Fate and Faith - Part 13

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2 months later

Becky's POV

I was doing well with my work and for my 2 months of working I could finally help Y/N with the bills and house expenses.
It was Friday night and Y/N picked me up and Lily. We were having dinner at home.

"Becky, my mom called me this morning and she said they are coming over tomorrow at dinner." Y/N said and I suddenly got nervous.

"Oh. " was all I said.

"I want to introduce you to them formally. My mom, dad, sister and my niece will be coming." She added.

"Uhm. Well , do they know about me already. I mean you know being your girlfriend." I said.

"They don't know yet. This will be the right time for them to finally meet you. Don't worry. My familly will like you for sure." Y/N assured and held my hand.

The dinner finally arrived and I was hell'a nervous. Y/N said that her parents wanted us to have dinner at a fine restaurant than in her home. So I dressed formally in white and I also dressed Lilly. As we arrived at the restaurant, her parents were already there. My heart was beating so fast and it was my first time to be introduced in another family. I was holding Lily's hand as we walked towards their table.

Her parents and her sister stood up and hugged Y/N as their greetings.

"I miss you all so much." Y/N as she hugged them and I smiled watching them.

"By the way.  everyone I want you to meet my beautiful girlfriend Becky and her adorable daughter Lily. Becky, this is my Dad, Mom, my sister  and her daughter Annie." Y/N introduced.

Her dad and sister hugged me and greeted me.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you. I'm Alexandra and this is my daughter Annie." Y/N sister said warmly. I was really shy infront of them.

"Hello. I'm James. Y/N's dad." He smiled and shook my hands.

"Nice to meet you, Sir." I said. I was about to give my greetings to Y/N's mom but she eyed me from head to toe. I could tell that she doesn't like me from the way she looked at me. So I just bowed my head to her.

We all sat around the table. I sat between Y/N and Lily since Lily also wanted to sit beside Y/N's niece Annie. They started talking with a lot of things and I actually couldn't relate to them but it was fine until her mom started.

"So Becky, how did you meet Y/N?" Her mom asked and looking st me straightly.

"Uhm, we met at the uh ... breadshop one morning." I said and I was so nervous.

"Yes. She's right. It was early morning. I was buying some bread and then I saw her with Lily. We started talking then we hit if off." Y/N said as she smiled st me. She squeezed my hand to assure me everything will be okay. Her mom just nodded like she didn't care.

"Okay. So Becky what do you do?" Again her mom asked. That was the question I didn't to be asked.

"I work as a cashier at a convenience store." I answered honestly.

"A cashier?" She asked again like she was dissappointed.

"Yes, Ma'am." I said.

Y/N was about to say something when her mom suddenly said...

"Megan!" Y/N's mom called.

Everyone looked at where she was looking and there was Megan. Megan turned her head to us and she looked surprised. She didn't hesitate to come towards us.

"Hey Mom, It's good to see you." Megan said as they hugged and she called Y/N's mom "Mom."

They were all shocked. Of course, not being rude they all greeted Megan.

"Why don't you join us for dinner, dear." Y/N's mom said.

"Oh no. I was just passing by and I don't want to interrupt your moments." Megan said and looked at me.

"Oh don't be silly. Come join us. I insist." Y/N's mom said. Megan sat beside Y/N's mom and they really getting along. I looked at Y/N and I could tell her face she was not happy about it. She looked mad but trying to hide it for the sake of her parents and as well to give respect.

Megan kept talking to Y/N's mom about her career in Korea and I know she was doing it on purpose to degrade me and to make me feel insecure and she did. I feel so insecure and so small like I don't belong to their family and I don't deserve to be with Y/N.

I tried my best not to let my tears fall but i was feeling hurt.

"Baby, are you okay?" Y/N whispered in concern.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said and faked smile. Y/N rested her arm on top of the chair behind my back. I could tell she knows how I was feeling.

Her dad and her sister talked to me but her mom didn't. Y/N mom was so engrosed talking to Megan and she liked her than me. Of course, I have no points compared to Megan.

After dinner, everyone bid goodbyes as well as Megan. Y/N's parents and her sister will be staying at a hotel so we all went in our separate ways.

It became an awkward dinner and I know that Y/N wasn't expecting thay it didn't go well they was she wanted it to be.
The car ride was silent until we reached home.
Y/N went to her room. Me and Lily also went to our bedroom. After changing my clothes and Lily's I suddenly sat down beside the bed.

"Mommy." Lily cooed.

"Yes, baby?" I said softly.

"Are you sad?why are you sad,mommy?" Lily asked and I felt touched.

"Mommy's not sad,baby. I'm just tired but I'm okay." I said and Lily hugged me.

"I love you, mommy." Lily said.

" I love you too, baby." I said and kissed her forehead.

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