Surprise baby?!

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Me, Katrina, Sam, and Colby all live in a house together as roommates. Sam and Kat are together and me and Colby are engaged. 

One day around 1 a.m. i woke up with some light cramping and my abdomen hurt. I knew it wasn't my period because i started a new birth control, so it was likely to not have a period for a while so i thought maybe i was just having a bit of a stomach bug. I curled up on my side and once the cramping wasn't too bad i tried to go back to sleep.

I kept waking up and going back to sleep for another hour before i accidently woke Colby.

Colby: "Babe....are you ok?" He asked groggily with his raspy morning voice as he rubbed his eyes.

I nod a little while curled up still.

"Yea. My stomach just hurts is all." I managed to mutter out.

Colby: "I'll go get you some pain meds."

Colby got up and after 5 minutes he came back with some water and medication for me. I took the medication and Colby helped me make a little bed on the ground next to our bed so i wouldn't wake Colby up anymore.

We went back to bed and around 5 a.m. i woke up with the worse cramp yet. It was a horrible stabbing pain in my abdomen and i curled up and was quietly crying in pain. It was a longer pain, and it was the worst pain i have ever felt.

I accidently let out a little cry which woke Colby. Colby had been on high alert since i accidently woke him the first time. He sat up and looked over at me.

Colby: " Are you alright? Can i do anything to help you?"

I shook my head, and he got up. He went over and crouched down in front of me.

Colby: "Babe you don't look too good. You're sweating and curled up and look like you're in horrible pain. Should i get you anything?"

I shook my head but then i got an even worse stabbing pain in my abdomen and cried out in pain. Colby got more concerned and worried about me.

Colby: "I'm taking you to the hospital."

And with that he took my hands and was helping me stand up. when i stood up i could feel something wet between my legs and when i looked at Colby his face went pale with fear.

Colby: "Babe you're bleeding. are you on your period?"

"I-i shouldn't be." 

When i looked down i saw blood on my pants and was very concerned and scared. Colby scooped me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style and took me to the car. Colby got me in the back seat, and he jumped in the driver's seat. He left to go to the hospital right away. 

Colby: "Babe...." He said nervously.

Colby: "Do you think maybe you're having a miscarriage?"

When he said that i froze a bit thinking it could be. i was crying and holding my stomach in pain. 

After 20 minutes, we got to the hospital and Colby went in the ER and came back out a minute later with a nurse wheeling out a wheelchair. Colby and the nurse helped me in the wheelchair and rushed me into the ER. 

When they got me to a room, they started helping me to the bed. When i stood i felt another pain along with a burst between my legs and a gush of water. The nurse and Colby hurried me onto the bed and Colby stood right next to me holding my hand. 

The nurse rushed down to end of the bed and took my pants off and i heard the nurse yell she could see a head as a doctor and a few nurses came in. By then all i knew was i heard them telling me to push so i did. 

After a few pushes i felt all the pain and pressure stop. My head fell back as i was trying to regulate my breathing and i was sweating as some tears fell from my cheeks but then i heard it....

A baby's cry...

When i looked back down at the nurses and doctor, i saw the doctor holding a baby as the nurses started to help the baby breath and was drying the baby off. When i looked over at Colby i saw him starring at the baby in absolute shock.  Then the doctor looked up at Colby after a minute.

Doctor: "Would you like to cut the cord?"

Colby slowly nodded and came over and did. They took the baby away and Colby came over and took my hand again. I delivered the placenta, and they cleaned me up and got me up to an actual room. For 2 hours me and Colby sat in silence in the room. 

We were both in shock and Colby just stayed with me quietly as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. We feared if i was even full term, the baby was ok, if they had any birth defects, and what the future held. 

Finally, after the long 2 hours of waiting, the nurse came in with our baby wrapped up in a white blanket. the nurse was smiling as she came over to me and Colby.

Nurse: "The baby is completely healthy. Would you wish to hold them?"

I nodded and teared up as the nurse set the little baby in my arms. The baby was sleeping and had one of those little pink beanies meaning it's a girl. Colby leaned over my shoulder smiling as he caressed the top of the baby's little head. I smiled too and Colby kissed my head. 

He teared up a bit too and chuckled a little. I looked up at him and he kissed my lips. I looked back down at the baby and kissed her head. I smiled down at her for a while till Colby spoke.

Colby: "Sam and Katrina are going to be pretty shocked."

I laughed lightly and nodded.

"Yea they will."

Colby: "What should we name her?"

Me and Colby thought about it for a while and then the nurse came in to do the birth certificate. 

Nurse: "So what is her name?"

Me and Colby looked at each other and smiled before we said it at the same time.

Both: "Addison Aurora Brock."

The nurse wrote it down on the certificate.

Nurse: "Ok well in here it says that at 5:43 A.M. Addison Aurora Brock was born weighing at 7.3 pounds and 17 inches."

The nurse gave it to Colby, and he set it down and turned back to me. He kissed my cheek lightly as we looked down at our little miracle baby.

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