Different Lives - Part 2

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1 week later

Becky's POV

It was 9pm in the evening and I was craving some coffee , so I went to the coffee shop that me and P'Yha went but this time it was just me.
I wore an oversized hoodie and a large pants so I could hide my identity and nobody would recognize me. I ordered and sat at the table by myself and enjoyed the hot coffee along with a cheesecake. I was just scrolling my instagram until I didn't notice that it was already 10pm and someone cleared her throat.

"Uhm, Excuse me, Ma'am? I'm sorry to interrupt but the shop is about to close." The person said and I looked up at her. I think I recognized her. She was the one who took a photo of her friend when I came here the first time then left.

"Oh. Right. You guys are closing. Sorry."  I said and the girl nodded.

"It's okay Ma'am."The girl said and smiled at me.

"I really love your coffee and the pastries were very delicious." I praised.

"Oh thank you Ma'am. I'll just excuse myself." She said but before she could leave I asked her.

"Uhm wait, uhh do you happen to know me?" I asked politely.
"I know it's kinda braggy question but, do you?" I added.

The woman stood there with her hands on her back.


I was too stunned to answer her question.

"Of course Ma'am , I do know you." I smiled at her. I didn't lie I know her but it was because of Tia but I'm not a fan of her. I don't know a single movie of her and I hope she won't ask me about one of her movies because that would be embarassing because I don't know her like that.

Ms. Armstrong smiled at me and just nodded at my answer and I sighed. That was close. She was nice actually. I met few celebrities that come to our shop but most of them just look down on us but Ms. Armstrong was kind , you could feel that.

"Do you need anything, Ma'am?" I asked.

"No, I'm okay, thanks by the way. I'm sorry I sat for too long. I just wanted to relax for a while." She said.

"It's fine , Ma'am. You can come her anytime you like but of course, the shop needs to close at 9." I answered.

She fixed her stuff and put it in her bag.

"Here." She placed a bill tip on the table and slowly stood up. I accepted her tip because that would be rude if I didn't.

"Thank you, Ma'am. Come again." I bowed and we always do that to every customer.

"Sure. You take care." She said and walked out of the shop.

She was really nice and very sweet. Now I know why she has a lot of fans. She is a soft hearted person and has a very beautiful smile.
After cleaning the shop, I went home and ate some cold leftovers from the fridge.
I flopped on the bed and lots of thing came running to my mind. My life was so difficult and I don't how if I could still survive. I live in the old apartment alone. No family, just me. I rested for a while and to get ready again for tomorrow to serve at the shop, this is my life routine and I was tired of it but I won't give up, I chose this life so I had to deal with it. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

The following days

Becky's POV

"Okay, it's a wrap. That's all for today." The director said. I just finished filming and I wasn't feeling it actually. I got paired with Nat in a movie. I was about to refuse the project but It's my job to act. I know it was just acting but everybody knows Nat has a thing for me. He courted me before but I didn't say yes to him for personal reasons. My family likes him for me and I don't. Nat is a good guy but sometimes he just brags himself a lot and I don't like that.

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