Fate and Faith - Part 9

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Becky's POV

I just finished making pancakes for breakfast when Y/N walked inside the kitchen.

"Good morning." She greeted and she gently tapped Lily's back.

"Uhm I asked for a day off today because I want to ask you both for a picnic." Y/N said.

"Really?" Lily asked almost like a squeal.

We prepared everything we need for the picnic and we also bought some food in the way. As we reached the park, Lily was jumping in excitement. We settled the blanket down the grass and set up everything.

Y/N and Lily went to the ground playing and I watched them. Lily was so happy and I almost tear up watching her with Y/N. I'm so happy to have her in my life.

"Mommy." Lily called.

"Yes , baby." I said.

"Come join us."Lily said.

"Yeah. Come on, Becky." Y/N said gesturing her hands.

"Alright." I said. I wiped my tears and stood up then I went to play with them.

We played, ate the foods we brought and Lily seemed so happy since she had never been into a picnic before.

"Y/N?" I said and Y/N looked at me smiling.

"Thank you.I have no words to describe this when I see Lily so happy but this is all because of you and I won't get tired of saying Thank you for everything." I stated and Y/N held my hand.

"It's okay. You don't have to say it everyday." Y/N smiled at me.

We spent all afternoon hanging out in the park until it was time for us to go home since it was getting dark. Lily slept in the car ride home so as we reached the house, I slowly picked her up and Y/N helped me placed her carefully to the bed.

2 days later


"So, what's your plan now?" Engfa asked after telling her about how I feel for Becky and we were at the office in our computers.

"I want to ask her out." I replied.

"Hmm that's cool." She said. "But are you really sure about it?" Engfa added.

"Of course." I answered. I stopped and I thougt of something.

"Hey Engfa." I called.

"Yeah?" She answered.

"Help me buy her a dress. For Becky and Lily." I said.

"Sure. Right now?" She asked in confusion.

"After work." I answered and she nodded.

When work was done, me and Engfa went to the mall to buy dress for Becky and Lily. Becky's size is not that hard to find since she has a small frame. I picked out a simple beautiful black sleeveless dress that would just reach above her knee. After that, I drove back home.
Becky and Lily were hanging out in the living. Lily ran to me and gave me a hug then went back to play her toys.

"Becky, can I talk to you." I said and Becky approached me and I actually felt nervous.

"Uhm. Becky I want to ask you out on a date. Actually I want to ask you and Lily out." I said.
"Will you go out with me, tonight?" I asked.

"Y/N. I... I would love to but are you sure want this?" Becky asked.

"Yes. I like you, Becky. That's why I want to ask you and Lily. I want you both to be part of my life and I want to be part of your life too. You both are special to me that's why I'm here asking you out on a proper date." I said and Becky's eyes turned watery.

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