Different Lives - Part 10

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2 years later

Becky's POV

It's been 2 years since me and Y/N went on our separate ways. When she left, I haven't seen her or heard anything from her anymore. I was hurt when we broke up but she never left my mind. I think about her every single day for 2 years. I went on dates but nothing worked. I always keep my mind occupied with work to forget about her but it didn't work either.

One morning, I was passing by the coffee shop where we first met. By the way I never went to that shop again after we broke up. So when I decided to go the shop again, I felt nervous and at the same time sad. When I entered the shop, It didn't change that much. I went to the counter to order my coffee and a lady barista came to take my order. I remembere how
Y/N smile to me everytime she gets my order. The smile that always give me butterflies and got my knees weaken.

"Uhm Ma'am?" The barista said to me as I was still standing infront of her. She was giving me my change.

"Right. Sorry. Thanks." I said and took the change from her and went to the table where I used to sit 2 years ago.

I kept looking around while sipping my favorite coffee. Then a waitress came to serve me the cheesecake.

"Uhm excuse me." I asked nicely.

"Yes , Ma'am?" She replied.

"Does Y/N still work here?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Oh Y/N. I remember her. But she doesn't work here anymore. She resigned for like a year ago." She said.

"Really. Do you happen to know where she is right now?" I asked hoping to get an answer.

"I'm not sure Ma'am but I heard she works at the new cafè called "Beans and Cakes". She answered.

"Oh. Well thank you." I said and she left.

I searched the cafe "Beans and Cakes" in my phone so I could know where the location is. As soon as I saw it, I immediately stalked it and I read the location was just 3 kilometeres from here. Maybe I could go there, I told myself. It could be awkward for the both of us but I just wanted to see her and to know how was she even if she broke my heart into pieces.

I told my driver about the location and we went to the cafè. The car stopped infront of the cafè and I looked at it from the window, it was cute and rustic but very beautiful. I stepped outside the car and walked in slowly inside the shop.

I noticed that there was no people all I could see were staffs being busy. Maybe they just opened and I was the first customer. I was looking around the place and it was really nice, the aroma of the coffee beans brings back a lot of memories. Then my eyes landed on a person facing her back at me. I definitely knew who it was without seeing the face , just her form. My eyes flutterd at her sight, when the woman turned around, I was right. It was Y/N.
She looked stunned to see me and I couldn't help but give her a small smile. Y/N slowly walked towards me.

"Becky." Y/N said and she smiled.

"Hi, Y/N." I replied and how I wanted to hug her.

"Hey. Uhm I don't mean to be rude but what are you doing here and how did you find me here?" Y/N asked normally and looking at me with the same adoration I felt before.

"I went to the shop that you used to work but they told me that you work here." I answered and she nodded.

"It's good to see you, Becky." Y/N said and she kept smiling at me.

"It's good to see you too, Y/N. I didn't expect that we will meet again." I said.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt." A smaller girl came to us hplding a brown folder. "Boss, I need your signature on the permit application." She said and she handed it to Y/N. Y/N took the folder and pull out a pen to sign the document. The girl bowed and excused herself. I got confused and looked at the girl who just left and looked back at Y/N who was just standing infront of me.

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