Different Lives - Part 1

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It was one busy day at the coffee shop. Customers were coming in and every staff were doing their own tasks. People love our coffee because we always use fresh coffee beans. You could smell the aroma once you entered the shop. Being a barista is not easy, you stand for hours, sometimes you burn your hands with the coffee machine, you get yelled at from mean customers. There are also nice customers and with that we got lighten up with just their smiles and that's enough for us. We got paid at the end of the month and my earnings are enough to pay my own rent and bills. I live alone at an old apartment.
I am an only child. My mom is rich and had an affair on her legal husband so I'm a child outside of wedlock. I never met my dad, my mom wanted me to live with her and her family. I tried living with them on my teenage years but everyone was so cruel so I decided to leave and live on my own. I even cut my ties with my mom because I wanted her to live in a normal family without me. Now I'm 27, working at a coffee shop and just earning enough for myself and I still consider myself broke. That's fine with me since I chose this path and I've been living on my own for years.

One fine morning, I just finished preparing the lattès that the customer order when the entrance bell rang. I didn't mind since it was pretty normal. When I took a glance at the customer, I saw a beautiful young woman entered the shop. She has shoulder length brownish hair, milky white skin and looked rich. Before she reached the bar, some people started screaming her name and I couldn't understand clearly because they gone crazy. They started taking selfies with the young woman and most of them were girls. I guess she's a celebrity but I don't recognize her. Then my bestfriend Tia came and stood beside me.

"Hey Y/N. Why are people screaming?" She asked me.

" Do you know who she is?" I asked as I pointed the young woman.

"Oh my gosh!" Tia squealed and I almost jumped at her reaction.

"What? Who's is she ?" I asked calmly.

"That's Becky." Tia said and I've never heard that name before.

"Becky?" I repeated.

"Yes. Becky. You don't know? Rebecca Patricia Armstrong." Tia said and I took a look again but I had no idea who she was.

"Uhmm Is she someone I should know?" I said.

"She's an actress. She's a famous GL actress. " Tia said and I nodded. I already got the idea why most of the people who took selfies with her were girls.
Indeed, she is very beautiful.

"Come on, let's have a picture with her. 'Tia said and grabbed me to her idol.

When we reached her, Tia pulled out her phone.

"I'll take the picture for you." I offered and Tia seemed so excited. Tia stood beside the young woman and they both smiled as I pressed the camera button.

"Thank you so much." Tia bowed. I just stood there watching them until I went back to the bar to serve coffee.

Becky's POV

I was at the coffee shop with my assistant P'Yha. When I entered the shop, people came running towards me to take selfies with me. I felt honored when people recognize me and likes me. I already encountered crazy fans that I almost got scared of but most of my fans were very nice.
But at this moment, there was one girl who was like pretty calm. She took the photo of her friend then left like she didn't give a damn about it and that's kinda new since most of my fans are going crazy when they see me. Maybe she's not a fan, I guess.

After that, I sat down and let P'Yha ordered the coffee.
It was my first time to come into the coffee shop because I heard that they serve really good coffee and I wasn't disappointed. Their coffee was so good and fresh.

Me and P'Yha talked for a while. She is the person I could trust and I'm glad she's stayed with me regardless on how busy we are especially when I have fanmeets and tapings.

We left the shop since I have a meeting with the management. I sighed, I actually wanted to go home and sleep but when the management is involve I couldn't say no.

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