so I agree with the divorce. I want you to be happy because that's how I love you and I'm always here for you. You will always hold a very special place in my heart. If you need someone or if you're hurt, you can always cry on my shoulder and my arms are always open to comfort you. " Y/N said. My tears started to run down my face after what she told me.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were hurting. I was just so busy with my own happiness that I forgot how you were feeling." I said and my tears kept flowing down.

"It's okay. I'm okay. You don't have to worry." Y/N said . I stood up and rushed out of her office to my car. I was embarassed of what I did. I don't think she could forgive me even if I kneel infront of her.


Becky quickly rushed out of my office. I was about to follow her but she drove off. So I went back to my table and put my head on my arms. I hate seeing her cry but she deserved to know what I knew before.

Becky's POV

I went back to Attorney the next day. I was sitting on his office while I stare at the divorce paper while holding a pen.

"So what happend? did you tell her?" Attorney asked and I shook my head.

"I talked to her and she told me everything. I realized that I couldn't leave her just for my own happiness. I still love her. I'm still inlove with my wife. She is my happiness. " I confessed.

"So what's your decision?" Attorney asked.

"I'm not doing it. I can't sign the paper." There I said. I put down the paper and sat back.

"I knew it. After I scanned and checked the papers then I saw the bottom of the last page that you haven't sign it, I knew something is holding you back. Divorce is not an easy thing to decide, Becky. You were so busy of pushing your wife away from you but you didn't realize that your heart didn't want to let go. Everything was signed by your wife but you, so I gave you time to think hard about it." Attorney said.

"Is this okay if we call this off? I'll pay for it. I'll pay for all the damages. For your time and effort. I'll
Pay for everything just to cancel this. I want to be with my wife again." I said and almost plead.

"Well for business, of course you have to pay me. You can pay me anytime but for now just go and get your wife back. Tell her how much you love her and you still want to be with her." He said.

"I will Attorney and thank you so much for understanding." I said and we shook hands. I left the building and I was already thinking of how to make Y/N forgive me and accept me again in her life. I couldn't believe that It was me who didn't sign the papers well infact it was me who wanted the divorce in the first place . But before that I should go and talk to Mike first.

( I actually don't know anything about divorce. I have no idea if you can just cancel the process just for your emotional needs. Lol. Everything is made up just for the story. Forgive me , please😁😁😁)

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