Fate and Faith - Part 10

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Warning: contains GIP SMUT


I was holding Becky in my arms so tight not wanting to let go. She said yes to me when I asked her to be my girlfriend. I was beyond happy to have her and Lily.

After the dinner date, we went home and Lily fell asleep already as soon as we arrived. I went to my room to shower and change. After I did my evening routine, I went to Becky's room. I slowly knocked and Becky opened the door and Lily was sleeping soundly.

I hugged Becky unconsciously and kissed her cheek as we broke out.

"I have something for you." I said and Becky smiled.

I was actually holding it in my hand already before I reveal it to her.

"Y/N, it's beautiful. I'm so sorry I couldn't get you anything." Becky said as she saw the necklace but she frowned at the same time.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I answered.

"Turn around." I said and Becky turned her back on me and put her hair on one side to reveal her neck.
I took a deep breath before I put the necklace on her and Becky stood infront of the mirror.

"This is so beautiful. Thank you." Becky said and she turned around to peck my lips. She went back to look at  herself in the mirror and I stood behind her. She was holding the necklace while looking at it. I slowly put my hands on her shoulders and ran it along her neck. I placed a soft kiss on her neck and closed my eyes.

Becky's POV

Y/N gave me a beautiful golden necklace. As I was standing infront of the mirror with Y/N behind me, she slowly kissed the back of between my neck and shoulder. It sent vibrations to my body as her lips touched. I closed my eyes and I could feel the attraction between us.

"Care to unzip me?" I asked almost in a whisper.

Y/N traveled her hands to the zipper of my dress and  slowly unzip it. As she unzip my dress , I heard her gasped.

"You still have bruises from him." Y/N said in a concern tone and I nodded.

"I'm so sorry. If I didn't kick you out this would've never happen." Y/N said. I could feel her hot breath on the back of my neck, then she started to kiss it down and I could feel she was kissing the bruises that I got from Paul. I felt relieved with her touch that it makes me forget and it eases me.

I turned to Lily and she was still asleep. I looked at Y/N in the mirror and I saw her asking for permission as she was fiddling my dress. I signalled her to go with it and then she started sliding my black dress off my body. I wasn't wearing any bra just an underwear. I fell back on her and she suddenly wrapped her hands on my waist and pulled me closer to her and started kissing my neck. I held her head as she kept kissing me and sucked my neck. I closed my eyes to restrain from moaning loudly since Lily was asleep. When she started to touch my breast, that was it I couldn't hold it anymore. I turned around and smothered her with kisses. After making out, Y/N stopped me.

"What about Lily?" Y/N whispered as I was holding her cheek. I smiled and I got an idea where to take this moment.

I didn't say anything but I took her hand and drag her to the shower. I left the door half open so if ever Lily cries I could hear her.

We kissed hungrily and made out inside the shower and the glass started to fog from our breathy moans.
Our tongues were exploring each others mouth and hands traveling our bodies. I took off Y/N's clothes one at a time until she was left in her boxers and bra. I started to grind on her and I could feel how hard she was. Y/N took off my underwear and turned me around. I placed both of my hands in the glass wall of the shower as Y/N kissed me in that position. I moaned when I felt her hard grinding on me. She carressed my breasts as she was kissing the back of my neck and I was releasing a throaty moan. When I felt her hands went to push her boxers down, I gave her the access to enter me. When she slowly slid in, I shut my eyes as I feel pain down in me. She was doing me behind and it felt so good. When pleasure took over our body we both released moans and grunts. I kept my balance while placing my hands tighter on the shower glass wall and I was sure our reflections were still visible even in those fog. My mouth left open when she started being rough with me. I couldn't help but moan and I could feel her front pressing on my back.

"Baby." I moaned and Y/N was grunting while doing me. Our moans caused fogging up the glass wall.

When I felt that we were close, she went to thrust in me harder and faster until we both came. I could feel our juices dripped down my thighs as we finished. We were both catching our breath and she was still holding me while her chin was resting on my shoulder. When she pulled out , my knees got weak and I almost collapsed but Y/N caught me fast.
I turned around to face her and we smiled at each other.

We pecked each others lips and held each other until our breathing became normal.

"You know I really want to cuddle with you after this." Y/N said and I chuckled.

"Me either but I don't think Lily would be glad seeing us cuddling naked in our bed." I joked.

"I know. I'll see you tomorrow then." Y/N said and I nodded.

"Let's go to bed. You tire me out on how good you do me." I praised and kissed her.

We put on our clothes and I changed into my pyjamas. We kissed each other goodnight before Y/N left to her room. I hopped in beside Lily and drifted to sleep. That night was so amazing and I have never felt love like this before.

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