Bittersweet Love - 3

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Becky's POV

I charged my phone when I arrived at my house and as I checked I saw messages from Y/N.
I forgot about our cinema night. I was thinking about calling her but I was really tired. I could just go to her in the morning and she would understand me.


I was preparing myself to work when I heard my main door opened and I clearly knew who it was.

"Hey." I heard Becky and when I turned around I put on a blank expression.
When I was looking at her she smiled sweetly and wrapped her hands around my arm.

"I'm sorry." Becky cooed.

"It's fine. But where were you?" I said. Even though I knew she went out with Mike I still want to know if she would be honest when it comes to that matter.

"Hmmm. Uhm I went out... with.... Mike." Becky said. Well atleast she's honest and that's important to me.

"Oh. Well that's okay. But please next time tell me. I was really worried." I said.

"You're not mad at me?" She asked and I chuckled.

"No. Why would I be mad? Well I was upset but it's fine. It's alright." I smiled.

"Aww. I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you." Becky said and kissed my cheek.

"Ewww." I said wiped my cheek jokingly.

I let go from her grip and Becky laughed.

"Anyways, so are you and Mike a thing now?" I asked. I kept myself calm and tried my best to keep my emotion.

"Hmm no. We went out to have dinner twice and that's all." She answered and I nodded.

Days later

Becky have been very busy with her taping. She barely come to my house and I actually missed her.
She told me that her and Mike been going out a lot but Becky said that they're just friends and I hope she's telling the truth.
One evening I went to pick her up from work. As I arrived the building, I got out the car and waited outside like I do sometimes.
I waited for like 20 minutes when Becky walked out of the building.

"Bec!" I called and walked towards her. I smiled at her since I really missed her.

"You're probably hungry right now. Come on, let's have dinner." I offered happily and when I was about to help her with her stuff that she was carrying she cleared her throat. I looked at her then Mike came out and stood beside her.

"Hello." Mike said and I just bowed my head as greeting him back.

"Mike, this is my bestfriend Y/N." Becky smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Mike said and offered his hand for me to shake and I gladly took it.

"Nice to meet you too." I said happily trying to my best to hide my jealousy.

"Becky and I are going to this new fancy restaurant to have dinner. You can come with us." Mike said and there was no way I would come with them and Becky also nodded at me.

"Yeah. He said it just opened and he really wanted to try out their foods. Join us." Becky said lovingly and I was like what?are you serious.

"Oh no. I don't want to interrupt you guys." I said and looked at Becky and I know she understand my expression.

"Mike, can you wait for me in the car I'll just want to talk with my bestfriend." Becky said and I could sense that she's worried? I wasn't probably sure.

"No. It's fine. You guys should go and I'll just head home. You guys enjoy." I said right away and I actually didn't want to talk about it since I didn't know what to say.

"What?" Becky asked in a low tone enough for me to hear.

"Okay. After you." Mike said and gestured Becky to go towards his car. Becky looked at me and I waved them goodbye.

I sighed and honestly I was pissed. I have no right to be jealous but that's how I was feeling seeing Becky going out with Mike.

After that night, I decided not to ask Becky to dinner or even hang out since she was really busy with work and especially with Mike and I didn't want to get in the way or interrupt them. I sometimes waited for her messages and calls since she always do that but when she started going out with Mike she didn't do that anymore and of course there's nothing I could do since she's an adult, she would date anyone she want and I have no right to stop her nor forbid her. I'm just her bestfriend and all I could do is to support her.

2 months later

Becky's POV

Mike and I announced our relationship publicly. It felt so great since all of our fans gone crazy about it and really supportive. Y/N was also supportive and happy for me I guess but since me and Mike became a couple we barely hang out. For the past weeks ,
Y/N seemed bothered of something . I couldn't tell but I know something was up with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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