Different Lives - Part 9

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I was pacing the floor in my apartment while waiting for Becky to pick up her phone. It took 3 attempts untile she answered.

Becky: hello baby,
Y/N: hi . What are you doing tonight?
Becky: nothing. I just finished my shower. Why?
Y/N : Wanna ask you out on a dinner. Is it okay for you to eat at a simple and local restaurant.
Becky: awww. Sure baby. Take me out anywhere as long as I'm with you, I don't mind. I'll just change.
Y/N: Great, I'll send you the address.I'll meet you there at 6pm.
Becky: Okay. See you.

Becky hanged up the phone and she seemed so excited. I changed my clothes and went to the restaurant.

Becky's POV

I was excited to see Y/N again. I ignored what my mother said and went out to meet up with Y/N and have dinner. She sent me the address and told my driver to take me there. As I arrived in the restaurant, it was rustic but beautiful though it's simple and not much people. I went inside and looked for Y/N. I spotted her sitting at a table while scrolling her phone. I walked towards her and stopped.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked and Y/N looked at me. I winked at her and she stared at me in awe.

"Oh. Hey ,Sorry I wasn't looking. You look really beautiful." She stood up and pulled out the chair for me to sit. I sat at the chair and touched her hand as she put it on my shoulder just to show my greetings for her.

We ordered Pad Thai and grilled river prawns. We started eating and enjoyed the time. I didn't mention to her about what my mom said so we just talk about work. I noticed Y/N's mood and I think something is up with her. Her smile was different and I think she was just forcing to flash her smile while talking to me. There was never a dull moment when she's with me but this time she stayed silent from time to time.

"Baby?" I called and she didn't hear me so I know something was bothering her.

"Y/N." I called for the second time and she jumped a little.

"Huh?" She answered like she her mind was somewhere elese.

"Are you alright? Is there something wrong?" I asked  carefully as I focus on her eyes.

"Uh I'm fine. I'm just tired at work. I'm sorry." She answered and she went back eating. I sighed.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything." I assured.

"Of course, uhm let's just enjoy the food." She said and flashed her smile.

After dinner, Y/N took me for a walk at the pier. It was already 8pm and there were less people around. I held into her arms as we walked around the pier.

"Baby, Can you stand over there? It's a nice spot. I'll take some pictures of you." Y/N said and I did what she asked me. She pulled out her phone and I started to make different poses. She was taking photos of me and I made funny faces.

"Come on, let's take photos together." I said cheerfully. Then I noticed her eyes were teary so I stopped.

"Baby, are you crying?"I asked worridly.

"Huh? No." She answered and I know she was lying.

She came to me and placed her arms around me as we took selfies together. Maybe Y/N was just tired from work that's why she was quiet. I told myself.
So I just shrugged it off and continued to enjoy our time.
As we were walking, Y/N suddenly asked me.

"Becky, do you love me?" Y/N asked and I was a little surprised when she called me by name instead of baby, babe or love.

"Of course, I love you , baby." I said and kissed her cheeks. Then she stopped, so I turned around and faced her. Y/N took a deep sigh.

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