Different Lives - Part 5

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Becky's POV

I just finished filming and I was relieved it was the last day on set, finally I would not get to see Nat everyday.

Me and Y/N been talking everyday and she always sent me morning text and I do the same. To be honest, what she was doing gave me butterflies. I've been in a relationship before but none of them were serious. Talking to Y/N makes me forget about my problems and sometimes I find myself smiling just thinking about her.
I called Y/N to ask her if she wants to hang out with me.
(Phone convo)

Y/N: Hello?
Becky: Hi, Y/N.
Y/N: Hey Becky. What's up?
Becky: uhm are you busy tonight at 7pm? I just want to ask you for dinner.
Y/N: Yeah, sure. I'm free after 6.
Becky: Good. So I'll just see you then. I'll pick you up at the shop.
Y/N: Okay. See you. Take care.

I was really happy when Y/N agreed to have dinner with me. I changed into a casual clothes. I put on my make up but not too heavy. I know it's not a date but I feel excited and I just wanted to see her.

Hours later

I picked Y/N at the shop and my face lit up as I saw her and she smiled at me. We went to have river prawns and ice cream. I don't mind spending my money on someone I like. I was enjoying my time with her and I couldn't deny it anymore. I like her already.

When the nights over, I drove Y/N to her apartment. I didn't know that I was already clinging onto her arms as I walked her towards the building but as soon as I realized it I looked at Y/N and she didn't seem to mind, so I guess it was okay for her. We stopped infront of her apartment building and I faced her.

"Thank you for the dinner Becky. Don't worry next time I'll be the one to treat you out." Y/N said and I blushed when she said that. So there will be a next time.

"Yeah. I would love that." I answered.

" It's already late, I know you're tired from work. You should get some rest." She said sincerely.

"Uhm, Y/N?" I started and I was nervous of what I was about to ask her.

"Hmm.?" She said.

"Can I ask you something?" I replied and my heart was pounding really fast.

"Of course. What is it?" Y/N said and It took me 10 seconds to spell it out.

"Do you still think about Emma?" I asked and my heartbeat was rising and beating really fast.

"I do sometimes. Why?" Y/N said and I felt sad and jealous at the same time.

"Uhm. Well, Do you still think about how she kissed you?" I asked carefuly so she wouldn't freak out and I ignored her first question.

"What do you mean, Becky? She was my first love." She asked and I kept my eyes locked on her.

"Can I refresh your memory?" I said and I couldn't hold it any longer. My eyes were already teary and I know she got what I was trying to tell her.
I walked closer to her and put my hands on her upper arms. I slowly closed my eyes and started to lean on her. I tilted my head and gave her a very soft kiss on her lips. It was a 5 second kiss and she just stood there not kissing me back. Y/N started to pull herself away from me slowly.

"Becky? What are you doing?" She said and looked at me until I realized she doesn't feel the same way.

"I'm sorry , Y/N. I...I..." Before I could say what I truly feel I stepped away and I couldn't complete my sentence. I started to panic.

"I have to go." I said and It turned out like that.

"Becky, wait." Y/N called and Ignored her. I walked away and went inside my car. I asked my driver to drive me home as fast as he can. I wiped away my tears knowing that Y/N doesn't feel the same.

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