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Me and Colby were currently in Kansas visiting his parents and family for Christmas. We were in his parents house talking with his parents when Colby looked over at me.

Colby: "Babe could you go to the car and grab my phone for me?"

"Sure hun."

Colby kissed me before i got up to go grab his phone from the car. I went to the front door and slipped my shoes on and grabbed my jacket and opened the door. i stepped out and shut the door behind me before walking towards the car.

As i was walking i started to lose balance on the ice and i slipped. I screamed as i fell.


The second Colby heard my scream he immediatly got up and rush outside. He didn't even care to put his coat on. He went rushing to me.

Colby: "Babe are you o-"

Colby got cut off when he slipped on the ice too. I couldn't help but laugh a little when he fell to and slide down to me. He groaned and rolled his eyes at me.

Colby: "Anyways are you ok?" He asked looking up at me.

"I'm fine. Are you alright?"

Colby: "I'm fine too. Now lets try and get up."

Colby tried to stand but slipped again. I crawled over and grabbed the car to get up. I pulled myself up by using the car and i held onto the car as i walked slowly over to grab Colby's phone from in the car. Once i grabbed it, I looked over at Colby who was just laying on the ice. He wasn't even trying to get up now.

I laughed before speaking up.

"Babe just crawl over to the snow and walk on the snow."

Colby: "No." He groaned out.

"Why not?"

Colby: "I didn't put my shoes on. I'm in my socks."

I giggled a little when i looked at his feet and he truly did only have his socks on and they were already wet from the ice.

"Why didn't you put your shoes or jacket on?"

Colby: "I thought you were in trouble when you screamed. I rushed and didn't think about a coat or shoes."

"Well just suck it up and run in the snow to get up. If you stay laying on the ice, you will get frost bite."

Colby crawled over to the snow and quickly got up before running to the front door and not even waiting for me before rushing in the house. I giggled and slowly made my way to the front door. It took about 5 minutes. 

When i opened the door i didn't see Colby. I took my jacket and shoes off and walked into the living room. When i got in the living room i saw Colby changed his soaked clothes to some dry clothes. He was wearing a hoodie over it too and he had a blanket wrapped around him. 

His dad was sitting in a chair in the living room watching Colby and smirking at him.

Colby's dad: "You're a smart one huh?" He said sarcastically. 

Colby: "Dad!" he whined.

Colby's mom came in with hot chocolate for me and Colby. She handed a cup to Colby and walked over and handed one to me.

"Thank you Ms. Brock."

Colby's mom: "Your welcome dear."

I walked over and sat next to Colby and i could feel him shivering. 

Colby's mom: "I swear boy if you get sick from this."

Colby: "I won't be sick mom."

"I hope you don't get sick babe." 

He leaned his head on my shoulder and smiled up at me as he sipped his hot chocolate.

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