School Queen - Part 10

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Me and Becky are officially together , although we keep it private and lowkey. We're not that kind of a couple who likes PDA. I told Engfa about us and she was really happy for me.

At school, I was having lunch with Engfa , still pretty much the same like before. Suddenly one of my classmates named Heidi came and approached me. She asked if she could borrow my notes earlier since she knew I always write down everything that the teacher's discussion and I let her. As I handed her my notebook , she gave me a flirty wink but I just ignored it.

Becky's POV

I just arrived at the cafeteria and I was looking for
Y/N when I spotted Heidi who is one of the flirtiest cheerleaders talking to Y/N. I crossed my arms and watched them from afar the  I saw her winked at Y/N. Did she just try to flirt on my girlfriend?I rolled my eyes.
I walked towards Y/N and sat beside her.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hey." Y/N said and I know she noticed my mood.
"You okay?"she asked.

"Why was Heidi here and talking to you?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"She's my classmate and she borrowed my notes from earlier." Y/N answered.

"You let her?Can't she write for her own?" I responded.

"Hey it's just notes." She said.

"I saw her winked at you." I said in a jealous tone.

"Don't overthink. I just ignored that and besides I only have eyes on you." Y/N and squeezed my hand in assurance. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

6 months later still Becky's POV

It was me and Y/N's 6th monthsary and we are going strong. I decided to invite for a sleepover at my house since the past months was always her treat, so this time it's on me.

My parents are at home and they knew I invited Y/N for a sleepover and they're fine with it. We were just chilling in my room watching nextflix and eating popcorn. We were cuddled up in my bed as I rested my head on her shoulder. Y/N slowly signalled me to move and she reached something from her bag.

"I have something for you." Y/N said and I looked at her. She handed me a small red box and I slowly took it. I carefully opened it and it was a very beautiful silver couple bracelet.

"Oh Y/N, it's so beautiful." I said and I was touched.

"Happy 6monthsary baby." Y/N said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much Y/N." I said.

"I love you too, why don't we try it on." She said and put it around my forearms and I did the same to her.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." I said and she chuckled.

"When you said yes to me being my girlfriend , it was all I ever wanted. You're the best thing that's ever happend to me." She said and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry." Y/N said and wiped my tears.

I gave her a hug and buried my face on her neck. I slowly looked at her and placed my hands on her shoulders. I kissed her slowly with passion and romance. We had a loving kiss and I stared at her eyes. She was smiling at me lovingly and I went back on kissing her. I slowly kissed her cheeks and I started moved down her neck. I gave her wet kisses and placed my hand on her chest.

"I've waited for the right time. Now I'm ready to give it all to you Y/N." I whispered and she looked at me in confused. Instead of waiting for her answer, I went back kissing her. We made out in my bed and I slowly lifted my shirt up above my head along with my pants. She stared at me but we didn't waste time to go back kissing again. Our tongues fighting in dominance and she won. I let her explore my mouth and she slowly placed me down the bed. She hovered above me and I could tell she was shy but it's sweet so I grabbed her shirt and removed it. I pulled down her pants and she was left in her sports bra and boxers.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop if you want." Y/N said and I smiled at her.

"I'm more than ready for you Y/N. Let's make love tonight." I whispered and she kissed me. Our make out was getting heated , so I unhooked my bra and I was left only in my panties. I was half naked underneath her. She grinded herself down and I could feel she was getting hard , it feels so good and I could also feel myself getting wet from the grinding.
Y/N went down kissing my neck until she reached my bare chest and started sucking my right breast. I moaned at the feeling as she latched her tongue and tugged at my nipple with her teeth. I fisted her hair and my head rolled back. She squeezed my other breast until she gave them the same treatment. I was moaning of all the romance she was giving me. I pulled down my panties and let her place herself in between my legs. I slowly grabbed her boxers and pulled it down. She looked at me and I was still breathing hard.

"This might hurt but if you want me to stop, I'll stop." Y/N said and I nodded.

"Just do it and I trust you." I whispered.

She slowly entered me and she was right it did hurt. I felt like I was being ripped out as she fully entered me. She let me adjust to her size until I signalled her to move. I got so turned on on how gentle she was with me. Y/N started moving slowly until pain turned into pleasure. I closed my eyes and moaned at the feeling and fuck she was so good. She placed my hands over my head and fucked me gently. My toes curled the sheets as I could feel her hitting the right spot. When she started to go rough with me, she let me grabbed her and placed my arms around her back. She started fucking me roughly and I was a moaning mess underneath her. My fingers were scratching her back that will surely leave a mark the next morning. I was releasing a throaty moan and she was hitting my spot just right. Minutes of fucking, i could feel myself cumming.

"Let it out ." Y/N moaned and I cummed before her while she was still inside me.

"Where should I cum? I don't have protection."
Y/N asked.

"Cum in me. It's my safe day." I said and she looked at me.

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked and I nodded. Then she went back on fucking me.
I could feel how hard she was then later on, she cummed in me. She pumped  her load in me and filling me up. We both ride out each others high until she slowly pulled out. I was regaining my breathing then she kissed my forehead and we smiled at each other. She laid down beside me and pulled the blankets up to cover our naked bodies. I placed my head on her chest and savored the moment.

"I hope your parents didn't hear us." Y/N said.

"With the amount of pleasure you gave me, I'm pretty sure they might have heard us." I answered and we both chuckled.

She held me tighter and kissed my head.

"I love you Becky." Y/N said.

" I love you too Y/N." I replied. We held each other close until we fell asleep on each others arms. It was the best night ever. We just made love and that moment we showed how much we love each other and I know I'll never regret that I gave my first time to Y/N.

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