Bittersweet Love - 2

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Becky's POV

"Y/N, please. " I begged my bestfriend to come with me to my first workshop with Mike.

"What? No way. You can do it and besides I got work to do in the restaurant. It's not like your first time doing some workshop." Y/N said as she was fixing herself in the mirror.

"You know this means so much to me working with Mike. What if I messed up on my first day. " I said pouting and Y/N chuckled.

"That's why you have your workshop. If you messed then re-do it. Come on." She said.

"Fine. Don't talk to me." I said and crossed my arms. Y/N let out a laugh.

"Now you're sulking. Okay. I have to go now. Good luck." She said and went downstairs.

"I hate you!" I said and I was just playing around but at the same time I was really nervous to work with Mike.

"Love you too!" Y/N called and I just chuckled.

I know I can do it but there were times that I need my bestfriend with me even it's not her obligation and she has work to do but I don't know I just need her with me.


I was working and my mind couldn't help but imagine the scenarios of Becky with Mike. One of the reasons why I didn't accompany her in her workshop was because I wasn't ready to see her with him. She did a lot of GL series but this time being paired with a man it's different especially it's her longtime crush.

One evening, I decided to pick up Becky from her office since she's been very busy with her work. I drove to their building and waited outside scrolling through my phone until I saw her walking out the building carrying her bags and some papers which I assumed her script.

"Bec bec!" I called and walked towards her.

"Whoah, what happend to you?" I chuckled and I knew she was very tired by the way she looked so just to lift up her mood I just want to make her smile.

"I know. I look awful. Can you just help me instead of making fun of me." Becky said rolling her eyes.

"Give me that." I said and took some of her stuff inside my car. I alse helped her put everything inside.

"Let's go have dinner." I smiled.

"Yeah cause I'm starving." Becky said and she looked so cute.

We went to a diner and Becky ordered a lot of foods.

"Uhm are we expecting someone? This is too much for the both of us." I said gesturing the food infront of us.

"No. It's for us and didn't you hear me a while ago I said I was starving." Becky said and started munching on the food. She looked really hungry.

We asked about how our day went and I really like seeing her being comfortable with me. She doesn't care how she looks and even she forgot her poise she still looked so beautiful.

I took her home and bid her goodnight since it's already late and work was waiting for the next day.

Becky's POV

When I started my taping I became much more busy. Working with Mike was great. He was very helpful when it comes to work and we helped each other always to create the scene be more natural. He's really kind and understanding at the same time. I admit there were times I zoned out by just watching him like I could stare at him the whole day.

"Becky." Mike called as I was about to exit the studio since we just finished the taping. He stopped infront of me and I looked up at him since he's quite tall.

"Uhm, would you like to have dinner with me?" Mike asked and my heart was besting really fast.

"Huh?" I asked making sure I heard him right.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" He reapeated.

"Uhmm uh right now?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah. Like right now." He stated.

I hesitated a little bit but there's nothing wrong with it so I agreed.
Mike took me to a fancy restaurant and had our dinner. Even though we were working with each other I could still feel the awkwardness between us.
I just listened to everything he was saying and me as an introvert I was very shy around him and I just say few things about me.

He took me home and he was really sweet. I just had a dinner with my crush and it felt so amazing. I decided to call my bestfriend.

B: Hey, still up?

Y/N: Yeah. What's up?

B: I had the most amazing night.

Y/N : Really. What is it?

B: Mike and I had dinner together. Can you believe it he was the one who asked me out for dinner.

Y/N: Oh. Good for you. That's cool.

B: I know right. Gosh he's so dreamy.

I told everything about the dinner to Y/N and I was just really happy sharing my moments with Mike.


Becky told me about her dinner with Mike. I was actually listening to everything she said how amazing Mike is and that's fine with me since It's her long time crush and Becky is my bestfriend of course I'm happy for her but at the same time I felt jealous. I could tell she really like him more than just a crush.

When she hung up the phone, I laid down and thought about her.

Becky became really busy with her work. She barely come to my house like she always do. I understood her since being an actress isn't an easy job.

One Saturday afternoon, I asked Becky if she wanted to go to the cinema and she said yes. She told me to just wait for her at the mall sinc she still have work to do. I went to the cinema and bought two tickets and some popcorn. I waited for almost an hour and Becky still hadn't showed up. I tried calling her phone but it just lead to voicemail. I waited for another hour until I decided to go to her office since I got worried.

I stopped infront of their building and asked the security guard.

"Excuse me, Sir. Is Becky still in?" I asked.

"Let me check." He said.

"Ms. Armstrong already left for like 2 and a half hours ago." He said and I got shocked. I thanked him and went to my car. Where could she be. I drove to her house maybe she went home since it's already 8 in the evening.

I unexpectedly stopped before I reached Becky's house as I spotted a black lambhorgini infront of her gate. The car opened and I saw Mike got out of the car. He went on the other side of his car and there I saw Becky also got out as Mike opened the door for her. I watched their interaction and my heart was breaking. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and my tears fell down easily.
Becky went out with Mike and didn't tell me. Did she forgot our cinema hang out or did she just ditched me over him. I sighed thinking that she would probably choose him over me. I waited for Becky to go inside her house and when Mike left I drove back to my house.

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