Fate and Faith - Part 15

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It was already 7 in the evening and I was still in the office. I told Becky that I couldn't pick them up since I was overtime and she said it was okay. Suddenly my phone rang.

Y/N: Yes , Baby?
Becky: Hi, Baby. What time will you finish work?
Y/N: I'm almost done maybe 20 minutes and I'm out. Why? Is everything okay?
Becky: Yeah. Me and Lily are in a diner right now. I want to treat you both tonight.
Y/N: Really? I'm actually really hungry now.
Becky: What do you want and I'll order it for you.
Y/N: You can get me anything they have.
Becky: Okay. We'll see you later.
Y/N: I can't wait.

I hurridly packed up my stuff after I finished my work and drove off to the diner after Becky sent me the address. As I entered the diner, Becky waved at me and I went straight towards them.

Lily had already eaten almost half of her meal and of course she got hungry because of waiting for me.

"I'm so sorry I took too long." I said.

"No, it's okay. Work is work. As long as you're here with us now safely." Becky smiled at me.

"Wow. This is good and I'm so hungry." I said as I looked at the food infront of me.

We started and eating and Becky told me that she was given a salary increase. That's great and I'm glad that her boss trust her even if she has been working for only 3 months.
When we finished our dinner, a man came towards our table.

"Hey. I never thought I would see you again." The man said. I looked at him and he was looking at Becky.

Becky's POV

I heard a man said something to me and when I looked at him he winked at me. I couldn't believe I would see him again and why right now. I got nervous as I remembered that night I gave him a service at a hotel.
I couldn't speak and I actually didn't know what to say.

"You looked great now and much more beautiful." He just said that to me infront of Y/N.

"I'm sorry. Do you guys know each other?" Y/N asked in confused looking at me and the man.

"Uhmm I ... uh.."" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"We met back then. Anyways, It's nice to see you. You look hotter." He said and winked at me. I looked at Y/N and she was shocked.

"Who was that?" Y/N asked.

"He is uhmm. Do you remember that time when I told you about I got paid for a one night? It was... it was him." I said nervously and Y/N left a deep sigh.
Y/N didn't say anything and I could see her face that she looked bothered.

We went home and the car ride was silent. Y/N didn't look at me until we reached home. She went straight to her room and Me and Lily too. I put Lily to sleep since it was already late. When Lily fell asleep, I went to Y/N and I wanted to talk to her.

"Baby?" I softly called as I knocked on her room and it swung open.
Y/N looked sad and I knew that it has to do with our encounter with the man in the diner.
She sat on the bed so I slowly dipped beside her.

"Hey, are you mad at me?" I carefully asked.

"No, I just couldn't bear the thought of you slept with that man." She answered sadly.

"You know I did that because I needed money for me and Lily." I said.

"I know. I understand that. I just couldn't help this feeling." She said. I moved closer to her and held her hand.

"Y/N, I love you. You have no idea how grateful I am from the very first time I met you. You helped me a lot and I will be forever thankful to that. I owe you so much. I learned so so much from my past. I wouldn't be here where I am now if it wasn't for you." I said to her with all my heart. I leaned in an kissed her cheek gently.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me." I said . Y/N looked at me and smiled softly.

"You mean so much to me too. You and Lily." She said. I reached something from my pocket. I was about to give it to her at the diner but the mood changed because of that man.

"I got you something. It's nothing compared to what you have given me but I just want to express my love for you." I said and I put a silver bracelet around her wrist. It didn't cost much but I've been saving my money for that since I've been wanting to give her something.

"I love you." I said and kissed her lips. Y/N answered me with a kiss. It was a loving kiss and she pulled me for a hug. We held each others hand and just talked until I have to go back to Lily.

As I layed down with Lily in our room, I couldn't sleep. I kept rolling around the bed for almost an hour. Y/N kept running in my head and I couldn't help it but think of her. It's already 12 midnight as I looked at the time. I fixed Lily's blanket and went to Y/N's room. I didn't know what came over me.Y/N doesn't lock her door now so I carefully went inside her room. I know she was sleeping right now but I couldn't help it, I was lusting over her. I slowly crawled beside her as she was facing her back. I gently layed down and carefully put my hand around her waist from behind. I started to move my lips to her neck and placed soft kisses. When she felt my presence she slightly jumped and hummed.

"Becky? What are you doing here?" She asked in a husky voice.

"Shhhh." I whispered. I made her face me and that's when I started kissing her lustfully. My hands were all over her. She gently pulled away and looked at me.

"Baby?" She asked and held my cheek. I didn't say anything I just want her to sense me. My eyes are waiting for her permission then suddenly we started to move closer to each other until we went back kissing. We started making out and it was a very sloppy kiss. I was so hungry for her that I lay on too of her. I hovered over her and took off my clothings until I left naked on top of her. Our kisses went wild as I started to undress her. I moaned when she started to touch me all over. I stayed on top and started grinding myself down to her. I grasped her shoulders from pain and pleasure. I kept moaning when I started to work myself up and down on her meat diving inside me. My mouth left open as I felt the pleasure took over my body. She held my waist tightly to support my movement until we both came. My forehead was sweating and I slowed down my movement to relax ourselves. We stayed in each others arms and laid under the sheets with our naked bodies.

I didn't notice I had fallen asleep in her room well probably because of our steamy lovemaking. I checked the time and it was already 5 in the morning. I remembered Lily, gosh I left her sleep alone in our room. Y/N was still asleep so I slowly got up and took my clothings that were scattered on the floor. I placed a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead and went back to Lily. Gladly Lily was still asleep, I cuddled my daughter and I couldn't help but miss her already.

Months passed and everything was going well. When I have enough money from my savings , I enrolled Lily to a kindergarten and Y/N is very supported too. She sometimes picked Lily up from school if she have time. I know it's not her obligation but I let her if she wants to. I see how she took care of Lily too and I love the sight of it. I've been into so many ups and downs but Y/N is always there for me when I met her. I owe my life to her. If it wasn't for her I probably still be roaming the street. The reason I didn't give up is because of Lily. I am doing everything for her to give the life she deserves. I wasn't expecting that I will find real love. I didn't expect that someone will still accept me for who I am and for what I have been through. Someone who would accept not just me but also Lily to have them in their life. It is true that whatever we do in life there is someone who will love us from who we are. Someone who will let us in and live with the rest of our life.

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