Different Lives - Part 7

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I sat down infront of Becky's family, believe me I feel so uncomfortable and I felt being out of place. I couldn't relate to what they were talking about. Becky and Nat sat beside each other, while me sat on the other side. Later on, Becky's cousin Faye arrived.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I was very busy at work." Faye gave her greetings to Becky's parents and sat beside me since it was the only empty chair.

Everyone started to eat and I was really not feeling it. Becky looked at me and smiled. I smiled at her too as the best as I could.

" So Nat, did you already ask my daughter out on a date?" Becky's mom asked.

"Yes, but she said no. I fully understand Becky since we are both busy with work, acting and workshop as well. I'm very willing to wait for her as long as she's ready." Nat said as he looked and smiled at Becky. My heart dropped of what he said. So Nat was not just Becky's workmate but also her suitor. Becky didn't say anything and just sat there.

"Faye, how was your clothing business?" Mr. Armstrong asked.

"Doing pretty good. I'm actually opening another branch in Singapore." Faye said and I was really amazed. Their family is extremely rich.

"What about you Y/N. What do you do?" Mrs. Armstrong asked me. Becky looked at me worridly. I wish I could disappear like a bubble.

"Uhm. I actually work at a coffee shop called "Double Cup"." I answered honestly.

"Coffee shop? Is that a family business of yours?You're tha manager, am I right?" He asked and I bit my lip anxiously.

"Uh No, Sir. I'm just a staff. I'm a barista." I said and I started fiddling my fork.

"Ohw. Okay." He answered. I could tell he was disappointed with my answer. I shouldn't be here in the first place, I told myself.

"They make really good coffee , Dad. Very fresh and delicious. Y/N is a really good barista." Becky said and I know she was just trying to save me so her parents won't look down on me.

Her Dad just nodded and her Mom ignored her, so I just lowered my head.

"You're the barista at the Double Cup?" Faye asked surprisingly.

"Yes, Ma'am." I answered.

"You know I used to go there every morning. I really love the coffee and the ambience of that shop. How come I didn't see you there?" Faye said as she smiled at me.

"Oh uhm maybe it's because I have different shifts schedule and there are 7 of us baristas." I said.

"Right, of course if I see you I would definitely gonna remember you. When I got busy with work , I don't have much time to go out. I'm gonna try to visit Double Cup again and maybe we'll hang out after?" Faye said as she touched my hand and I just nodded.

Becky's POV

I rolled my eyes after what Faye said to Y/N. I watched their interaction and Faye was really flirty. I tried my best to hold back my emotion but I was really annoyed by my own cousin.
After that, I told my parents to drive Y/N home since it's past 9 in the evening.
The car ride was silent until we reached Y/N's apartment.
I walked her towards the front of the building and break the silence between us.

"Y/N, are you okay? I'm sorry about my parents." I said.

"It's okay. I'm used to it." Y/N said.

"Y/N, don't say that." I said and reached for her hand but she stepped away.

"No, Becky. I'm fine, really. I shouldn't be there in the first place. " she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Now I know Nat , he's your suitor. Why didn't you tell me?" Y/N asked.

"He is not. Well he was. I don't know why he said that. He used to court me and I already told you that I turned him down. Please let's not fight over this." I explained.

"Your parents are nice Becky but they don't like me even if you introduce me to them as your friend. I could see how they ignored me. I wanted to rush out to be honest. What if they found out about us?Of course, no parents will agree if their rich daughter dated a poor one." Y/N said.

"They just don't know you , Y/N. Once they see how a good person you are they will like you for you. Just give me or us some time." I said.

"Maybe we should stop seeing each other." Y/N said and my heart dropped.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's not wait for things to get worse. You should find someone else better than me or give Nat a chance." She said and I got mad of what she said.

"Why do you keep saying that? Why are you giving me to Nat. I don't like Nat. Okay? And what about you? I saw you with Faye how you agreed to hang out with her." I bursted out.

"Don't make this about me. I just want the best for you." She said.

"But you're the best for me." I said and my tears started to fall.

"No. I'm not. If we continue seeing each other, your parents will surely find out about us. We can't hide like this forever. " Y/N said.

"So is this what you're love is like? You're giving up already?" I asked and I was sobbing already.

"I'm sorry, Becky. I think it's much better if we end this before anything else." Y/N said and she started to cry too. She left and walked inside the bulding. I palmed my face and sobbed. Y/N just broke up with me.

A few minutes late, I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted Y/N. I wanted to be with her. I straightened myself up and ran inside her apartment building. I ran upstairs until I reached her room. Once I reached it, I banged at her door not caring about disturbing the people on the other rooms. I kept banging until Y/N opened the door. I saw her red eyes and looked at me. Before I could say anything, I didn't think twice but I pushed her inside and kissed her aggressively. I pressed myself into her arms as I held her face and kept kissing her. She tried to push me away but I held her tight and I didn't stop kissing her. It was a lustful kiss and I could taste the saltiness of our tears. Few seconds later without breaking the kiss, I felt Y/N slowly got relaxed and she started kissing me back. As we both got relaxed with each other, lust turned into a passionate kiss. I stopped and stared at her. I rubbed her cheeks and went back kissing her.

Minutes of making out, we started to undress each other. Y/N started kissing my neck and I moaned at her contact. She sucked my neck as I put my arms around her shoulders to pull her closer. I took all of my clothings until I went naked infront of her.
She slowly took me to her bed and gently laid me down. She was all over me and I was enjoying how her hands roamed around my body.

She went down on me and started eating me out. She licked and sucked at the same time. When she entered her tongue inside me, I screamed with pleasure. She held my legs to keep me steady and she didn't stop lapping me up. My eyes rolled as she kept her tongue inside me, she was moaning and sent vibrations through my body. Few minutes later, I could feel myself cumming, I curled my toes on the sheets and cummed in her mouth. She didn't waste time lapped up the juices and cleaned me up.

I panted until I regain my breathing. It was the best night. Y/N laid down beside me and we both snuggled under the blankets. We held each other close and feel the warmth in each others hands.

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