Fate and Faith - Part 14

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Becky's POV

It was Sunday early in the morning when I heard loud voices coming from downstairs. I checked Lily and she was still asleep. I got up from the bed and went downstairs. As I reached half way of the stairs, i heard Y/N and her mom debating over at something. I hid behind so they couldn't see me.

"So you came here just to give me lecture. Mom I'm not a kid anymore. I can love whoever I want and why did you invite Megan to join us for dinner infront of my girlfriend? That was so disrespectful. " Y/N yelled.

"You want to be with that girl who doesn't have a decent job. Megan is better than her. I don't get it why you broke up with her." Her mom answered back.

"Megan is better than her? You don't know what Megan did that's why I broke up with her. Wanna know the reason why I dumped her? Megan cheated on me. She went out with a man while we were still dating. I didn't tell you because I didn't want anyone to get involved and make it a bigger issue that's why I just want to keep it all to myself. Now tell me why is Megan better than Becky? Do you want me to be with a cheater?" Y/N raised her voice.

I looked at Y/N and she was really red. Her mom stood there not knowing what to say. Y/N was really angry and I couldn't see her like that. I ran to her and tried to calm her down.

"Y/N, tone it down. She's your mother. Calm down." I cooed and Y/N was shaking. I went to the kitchen to get her water.

"Here. Drink this. Please, calm yourself." I said and ran my hand up and down her back to calm her.

I also gave water to Y/N's mom.

"Here, Ma'am." I said as I gave it to her. I know she didn't like me but I respect her.

I went back to Y/N until she calm down.

"Baby, try not to yell at your mom, okay? Try to talk to her calmly as you can and she will understand you. " I said as I kept rubbing her back and she nodded.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Y/N said.

"I didn't know Megan did that to you. I should be the one to say sorry to both of you." Her mom said and my ears perked up so I looked at her.

Suddenly Y/N's mom walked toward Y/N and hugged her. My heart melted at the sight of them.
Y/N also hugged her mom back.

"I'm really sorry, Honey." Her mom said.

They stayed for a moment until Y/N's broke out and looked at me as I was standing behind Y/N.

"So , Becky." Her mom started as she approached me and I lowered my head to prepare myself to take whatever she had to say to me.

"I don't know you that well yet but if you're the reason of Y/N's happiness then I'm giving you my blessing." She said and I got shocked.

"Huh?" I asked more like in a whisper.

"You love her, right?" She asked.

"Yes, Ma'am. I love her so much." I said and nodded.

"Please don't do what Megan did to her. I'll never forgive you if you ever hurt my Y/N." She said.

"I won't. I promise. I will never hurt her." I answered and then her mom suddenly flashed me her smile.

"Mom, you're scaring her." Y/N said then her mom let out a small chuckle.

"But I'm serious." She added and looked at me.

"I will never hurt her." I stated then suddenly she gave me a hug.

"I'm really sorry for what I treated you before." She said.

Later on, we chatted a little before she went home. I still couldn't believe that it was happening that fast.

"I'm really happy that mom gave us her blessing."
Y/N said as we were laying down the sofa

"Me too and I still couldn't believe it." I answered.

"I'm really sorry about the dinner. I didn't know that mom would react that way. I know you felt uncomfortable with Megan's presence." Y/N said.

"It's alright.I saw your mood changed too when she came but Don't loose your temper when it comes to your mom, okay. She's still your mother no matter what." I answered and Y/N nodded.

While we were sitting closed to each other , I felt
Y/N's hand carressed my waist and I let out a moan unawared. She giggled a little.

"I miss hearing you moan." She whispered with a chuckle.

"Hey, it's early in the morning. Keep your hands to youself." I said playfully.

"How's that possible when we are this close?" She said and I chuckled.

I looked up to her and kissed her. I held her face as we both kissed passionately. Our kiss turned into a make out session. Oue tongues battling for dominace and she won. I climb on top of her and continued. I could hear our kissing sounds until I remembered something so I stopped and put my hands on her shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked.

"We shouldn't be making out in this sofa." I said.

"Why not?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"I just remember when I saw you here with Megan." I said.

"So? Then let's change that." She said and went up to kissing me.
Our make out turned a bit hotter. She started kissing my neck and marking me. I closed my eyes as I could feel her sucking my neck. We didn't take it too far than that, we just made out until we were both satisfied with it.

I went upstairs to check on Lily and she was still sleeping soundly. I'm glad she didn't hear the argue between Y/N and her mom. Since it was Sunday, I made breakfast for everyone like I always do and spent the rest of the day with Lily and Y/N.

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