Fate and Faith - Part 4

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Becky's POV

Me , Lily and Y/N went to the grocery to buy the ingredients. She wanted to surprise her girlfriend. Of course a person like her already has a girlfriend no doubt.
After she paid for everything, we took all the bags and put it inside the car. It was quite fun doing all those and Lily seems to be enjoying it too.

The next day

"So, what time is she coming by the way?" I asked

"She'll be here by dinner. I'm gonna pick her up at the airport." Y/N asked and I could see she was really excited.

Before I started cooking, I kept Lily busy playing in the living room. I prepared the ingredients. Me and
Y/N started cooking and I gave her the directions clearly and carefully. I made sure that it would be perfect it's the least I can do for Y/N after all the help she did for us. Hours and hours of cooking, we made everything just how we wanted it to be. We sat up the table and it was all great.
I cleaned the kitched after cooking while Y/N went upstairs to get herself ready.

"How do I look?" Y/N asked while I was washing the pans we used.

"You looked great." I answered with my thumbs up and Y/N was smiling from ear to ear.

Later on, her phone rang it must be her girlfriend Megan.

"Hi babe? Oh yes, I'm on my way to the airport. I'll see you soon. I love you." Y/N said through her phone.

"Her plane just landed. I gotta go." She said and I nodded.

I told Lily to behave once Y/N arrive since she doesn't understand things yet so I just told her that Y/N has a visitor over.

Half an hour later, I heard Y/N car outside. I fixed myself up and Lily, then the door swung open revealing Y/N and her girlfriend Megan. Her girlfriend looked so beautiful. I felt embarassed on how I look and I couldn't make an eye contact.

"So uhm, Megan babe, this is Becky and her adorable daughter Lily. She uhm she look after the house for me while I'm at work." Y/N said.

"Becky, this is my beautiful girlfriend Megan." Y/N introduced. I wasn't sure if I'm gonna offer my hand for Megan to shake so I just bowed to greet her her as respect.

"Nice meeting you both. " Megan said to me and Lily and I slightly smiled.

Y/N went to the kitchen with Megan. Of course I want to give them privacy so me and Lily went upstairs.


"Wow. Babe, this is really delicious. Are you sure you made this?" Megan asked as she kept eating and I chuckled.

"Of course, it's made with love that's why." I winked at her and she blushed.

After dinner, we sat in the living room with my arms around her. I put on a soft music and just chill with her. We talked about her trip to Korea and we kept stealing kisses. Of course I missed her.

Becky's POV

Lily fell asleep and I thought of going downstairs to get a water since I got thirsty. I slowly walked down and as I reached the living room I saw Y/N and Megan making out on the sofa. They didn't see me since they were so engrossed with each other. I slowly passed them trying not to make a sound until I reached the kitchen. That was close. I drank a glass of water and I stayed a little while until I heard Megan saying her goodnight. I didn't interrupt them until she left. I peaked and I saw Y/N waved before closing the door.

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