Fate and Faith - Part 12

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Becky's POV

I've been thinking the whole time of how am I gonna get a job. I felt anxious about it since I don't have good points on my credentials. I'm not looking for a high paying job of course but I just want to earn in order to support Lily and also to help Y/N for the bills. I don't want us to be a burden to her and I have a daughter . So one evening when Lily was already asleep, I went to Y/N's room.
I knocked carefully and I heard her called "come in."

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." Y/N said and smiled at me.
"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered and Y/N walked towards me with a grin on her face.

"Why are you still up? Miss me already?" She asked with a smirk. Then she pulled me into her arms and pecked my lips. I chuckled with her actions.

"You're so naughty. Do you know that?" I said playfully.

"Okay. So what brings you here?" Y/N laughed as we let go from each other.

"Well uhm. I need help with making my resumè. This is embarassing but I don't know how to make one." I said and Y/N nodded.

"You don't have to be embrassed about it. Come on, I'll help you work on it." Y/N said. She opened her laptop and told me to sat beside her.

"Baby, Do you mind if we work in our room since I left Lily alone." I said.

"Yeah, Of course." Y/N smiled and took her laptop. We went in our room and started making my resumè. She asked me everything about my general personal information and it didn't take us an hour since I have nothing much to put in it. Y/N saved it in her laptop and told me that she will print it the next morning. She offered me that her friend is a manager in a supermarket and she can back me up so I could easily get a job. I refused her offer since I want to do it on my own and Y/N was okay with it.

The next morning still Becky's POV

"Are you sure you don't want me and Lily to go with you?" Y/N asked as I was about to leave the house.

"I'll be fine." I smiled.
"Be a good girl will you, Lily?" I kissed my daughter as I left the house and took a taxi.

As soon as I was dropped off in the city, I took a stroll around and look for any job hiring that I think I could fit enough with my credentials. I already tried stores , diners, shops but all of them told me that they will ring me up if I'm fit to work and I know what that means. It's almost lunch and I got hungry. I went to a convenience store where me and Lily used to rest when we were homeless. I just bought a water since I got tired. I sat there for a little bit and I started to think about my life. It's not easy to find a job nowadays because there's a lot of competition but I have to get one. As I was sitting there, someone cleared their throat.

"Hi. It's been a while since I've seen you here." Someone said and I looked at it, it was a woman around her late 30's.

"Oh hey. Yeah." I slowly answered.

"You used to come here at night with your daughter. Where is she?" The woman asked and sat infront of me.

"She's at a friend of mine." I answered since I wasn't ready yet to tell anyone about me and Y/N. The woman nodded.

"I'm Kade by the way." She said.

"Becky." I answered and we shook hands.

"Where have you been and you look tired." Kade said.

"I was looking for a job. I tried to apply but I didn't get any luck but it's okay I'll try to look again." I answered.

"Can I see your resumè. If you don't mind." Kade said and I didn't hesitate to show it to her.
She read my papers and nodded.

"You got a good record. We are hiring . You can work here in my store if you like since one of my staffs just resigned last week and I only have 2 cashiers for now. I can train you how to operate the counter." Kade said and my eyes widened.

"Really?" I asked in surprised.

"Of course. So do you want it? You'll get a minimum wage. " Kade asked.

"Yes. Please. I am willing to work with you. I promise I'll do my best." I said with a little bit of excitement tone.

"Okay.  So you'll start on Monday since I'll be arranging your working schedules and your shiftings." She said and I shook her hands.

Kade showed me around and taught me how to operate the cashier counter and about the items in the store. As we finished with the short briefing, I thank Kade with all my heart for hiring me and for trusting me and I will try my best to avoid any mistakes. I asked if I could bring Lily with me for now and she's okay with it. I had to save money so I could send Lily to kindergarten this coming school year.

I went home at 3pm in the afternoon.

"Mommy!" Lily squealed and ran to me. I picked her up and kissed her. I missed her and even though I was so tired, it goes away everytime I see my daughter.

"Were you a good girl to Y/N while Mommy was away?"I asked playfully and Lily nodded. I looked at Y/N and she was smiling at me. I put Lily down and she went to the sofa.
Y/N walked towards me and greeted me with a hug.

"How did it go?" Y/N asked and rubbed my arms.

"Guess what? I got hired." I said.

"Wow. Really?" She asked happily and I nodded.
"That's really great." She said and hugged me again and kissed my cheeks.

"It's already 3 in the afternoon, did you have lunch already?" Y/N asked worriedly and I shook my head.

"It's not good not to eat on time. Come on, I prepared something for lunch and tell me about your day." She smiled and I was touched how she cared for me.

Y/N accompanied me in the kitchen. I told her about my work and she is really supportive with my decisions. She also asked me about Lily and she's willing to help me on her schooling.


I was really happy for Becky that she finally got a job. Even though she didn't have to do that right now and we can wait until Lily's schooling. I'm willing to support Lily financially but Becky isn't like that. Becky wants to work and she wanted to help me too with the bills which made me like her more. I see how mature she is even though she's only 21.

When she started working, I always drive her to work since she had to bring Lily with her. I know it's kinda hard for her part but she wanted it too.

After a month when she got her first salary she wanted to give me half of it for our bills but I rejected it. I told her to save it first. It was fine for me and I know she understand me why I did that.

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