Different Lives - Part 6

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Becky's POV

Y/N came to see me and gave me roses. I admit I was  surprised and really happy to see her and I didn't expect her. When she told me she missed me I was fluttered. After the premiere night I went home still holding the roses that Y/N gave me. I put it on a vase with water so and put it beside my dresser in my bedroom. I felt guilty of not replying to her messages but still she came all the way just to see me.

The next day, It was 7 in the evning and I just finished my meeting with the management. I was standing outside the building and I could feel the cold breeze hitting me. When I was about to get my my phone to call my driver, I saw Y/N standing just 5 meters away from me. She smiled at me with her hands in her pockets .

"Y/N?" I asked then she slowly walked towards me and stopped right infront of me.

"Hey." She said.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked and there was something about her eyes the way she looked at me.

"I want to talk to you." Y/N said. She took my hand and carefully dragged me to a corner with less people.

"Is everything okay? Are you alright?" I asked worridly. She looked at me and with teary eyes like she was about to say something.
Before I could continue , Y/N cupped my cheeks and slowly kissed my lips. It was a soft kiss. I didn't kiss back but I just closed my eyes and let her kiss me.
Then she carefully pulled away and looked at me.
I looked up into her eyes and I smiled at her and tears started to form in my eyes.

"That night when you kissed me, I didn't know what to say. I've been wanting to tell you how I feel about you so I kept calling and waiting for you. When I didn't get a response I gave up thinking it was a mistake after you kissed me. I'm not asking anything in return , I just want to let you know that I've fallen for you." Y/N confessed and I was touched of what she said.

Then she engulfed me with a hug. I hugged her back and let my body drown in her arms. We stayed for 15 seconds until I broke out to say something.

"You know how I feel about you Y/N." I took her hand and continued.
"I want us to give it a shot. I want to be with you." I said.

"Becky, we're very different from each other. You're rich and famous while I'm just a normal person living in a normal life. Another thing is I'm already 27 and you're 21. You can find someone better than me and younger." Y/N said.

"What would your family and your fans will say of you being with me. You will get bashed and you have a perfect career. I don't want you to lose your career because of being with me." Y/N continued.

"You really think I give a damn of what others will say. I don't care what other people think about me. I don't care about our age gap. All I want is to be with someone I love.." I said and Y/N sighed.

"Please Y/N, I just want to be with someone who makes me happy and that is being with you. " I added and held her hand tightly.

"Let's give it a try. If you want we don't need to tell them about us yet. I'm willing to wait,  just be with me. Let's just be together." I said.

Y/N didn't say anything but she pulled me into her arms.

"I love you. If you get tired just tell me, okay. Just remember I'll be there for you." Y/N whispered and I nodded.

After we both agreed to our decision, me and Y/N started seeing each other more. Sometimes we secretly go out but mostly I stayed in her aparment to spend time with her. I even trippled my driver's salary just to keep his mouth shut about me and

One afternoon, I asked Y/N to come with me to the mall. She hesitated at first but then she gave in.
We were walking around and I was looking for a new bag.
I put my arms around until I get to hold her hand. She looked shocked and let go of my grip.

"Becky. We're in public." Y/N said and I chuckled at her reaction.

"Y/N, look around you. We are in a luxury mall. People don't care about their surroundings. They don't even care if you're a celebrity. I chose this mall so we could be free just this time and I want to hold your hands without hesitaions." I explained and she looked around. I was right people in that mall don't care about others. Celebrities are not new for them.

Y/N smiled and I again held her hands. I could feel her getting relaxed. She helped me look for a new bag and walked around the mall hand in hand until I saw my parents. I didn't tell Y/N and I was about to pull her to go the other way but my mom saw me.

"Becky." My mom called. I quickly let go of Y/N's hand and I saw her frowned. I also felt sad of losing contact.

"Mom." I said and let Y/N followed me.

"It's my parents. Please Stay with me." I whispered to Y/N.

"Honey, what are you doing here?" My mom asked.

"Uhm I'm just doing shopping with my friend Y/N." I said and It hurts me to say that and introduce Y/N as my friends. But we agreed to that decision of not telling anyone about us.

"Oh hi. Nice to meet you Y/N." Mom said and I saw her looked Y/N from head to tow and I didn't like that.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Armstrong." Y/N said and took her hand out for my mom to shake it but my mom hesitated. I know Y/N wasn't happy about it so she just took her hand back. Then I started to break it.

"What are you doing here Mom?" I asked.

"Oh Me and your Dad will have our dinner here. I was actually about to call you but it's good you're here too, honey." Mom said. "You can let your friend join us." Mom added and went to the restaurant.

I looked at Y/N and she got uncomfortable.

"I should go." Y/N whispered.

"Y/N. Join us. It's my parents. I'm here , It'll be okay. Please." I asked her and she sighed in defeat.

We walked in to the restaurant and went towards the table where my mom and dad was sitting. I noticed there were 6 chairs.

"Why are there 6 chairs here,  mom? Are we waiting for some people?"I asked.

"Nat!" Dad called and I looked at the entrance. I saw Nat walked in towards us with a smile on his fave. Oh great.

"Honey, I invited Nat for dinner. You're cousin Faye is also coming." Mom said. My parents greeted Nat like he is a part of the family.

We all sat down, Mom asked me to sit beside Nat which I obeyed. While Y/N sat beside the empty chair which is for my cousin. I looked Y/N and she was nervous and uncomfortable but I kept telling her with my eyes to be okay. But I know this isn't going to be good. I told myself.

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