Late Nights with a Newborn

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I was awoken late by me and my husband's newborn baby girl's cries. I sat up tiredly and looked over to see my husband in a deep sleep. I sighed and groaned a little as i looked at the time. 

3: 32 A.M.

This is the 5th time I've been awoken by our baby. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few seconds before pushing myself up. I put my hand on my abdomen from the pain and soreness. Our baby is only 1 week old, and we've been out of the hospital for 2 days so far. I'm still sore from the whole labor and birth process.

I walked into our baby's nursery and over to her crib. I picked her up and rocked her in my arm. She wasn't calming down so i went over to the rocking chair and pulled my shirt up to breast-feed her. 

I pulled her up to my breast and after a few seconds she latched on and started suckling. I sighed and leaned back as i rocked in the rocking chair and patted the baby's back. Then i heard footsteps and looked up to see my husband, Colby. Colby rushed over and quietly crouched down in front of me. He placed one hand on my cheek and one on the baby's back. 

Colby: "How long have you been awake?"

He whispered.

"A few minutes now."

Colby: "But you look so tired. How many times have you been woken up?"

"About 5 times."

Colby sighed.

Colby: "I'm sorry. I should have been helping. You could have woken me up."

"It's fine."

Colby: "No it's not. Your still in pain and sore and recovering from pushing our 10-pound baby out of your womb. I will take care of her for the rest of the night. Ok?"

I sighed and looked down at the baby as she unlatched sleepily in my arms. I smiled down at her. Colby smiled and chuckled too. I nodded.


Once the baby was asleep, i handed her gently to Colby and he cradled her in his arms against his chest. I smiled as i watched for a minute, then got up from the chair with Colby's help. Colby kissed my lips and caressed some of my hair.

Colby: "Love you."

"Love you too."

I went back to our room and laid down. I went back to bed and didn't get woken up at all for the rest of the night. 

The next morning, i woke up and saw the sun shining through the curtains. I sat up and stretched looking at the time.

9: 34 A.M.

I smiled and got up from bed. I saw Colby wasn't in bed and was curious to where he was. I went to our daughter's nursery to see Colby sitting in the rocking chair, shirtless, and cradling our sleeping daughter to his chest as he slept too. 

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