Fate and Faith - Part 7

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Two days later

It was 6pm and I couldn't stop thinking about Becky and Lily. I felt weird so I called Engfa and asked her if she could come with me to check up on Becky and Lily.

"Are you sure about this?" Engfa asked as I stopped the car almost infront of the house where Becky was staying.

"We will just say hi to Becky and Lily."I said and I actually felt so nervous.

Becky's POV

One evening, Lily was looking for food and I don't feel comfortable around with Paul. Lily's father. Since Lily was begging to get something to eat, I slowly walked to the kitchen to get anything for Lily.
I looked for something and I saw a little amount of rice in the casserole. I scooped a small amount enough for Lily until Paul walked in.

"What are you doing?" Paul asked.

"Lily is hungry. I just want to feed her." I answered.

"Huh Didn't I tell you that you can't just get food without my permission?" Paul yelled and I started to get scared.

"But it's for Lily. Please, she's really hungry." I said.

"See? What kind of a mother are you? You can't even buy your own kid a nice meal. I know you're just using her but it is you who wanted to eat." Paul spat on me.

"Paul, please it's just rice and it really is for Lily." I explained but Paul didn't buy it.

"Just rice? Huh. Come here." Paul aggressively went towards me and grabbed a fist of my hair. He took a palm of rice in his hand and shove it in my mouth. I muffled and groaned in pain.

"Do you have any idea how much that cost? You don't have a work. What makes you think you have the right to say that!" Paul shouted as he kept putting rice in my mouth.

"You want to eat? Eat it!" Paul yelled in anger.I was crying and I could hear Lily crying too in the corner. I couldn't take it that she has to witness this.

I started to cough and cried. I was hurting and Paul was still grabbing my hair so hard.


Me and Engfa was debating about how to knock on that door where Becky was. We were standing outside the car until I heard a loud cry almost like a scream.

"Engfa, do you hear that?" I asked nervously.

"Yes. I think it's from their house." Engfa said.

"It's Lily. She needs help." I said and I quickly ran to their yard and peaked through the window. I couldn't see anything but I heard Lily screaming the word "mommy."

"Engfa, come on." I told Engfas as I was about to get inside thier house, she quickly pulled me.

"Are you insane?we can be accused of trespassing." Engfa said. The scream and cries got even louder and I couldn't take it.

"I don't care if I'll be in jail after this. I want to know what's going on." I said and ran towards their door.

"Damn it!" I heard Engfa but she still followed me.
I pushed the door so hard thinking it was locked but to my luck it wasn't so it swang open. I followed where the sound was coming and it was from the kitchen.
We ran to where it was and there I saw Becky in a man's hand with her mouth full of I assumed rice. She was suffocating. Becky saw me and she was crying.

"Engfa. Please get Lily from here and calm her down." I told Engfa and she quickly did what I told her. I grabbed the chair beside me and banged it hard on the man that was hurting Becky. He suddenly dropped on the floor and as Becky was finally released I pulled her to me and hugged her. She coughed and breathing so hard.
I immediately removed the stuffed in her mouth and wiped the mess on her face. She cried in my arms and I let her. I teared up when I saw her hurting.

"Where is Lily?" Becky asked and of course it would be the first thing she would look for.

"She's okay, my bestfriend Engfa get her out from here." I said.

"What happend to you huh? Why didn't you tell me when we met that he's hurting you?" I asked in a soft tone.

Becky couldn't speak then suddenly the man who I should say Lily's father slowly got up holding his back in pain.

"What the fuck? Who are you?" He asked.

"It's not important who I am. I'm taking them with me. Your not her husband so you have mo right for her and Lily." I told him.

"I'm Lily's father." He said.

"A father? A real father won't abandon his daughter. Why don't you ask Lily if she still want you as her father after what you did to her and especially to her mom. I also know you are married before you met Becky and you have children. You can easily be accused of adultery. So just let them go, let them live the life they deserve or you will end up in jail for adultery." I spat on him.
I didn't wait for him to speak so I took Becky out and find Engfa and Lily who was waiting outside by the car.
Becky rushed to Lily to give her a hug. As I approached them, Lily went to me and hugged me too. I hugged her back and assured her that they're okay now.

As I dropped Engfa to her home, we both got out and I wanted to say thank you to her.

"Thank you so much. You really are my bestfriend." I said and hugged her.

"Yeah and you really are a jackass." Engfa said and we both burst out a laugh.

"But, you know you always have my back. I still couldn't believe you just did what you did." Engfa added and I smiled.

"I told you I'm not giving up so I did not give up." I said.

"But hey. You didn't tell me that Becky is a hottie." Engfa said and I playfully hit her shoulder.

"You're the jackass." I joked.

"Just kidding. I have to go. Take care alright. I'm
one call away if you need me." Engfa said and went inside.

I went inside the car and I saw Becky and Lily hugging each other in the backseat. I really missed these two. I drove us back to my house and Becky still wasn't talking and I wasn't forcing her to. I just let her take the time until she's ready to talk about it. I know what happend was really heavy for her.

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