Fate and Faith - Part 6

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I was slumping on the sofa just kept thinking about what happend. Megan cheated on me and Becky already knew buy she didn't tell me. I was so upset and mad at everyone.
I remembered Becky and Lily already left an hour ago. I just kicked them out without even thinking. I felt guilty knowing that they got nowhere to go. I got up and ran outside hoping they were still somewhere near but still no sign of them. Then it started to rain.

"Shit." I cursed and ran to get my car.

I drove around the city but I couldn't spot them since it was getting dark and the rain was getting heavier. I stroll around and look for some place where they could possibly be but there was no sign of Becky and Lily. It took me an hour looking for them until I gave up. I drove back to my house and curled up in my bed. I realized instead of thinking about Megan , I found myself thinking about Becky and Lily. I prayed for their safety and hoping that they got a shelter above their head since it's raining so hard. I imagined both of them shivering from the cold and got nothing to eat. Tears started to fall from my eyes worrying about them.

A week later, and I still tried to look for them but there was no luck but I'm not giving up.

"Hey." Engfa startled me.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked as I was resting on my swivel chair in the office.

"What's up? Well you've been zoning out for days. What's wrong with you?" Engfa asked.

"I feel guilty." I sighed.

"For breaking up with Megan?" She asked and I honestly I wasn't thinking about her. I was thinking about Becky and Lily.

"No. I'm thinking about Becky and Lily. I kicked them out without even thinking what I was doing." I said.

"You're thinking about Becky and Lily instead of your break up with Megan?" Engfa asked curiously.

"I am. I actually want to ask myself too with that question." I answered and Engfa stopped my swivel chair with her hands from moving.

"I think you have fallen for this girl. Haven't you?" Engfa said and I couldn't answer her directly.

"I don't know. But they're like someone who's important to me now." I said.

Engfa crossed her arms and stood leaning by my office cubicle.
I checked my watch and it's only 15 minutes before off.

"Engfa, can you help me find them?" I asked Engfa.

"What? Right now?" She said.

"Yes." I said.

"But why?" She asked.

"Listen, I kicked them out. I wasn't thinking. I couldn't even sleep after they left. I keep thinking about their safety and if they have eaten. I wasn't even sure if they are alive out there. What if something happen to them? I don't think I can even forgive myself. I want to find them and I want to know if they're okay atleast somehow I would stop thinking about them. I can't put my mind in peace knowing that they're somewhere out there and they got nowhere to go. Please, just help me." I said almost yelling at Engfa in concern at the same time.Engfa sighed and hugged me to calm me down.

"You know I'm might be an ass sometimes but of course I'll help you." Engfa said and tapped my shoulder.

We used my car and stroll around the city. It's been half an hour and we still couldn't find them. We went here and there. We tried to ask some shops if they saw a young woman with a toddler around but failed. Until we stopped by a gasoline station and asked a staff there.

"Excuse me, sorry to bother you but we were looking for a woman with brownish hair and fair skin with a young daughter. " I explained.

" I saw them for like days ago. I'm not sure when but yeah days ago." My ears perked up and so was Engfa and we both looked at each other.

"Do you know where they went?" Engfa asked.

"They look homeless. Are you their family?" The staff asked.

"Yes, yes we're their family. Can you explain to us the last time you saw them?" I said.

"I could barely remember. I just saw them sitting beside that store and the little girl was crying." He said.

"Then what happend?" Engfa asked and he shook his head.

"That was it." He ended.

"Uhm do you have any idea where they went?" I asked with hope.

"No. That was the last time I saw them." He answered.

"Right. Thank you." I sighed.

Me and Engfa went another round but there was still no luck for us, so I decided that it's time for us to go home.

I went home with a frown on my face. When the guy said the last time he saw them was when the little girl was crying it broke me. Lily was crying. Maybe because of hunger , fear and sadness. I miss both of them.

The next morning, I went out to buy bread from the bakeshop where I met Becky. But before I reach the bakeshop, I saw a woman facing her back walked put of the shop and she looked exactly like Becky. I ran towards her and grabbed her shoulder. As she turned around, it was really Becky. My heart skipped when I saw her again. I smiled and eventually pulled her into a tight hug. I closed my eyes and held her tighter.
"Becky, I'm so sorry." I whispered and she pulled herself out from my hug.

"How are you?" I asked with a wide smile on my face.

"I'm... I'm fine." She answered.

"Where's Lily?" I asked as I looked around.

"Uhm. She's with her father." Becky answered and my heart suddenly dropped.

"With her father?" I asked to confirm if I heard her right and Becky nodded.

"Oh. Right. That's good to hear." I said but I felt hurt knowing that they're together again. Becky flashed me a slight smile.

"I've missed you." I said and I held her arms but Becky suddenly flinched.

"Ouch." She said.

"Sorry. I grabbed you that hard." I said and Becky just pulled her arms away.

"I have to go. Lily is probably waiting for me. It's good to see you ,Y/N" she said and before I could talk she quickly left and rode the taxi like she was avoiding me.

I quickly ran to my car and followed her taxi carefully. I tried not to make it obvious that I was following her, until I reached her destination. I parked my car meters away from where she stopped. I watched her went inside an old house. I felt a little relief atleast they have a home to stay but I felt like something wasn't right. I have to know who was she really with, I told myself. I memorized the place and the way so I could come back and check up on them if they were in good hands.

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