Lust or Love - Part 3

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Becky's POV

2 weeks later and I've been seeing Mike almost every single day and nights with countless fuck. I still come home just to sleep because with Mike I couldn't since he kept me up with those naughty activities. One morning, I felt really tired and I decided not to go to work. I just want to stay home for the whole day.


I was about to leave for carrying my bag when I saw Becky's car still outside. She always go to work first than me and when I saw her car in still parked outside it was unsual for me so I went upstirs to check up on her.
I knocked three times but the door won't open and I started to worry. I remember I have a spare key since her room used to be our bedroom. I slowly unlocked the door and took a peak inside and I heard Becky coughing underneath the sheet. I saw her curled up in bed clutching the blankets.

"Becky, are you alright?" I asked worridly and I could see her body was shivering. I put my palm on her forehead to check her temperature and she was really hot. I touched her feet and it was really cold. She's having a flu.

"Hey. You're burning up." I told Becky and she was chilling.

"Wait here, I'll get you a hot compress." I said.

I ran downstairs to get a hot compress then went back to the bedroom and put it on her feet. I covered her body with thicker comforter and put a cool fever on her forehead.

"Get some rest first okay." I cooed.

I called the office off and told my staff that I had to take care of my wife. I went to the kitchen and made her soup and a hot glass of milk with bread and fruits. I also took some medicines. I carried it upstairs to Becky's room. I checked her temp and finally she cooled down and her chill stopped.

"Becky? Becky, you should eat breakfast and drink some medicine." I carefully patted her.
Becky slowly opened her eyes and I helped her sit up. I placed the breakfast on her bed. Becky looked at me and I smiled at her like I used to everytime I see her. She took the spoon and eat her breakfast. I didn't disturb her meal so I just stood by her window and watched down the street. When I heard she finished her meal I removed the small table.

"Here, drink this." I told Becky and she took the medicine from my hand and drink it.

"Thanks." Becky said and still avoiding my gaze.

"You should get a lot of rest. You must be really stressed and tired of work." I said worriedly.

"I'm fine, this is just a flu it'll go away." Becky said and I nodded.

Becky went back under the blanket and I helped her tucked in. Although we already broken up but deep inside my heart she is still my wife and I should be taking care of her. I love taking care of Becky but once our divorce will be approved , I won't be doing that anymore and it really breaks me.

"Get some sleep okay. If you need anytbing just ask me, alright." I said and Becky nodded.
I waited for her until she went to sleep and from time to time I kept checking her temp and it's going normal.

Becky's POV

Few hours later, I started to feel fine but I felt something heavy on my feet. I slowly sat up and I saw Y/N had fallen asleep on the chair with her hands on my feet outside the blanket no wonder it feels warm and it's good.
She was facing me and I took my time to stare at her face. She still looked so cute and pretty as ever even when she's asleep.
Then she started to move and saw me.

"You're up. How are you feeling now?" Y/N asked me.

"I'm feeling okay now. Thank you." I said and Y/N smiled.

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