Hair Surprise

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I haven't gotten my hair done since high school. I'm now 23. My boyfriend of 3 years, Colby, have never seen my hair dyed. My hair is h/c (Your hair color). I decided to set up a hair appointment to dye my hair. Today was the day. It was going to be a surprise for Colby, so my plan was to have it done after work.

I got up and dressed into a nice but comfy outfit and left for work. I left at 7:30 so i could get to work at 8. After work i packed up my stuff and got in my car to go for my appointment. My appointment was a 6 p.m. and it was currently 5:40. 

Once i got there, i grabbed my purse and headed in. It was in a small building which i didn't mind. The person who was going to do my hair smiled. 

Hailey: "Hello! I'm Hailey. What's your name so i can know the appointment."

"Hello. I'm Y/n. I'm here to get my hair dyed."

Hailey walked over and looked at a book she had on her desk. She smiled and shut the book.

Hailey: "Ok. Follow me over here and sit down so we can get started."


She led me to the salon chair and i sat down. She put a smock around my neck and tied the back of it. 

Hailey: "So what were you thinking on doing with your hair?"

"Um...well i was thinking maybe some highlights?"

Hailey: "Ok. Would you want blonde highlights, colored, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking kind of a red shade. Not too horribly light but not really dark."

She ran her fingers through my hair and thought about it. She nodded.

Hailey: "Ok. Well, something that's close to highlights but is a bit different is a peak-a-boo. It's where there are random spots of red under neath layers and not just on the top. Would you want that?"

I nodded. She pulled out a book and showed me different shades of the reds. I chose and dark one that would become lighter within time that i thought would fit perfect for my hair. She got the stuff out and started on my hair. We started to chit chat about some random stuff.

Hailey: "So do you live here or out of town?"

"I live here with my boyfriend."

Hailey: "Oh you have a boyfriend? What's his name? Is he nice?"

"He's extremely nice. His name's Colby Brock. He does YouTube with Sam Golbach."

Hailey: "Oh yes. yes. I've heard of him before."

We continue to talk and after 30 minutes she rinsed my hair out. She tried it and brushed it out, blow drying it. When i looked at my hair in the mirror i loved it. She cut the split ends too. Once i was all done, i grabbed my purse to pay after she took the smock off. 

Hailey: "Ok that will be...$110 please."

I paid and thanked her before leaving. it was now 7: 30 and getting dark. The sun was already going down. I got in my car and left. I got home at 8 p.m. and went in the house. I had got food on the way home for me and Colby incase he hadn't ate yet.

"I'm home!" I announced from the front door, going in the kitchen.

When i went in the kitchen, Sam was in there. When he looked up his eyes went wide and i realized he saw my hair.

Sam: "Hol-"

"Shhh" Sam looked at me confused.

"I'm going to surprise Colby. Where is he?" I whisper. 

Sam: "Oh, he's upstairs."

"Do you know if he's eaten yet?'

Sam: "No, he was waiting for you."

"Alright good. Thanks Sam."

Sam nodded and smiled. I smiled back and went upstairs. Before i went in our room, i tucked my hair in my hood and pulled my hood up so he couldn't see my hair. Then i went in the room. Colby was laying under his black sheets on his bed and scrolling through his phone.

When he looked up at me he smiled and shut his phone off. I giggled and walked over, setting the food on the bed. He moved the sheets off him, revealing him in just his boxers. He took the bag and grabbed his food. He started eating and when he looked up he noticed the hood and motioned his hand at it while eating his food.


He quickly swallowed his food.

Colby: "Why the hood?"

"No reason."

Colby: "Take it off."

"Why? "I teased him, smirking.

He sighed and shook his head. He set his food aside and set my food aside.

"What are yo-"

He cut me off by tackling me on the bed. I started giggling and he chuckled and pulled the hood down. When he saw my hair, he gasped.

Colby: "H MY GOSH!!! BABE!!" He said excitedly as he pulled all my hair out to see ll of it.

"Do you like it?"


He hugged me and kissed my head as he ran his fingers through my hair.

Colby: "It's so fluffy." He said, nuzzling his head in my hair. 

I giggle and kiss his cheek.

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