Dawn of Love - Part 1

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Becky's POV

"What? Why? Did I do something wrong, Baby?" I started crying.

"You didn't do anything wrong." Y/N shook her head. She was standing right infront of me as she was about to leave to New York.

"Then why are you breaking up with me? Please atleast give me a reason." I sobbed and I was begging for her not to leave me.

"I'm sorry, Becky." She said and turned her back. She walked and got into the car and drove off leaving me breaking. I dropped my knees on the ground and sobbed really hard. I was hurting not knowing the reason why Y/N my girlfriend just broke up with me.

I was hurting for months and everytime I think about her I couldn't help myself but cry. Y/N is my first and true love. She didn't give me a reason why she left me. Her parents want to send her to New York and I completely understand that but the only thing I didn't understand was why she left without reasons that it almost led me to overthinking. I tried to reach for her in social medias but I couldn't , I even asked her friends and relatives but they didn't give me straight answers until I gave up.

5 years passed by and I finished my university. I actually forget how to love since Y/N broke up with me. I had flings and suitors but I always turned them down and just played with their feelings, I know it sounded so evil.

I started working as a content creator at a company and I met new friends. I'm 21 years old and I never had a lover since me and Y/N broke up. I really hate her for what she did and what made me hate her the most is that I couldn't forget her.


After 5 years and I was finally back to Thailand. I finished my college in New York. I was back to manage my family's company. 5 years ago, I broke up with my girlfriend Becky. It was the hardest decision of my life but I didn't have a choice but to obey my parents and I was young. In those 5 years without any contact of course she totally hate me now. I always missed her and there was not a day that I didn't think about her.

As I step my foot again in Bangkok my first thing that I wanted to do was to see her. Of course, she probably has a lover . I know she wouldn't forgive me for what I did and I was also not asking for her forgiveness but atleast I just want to explain myself if she would let me. If she would forgive me, I would be the happiest but if she wouldn't then I couldn't do anything about it.

One morning, I was out in a cafè getting a coffee when I saw a familiar face in the shop. I kept watching her to know if I was right. She was looking for a table and that was it. I was right. It was Irin Becky's bestfriend.

"Irin?" I smiled at her as I reached her.

"Y/N?" She said and she was smiling back at me.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Oh my gosh. Hey, how are you?" Irin asked smiling.

"Uhm, you're looking for a table?" I asked and she nodded.

"You can sit with me." I said.

"Sure." Irin said.

"Oh. Let me help you with that." I offered and I carried her tray of coffee and pastry.

We sat at the table and started to have a conversation.

"So when did you come back?" She asked.

"Uhm just 3 days ago. I'm managing my family's business that's why I'm here." I said and she nodded.

We started talking about each others life and how her life's been going too until it came to a silence.

"Irin, uhm do you know where Becky is?" I carefully asked.

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