Lust or Love - Part 2

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Becky's POV

It was friday night and I was at the club hanging out with my best friend Irin.

"So how was the divorce going?" Irin asked.

"Still on process. I already gave the paper to Y/N. I'm just waiting for her to sign it." I answered as I took a sip on my drink.

"Do you really think Y/N will sign the paper?" Irin asked.

" Of course she will and she should. We're both fed up with each other." I said and put down my drink and Irin just nodded.

Later on, we went to the dance floor and danced to the loud music. I swayed my hips to the music and a man came behind me and held my waist. I started grinding myself to him as I could feel how hot I was. I was enjoying it but when he started to snake his hand down my crotch I immediately pulled away. I looked at the man and he looked shocked. I already have Mike so I wouldn't let anyone touch me aside from him.
I pulled Irin from the dance floor and I decided we should call it a night.

I looked at the watch and it was already 11 in the evening and I still have to go to Mike's but when I checked my phone it was dead.

"Oh shit. Can I borrow your phone? " I asked Irin.

"Sure. Here." She said and handed me her phone.

"Do you have Mike's number? I'm gonna ask him to pick me up." I said.

"Mike's number? Why would I save your boyfriend's number? I have your wife's number for emergency." Irin said. Of course, she's right.

"Right. This sucks." I murmured. I didn't have a choice so I called Y/N.


I was about to got to bed when my phone rang and I looked at it and it was Irin.

"Hey Y/N. Can you pick me up?" It was Becky.

"Yeah. Where are you?" I asked.

"I'll send you the address and I'm with Irin." She said.

I put down the phone went to the address that Becky sent me.

As I reached the destination, I saw Becky and Irin already waiting outside the bar.
They both got inside the car and I dropped Irin in her home.

It was only me and Becky in the car. It was really silent.

"Uhm do you want to go home now or do you want me to drop you in Mike's place?" I asked carefully.

Becky's POV

Y/N asked me if I wanted to go to Mike but I don't know but my mood was slightly ruined.

"Just drive us home. " I answered.

"So how are you and Mike?" Y/N cleared her throat and asked.

"We're doing great. I hope he won't get pissed on waiting for our divorce." I answered.

"Right. Sorry to keep you waiting but I'll sign it. I promise. I'm just really busy with work, you know." Y/N said and I huffed.

"Yeah. You always are." I said back.

"You must really love him huh." Y/N added and I looked at her and she gave me a small smile.

Then I paused a little after what she said.

"Uhm. Yeahh. Of course, I do love him." I said and avoided her eyes. "Just keep your eyes on the road, okay ,and drive us home." I continued and she nodded.

Then suddenly, Y/N stopped and it wasn't infront of our house. It was Mike's.

"Didn't I tell you to drive us home. Why are we here and What are you doing?" I asked in annoyance.

"Well uhm I could see that your stressed and in a bad mood. You probably need Mike." Y/N said and I was not in a mood for dramas.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's okay. You can stay here with him as long as you want. That's fine. Take your time and just come home anytime if you like." Y/N said and I couldn't read her facial expression.

"Fine." Was all I said.

I immediately got outside the car like I didn't care and went inside Mike's house.


I watched Becky went inside Mike's house and honestly my heart dropped. I was hurting seeing her left me without hesitation but what could I do. She already love someone else.

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