Lust or Love - Part 4

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I fixed myself for me and Becky's dinner date. I was nervous sinc I've never done this for a while. I waited for her downstairs as she was still up in her bedroom. Then she came out of her room. I looked at her and my jaw dropped at the sight infront of me. My wife looked really beautiful even in a simple red dress . Her brownish hair down and her face is really gorgeous.

"Hey, close your mouth or the bee might get in." Becky joked and I didn't realize I was staring at her.
We both laughed and I gestured her to the car.

It was an outdoor restaurant and the was really beautiful.

Becky's POV

Y/N took me to dinner to our favorite outdoor restaurant and the place looked really romantic.

"This looked really nice." I said as my eyes looked around.

We sat at the table and I kept looking around the place, the lights and music was so lit.

"This is where I took you out on our very first date." Y/N said and of course I remember and no just that.

"Yes and this is where you proposed to me." I said and Y/N looked surprised.

"Oh I thought you forgot about that." She said and I chuckled.

"How could I forget that. That's not something that you can forget about." I answered.

The dinner was nice at it went really good. We talked about life and work. Y/N also joke which always sells.

Later on in the middle of the date.

"Becky?" Y/N asked.

"Hmm?" I said. I wiped my lips with a tissue and looked at her.

"Uhm do you remember what day today is?" She asked. I tried to remember until I realize something.

"It's our 5th year anniversary." Y/N said and I completely forgot.

"It's alright Becky. I understand." Y/N said smiling at me.

"I'm sorry." I said and I felt terrible.

"It's okay. Uhm actually I want to give you this."
Y/N said and she pulled out a white folder which is our divorcement paper. My eyes widened and my heart was starting to beat really fast.

"I already read it and uhm well as I promised. I asked you out on a dinner so atleast for the last time I had a date with you. I'm sorry for everything that made our marriage fall apart and why you fell out of love. I wanted to thank you for making me happy for 4 years of our marriage. You were my dreamgirl and when you said yes to my proposal I was the happiest. I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted to. I'm very happy for you that you met Mike. I'm sure he will take care of you better than me. I'm letting you go, Becky." Y/N and I could see her tears eacaped.

I couldn't say a word, I slowly opened the folder and turn it to the last page. There she did it. She signed the divorce paper.

"I'll give you some time. I'll just meet you in the car." Y/N said and got up. I sat at the table as I kept looking at her signature. I realized that isn't this what I wanted and what I've been waiting for but why do I feel sad about it, I should be happy right now.

Few minutes later, I went to the car and Y/N drove us home. None of us dare to speak until we reached our house.
I went to my bedroom and sat down on the bed cluthing the divorce paper to my chest. Then there it was , I couldn't hold it anymore. I burst out to tears.
I laid on the bed and my eyes were stained with my mascaras running down my face due to crying.
I dialled Mike and fixed myself.

"Babe, what's up?" Mike said.

"Uhm, Y/N already signed the paper." I started.

" You mean the divorce paper." He asked.

"Yes." I answered and I could hear him feeling like his victory.

"Finally. Babe. You should come over and we will celebrate." He said and I just hang up immediately.

I laid down my bed and tears kept running down my cheeks. Why am I crying I asked myself. Mike was right I should celebrate but why do I feel regrets. I should be happy since Y/N already signed it and I'm free to go.

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