Fate and Faith - Part 8

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I was sitting in the kitchen drinking some hot coffee when I heard footsteps and I definitely knew who it was.

"Hey." Becky whispered as she walked in.

"Oh hey. Uhm how's Lily?" I gently asked.

"She's already asleep." Becky said and I nodded.

Becky sat beside me and I was hoping she's ready to tell me everything that happend.

"Y/N, thank you so much from the very beginning when you first helped us and until today." Becky started and I smiled at her.

"Are you okay?" I asked in concern.

"I am now." Becky answered in relief.

"I'm sorry I kicked you out and Lily. I wasn't thinking and I felt so guilty." I said.

"It's okay." Becky said.

"Uhm after that when we left, we went to look for a place to stay but then it started raining so heavy. I asked some shops if we could stay there for a little while until the rain stops but none of them trusted us and I understand them. We actually came back to you hoping you would let us just that night, I didn't know but I think you went somewhere so we left and went to a gasoline station. I found a spot there and I curled Lily into my arms since it was raining really hard. Then suddenly, out of nowhere Paul showed up. I didn't know his intention but he wants us to come with him. I was so desperate and I was also thinking about Lily if she get sick from the cold so I decided to go with him. We stayed at his place but he was so cruel. He kept threatening me that he would take Lily from me so I obeyed everything he asks." Becky cried and I rubbed her back. When I put my hands on her arm ,she flinched.
Something got in my mind, so I carefully rolled up her sleeves and there I saw bruises. I almost teared up after seeing them.

"Did Paul do this to you?" I asked and Becky nodded with her head down.

"Oh my gosh." I cried and pulled Becky into my arms.
"I'm really really sorry. You don't deserve this." I whispered as I was hugging her.

"Do you know that I went after you when you left?"I said as I broke out from the hug.
"I kept looking for you and Lily. I even asked Engfa to help me find both of you because I was so guilty. I couldn't sleep thinking about you and I know I wouldn't stop looking for you until I got you back safely." I added.

"You looked for me?" Becky asked and I nodded with my tears falling down.
Becky held my face and brought it up to look at her.

"You know I've been thinking about you too. When you saw me with Paul that was the time I thought I would never see you again." Becky said in tears.

I put my hands on Becky's face and brought it closer to me. She was crying and I leaned into her to give her a soft kiss. I closed my eyes and I could feel her kissing me back. I could taste the saltiness of her tears as we kissed. Then I slowly pulled away. Our foreheads touching and I could feel her hot breath.

"Please, stay with me." I whispered. Becky looked at me and she nodded. So I pulled her into an hug.
We stayed for a moment as I was holding her into my arms.

"Let's go to bed? You must be really tired. You should get some rest." I smiled at Becky and she nodded.

We went upstairs and Becky went into their room.

"Goodnight , Becky." I said with a smile.

"Goodnight, Y/N." She said back and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Becky's POV

My heart fluttered when Y/N told me she looked for me and Lily. When we shared a loving kiss, I felt healed after everything what me and Lily went through, I felt like my soul was healed by just her kiss.

The next morning, I got up early to cook breakfast for everyone like I always do.

Lily also got up and went with me.

I started cooking and heat up some water to make
Y/N a hot coffee. Later on, Y/N came and Lily suddenly ran towards her.

"Good morning." Lily said and she was smiling up at Y/N.

"Good morning too, princess." Y/N said back.

Lily pulled Y/N's hand and led her to the table with her. She started eating her eggs and I went to pour some hot coffee for Y/N.
Y/N smiled at me that made my knees weak and I blushed.
We all sat around and ate breakfast like a family and my heart melted at the sight of Lily smiling again without fear.

One night, after I finished tucked Lily into bed, I went downstairs and Y/N was there watching tv in the living room.

"Mind if I join you?"I asked.

"Please." She said and scooted to make room for me to sit.

I finished the movie with her until it was time to go to bed.

"Uhm Y/N do you still talk to Megan?" I asked carefully and I saw Y/N was shocked with my question.

"No. Why? we broke up and I don't take my ex's back if they cheated on me. There's no taking back." Y/N said confidently and I nodded.

It was a little awkward then I felt Y/N moved in closer to me.

"Why? Do you like me?"Y/N asked smiling and almost chuckling.

"Huh? Well I. .. uh yes, I do like you. But if you're still thinking about Megan it's okay. I'm not asking anything in return." I explained nervously and Y/N chuckled.

" Huh? Do you think I would kiss you if I'm still thinking about Megan? Probably not." Y/N said.

I was about to say something but Y/N pulled me to her and kissed me.

"I like you too, Becky." Y/N whispered as she let go from the kiss.
Then I answered her with a kiss. It was a passionate kiss until it turned into a mini make out. Then Y/N started to push me down on the sofa, but I stopped her.

"Not now, okay. Lily is upstairs a.." before I could finished it she kissed me again.

"We can be quiet." Y/N smirked and she was about to lean in to kiss me so I quickly put my index finger on her lips.

"No, that's not what I meant. You didn't let me finish." I laughed.

"Oh what were you saying?" Y/N asked chuckling.

"What I meant is Lily is upstairs alone. She'll cry the moment she finds out I'm not with her." I explained and I laughed thinking what she was thinking.

"Right. Sorry. Uhm let's go to sleep." Y/N said and we both went upstairs.

We bid each others goodnight and we onced pecked each others lips before going to our rooms.

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