School Queen - Part 14

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I saw Billy laughing with his friends at the school yard. I rememebered what he did to Becky so I walked towards him.

"Billy. Can I have a word with you." I said. He looked at me with his chin up.

"What's up?" Billy said.

"I want to talk with you alone." I said. He looked at his friends and told them. "Guys, can you leave us for a moment." He said.

"What is it?" Billy asked.

"Of course you know what I want to talk about and I want to ask you first why did you do that to Becky?"I asked sternly without losing his eye contact. He couldn't speak and just looked at me.

"So it is true, you drugged her and took advantage of her. Billy, how could you? You used to date her. Don't you have any respect for her?." I asked him to make him feel sorry for what he did.

"Or don't you have a mom, sister or a cousin who's a girl? Becky is a nice person and I know you know that too. She doesn't deserve what you did to her or anyone in this world. Everybody deserves to be respected. But you know how much I wanted to punch you right now after what you did to her? You're lucky you weren't in jail because if you did that to me I would probably sue you. Becky deserves more than what you were after her. I want you to bare this in mind, if you ever lay your hands again on her I will hunt you down." I said and he looked scared. I hope he feels guilty of what he did.

I wanted to hit his face but I don't want to make a scene and I would be in jail because of how mad I was I might crush his face. I walked away after telling him what I had to say and went to find Engfa.
Suddenly Becky was standing from afar , she probably saw me talking to Billy.

"Hi love." I greeted.

"Hey baby." She smiled. She looked at Billy in distant. "Billy looked terrified, what did you two talk about?" Becky asked.

"I gave him a lecture. I wanted to hit him but I prefer to talk to him instead of creating a scene. I promise you that what he did to you won't happen again. I'm gonna kill him if he ever put his hands on you again." I said and Becky quickly teared up. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"May I escort you to your class , my queen?" I said to make her smile and she blushed. We walked together and she wrapped her hands around my arm.

"I was looking for Engfa and I still couldn't find her." I said , then suddenly Becky gripped my arm to stopped. "What?" I asked. She pointed to where Engfa was. We saw Engfa talking to Charlotte and Charlotte was blushing. Me and Becky looked at each other and smiled.

"Hmm, I think they will probably go out after this." Becky said.

"I guess. Come on let's say hi to them." We walked towards them and stopped.

"Hey guys." Becky said. Engfa and Charlotte straightened up.

" Becky, I was looking for you." Charlotte said to Becky.

"Really huh. Well here I am." Becky chuckling.

Charlotte snatched Becky from me and I find it funny.

"Me and Becky have to go to class Y/N. Engfa It was nice talking to you." Charlotte said blushing. Becky and Charlotte walked together to their class. Me and Engfa watched them both as they left.

" So, is there something you want to share ? You two going out?" I said to Engfa and put my arm on her shoulder.

" I was about to ask her out until you two interrupted." Engfa said.

"You'll see her again later." I said and we headed to class.

Becky's POV

It was about lunch break and I was chatting with Charlotte while walking down the hallway when I saw Heidi leaning against Y/N's locker. I approched her and Heidi straightened herself up and faced me.

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