Lust or Love - Part 11

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"Hey, I saw Becky ran out. Is she okay?" Lisa asked in concern.

"I hope so." I answered.

"Did you tell her about us?" Lisa asked . I looked at her and nodded.

"Is she okay with it?" She asked.

"Yes, of course." I said and Lisa smiled at me.

Lisa went back to her work since she still got some class to attend. When she left the building, I went out to meet up Attorney and asked him about the papers.

"Oh Hi Y/N." Attorney greeted me as soon as I entered his office

"Come on in, have a seat." He gestured me to the chair opposite him. I sat infront of him.

"I came to ask about the status of the papers." I said and Attorney nodded.

"Don't worry about it. Your wife already paid me." He said and I was shocked.

"My wife? You mean Becky? " I asked in confusion.

"Yes. Who else? She took care of the damages when she called if off." Attorney said.

"Called what off? What are you talking about?" I asked and Attorney got surprised of my reaction.

"You mean to say you two haven't talked yet?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Well she came to my office this morning but she didn't say anything about this." I said.

"Arlight. Y/N , Becky cancelled the divorce." Attorney said and I was so shocked after he said that.

"Huh? Why? I mean what happened? I signed the papers." I said and he slightly chuckled.

"Yes, you did sign the papers but Becky didn't . We found out that not a single of her signature was left on the papers. She talked to me and she told me she realized she still wanted to be with her wife and that is with you." Attorney said and I frozed for a moment.

Attorney told me everything about it.

"So meaning, me and Becky are still married." I said.

"Yes." Attorney said noddingly.

After my meet up with Attorney I was really shocked. I still couldn't process what just happend and my mind was having a hard time sinking everything in.
I drove back to my office. I kept pacing the floor and just doing that every minute.
Becky still love me.

Skip time.

I was having dinner with Lisa at a restaurant since I asked her that morning. Lisa is a very nice person and she is a friend.

"Y/N, are you okay? You haven't touched your food." Lisa said.

"Yeah, sorry." I said and started taking a little food in my mouth.

"You know you can tell me if something is bothering you." She said. I know I can trust her and I started telling her about what happend after meeting up with the Attorney and she understood everything.

" I see. So you two are still hitched." Lisa said and I could see she was a little sad but I know that she's matured enough for this.

"I'm really sorry. Believe me you are an amazing person. You can always find someone who can love you for you. But I'm married. I don't want to lose my wife." I said and Lisa smiled at me.

"I know and I understand that. If I am in Becky's shoes I will definitely fight for you. Thank you. I hope we can still stay friends." Lisa said.

"Of course." I said and we both smiled at each other.

"So what are you still doing here? Go and tell Becky how you truly feel. Go get your wife back." Lisa said and I stood up to give her a hug.

"Thanks, Lisa." I said and walked out of the restaurant.

Becky's POV

I was cooking dinner for myself when I heard a knock on my door. I wiped my hands and went to check who it was. I peeped through the window and saw Y/N's car outside. What could she probably doing here at this night, I asked to myself.
I opened the door and Y/N was standing there looking at me with a smile on her face that got me curious.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" I asked carefully.

"Can I come in?" Y/N answered and I nodded. I signalled here to get in and locked the door behind.

"I went to Attorney,why didn't you tell me you didn't sign the paper?" Y/N asked and I suddenly got nervous.

"I was about to this morning but when I saw you with Lisa deep inside me I started to panic that I couldn't pull myself to tell you. I'm sorry." I said and lowered my head.
Y/N walked closer to me and looked at me deeply.

"What happend Becky?" She asked and I started to fiddle my fingers.

"I realized that I'm still inlove with you. I broke up with Mike after I cancelled the divorce, I know I should have talk to you about it. When I was with Mike all I could feel was lust but when I'm with you I feel love and passion. You're the only one who gave me butterflies. How you take care of me when I'm sick,. When you don't care how I look or how I dressed. How you praised my cooking even if it's not that good." I said and I started to tear up.
"I miss all of that. I miss you. I'm such a terrible wife to you. I was so busy looking for my own happiness not realizing that it's already here infront of me. I love you." I cried.

"Well this shouldn't matter to you since you're seeing Lisa right now and I know that's why you're here. I can talk to attorney to take the paper back and I'll sign it. I'm really sorry." I said and I kept sobbing.
Suddenly, I felt warm hands cupping my cheeks.
Y/N slowly held my cheeks to look at her and she gave me her loving smile. She started wiping my tears and I just closed my eyes.

"I'm not with Lisa. I talked to her about this while we were having dinner earlier and she let me go, she understand everything. That's why I'm here. I want to fix this. You don't have to keep saying sorry because both of us made a mistake. Let's stay together and we can fix this. I love you and I will always love you." Y/N said and she leaned in to plant kiss on my forehead and let it linger for a second.

"I missed you." I said. Y/N chuckled and she kept rubbing her thumb on my cheeks. We both leaned in until our lips touched. It was so sweet and all I could feel was passion and love. I melted into her arms and held into her as we both deepen the kiss. We slowly broke out from the kiss but Y/N was still holding me.

"I missed you too. I missed this." She said and I smiled at her.

"I missed us." I replied and I leaned it to pecked her lips once more. Y/N held me tighter and gave me a warm embraced. We both melted into each others arms and it felt home. I slowly let go since I remember something.

"Wait here." I said and I ran upstairs to get something. Then later on, I went back to her.

"I know you hated me for not wearing this but do you mind putting this back on my hand?" I asked politely as I gave her my wedding ring. Y/N never took off her ring, it was just me.
Y/N smiled and didn't hesitate to wear it on my finger and she gave my hand a kiss.

"I'm really happy I have my wife back." Y/N said and smiled. We couldn't help but smiled at each other lovingly.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked.

"Of course." Y/N said and again we pecked each others' lips before we went to the kitchen.

Y/N helped me prepared the table like she always do. We started eating dinner and all we did was talked like before and she shared some jokes that always sell.

After doing dishes, I went to the living room and I saw Y/N getting her bags from her car.

"So you knew I was gonna take you back." I laughed.

"Yeah of course I do, I know you would, my dear wife." Y/N said and winked at me. I helped her with her bags upstairs and placed her stuff back where it was before. We shared the bedroom again like we were before. I felt complete when she came back. She is my real home.

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