Next thing you know

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Colby's POV: 

I came to the bar one night with Sam, Jake, and Corey just to relax for the night. I went up to the counter when i saw this girl. Her bright h/c glowed under the bar's lights. She was sitting alone so i walked over. I smiled down at her smaller figure and she looked up at me, her bright e/c looking up at me.

"Hello. Why is such a pretty girl sitting all alone on this night?" I ask with a flirty tone. 

The girl giggled and looked away before looking back up at me.

"I just didn't want to sit home alone in my apartment." 

Then she held out her hand.

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n."

I took her hand, shaking it lightly.

"I'm Colby. Colby Brock."

We talked for the rest of the night over beers, and we left around 2 a.m. but before i left, she gave me her number.


"I'm nervous." She said, holding my hand as we stood at the door to my parents' house.

"You'll be fine. I'm here and they will love you." I say, squeezing her hand gently.

She sighed and nodded as i knocked on the door. When my mom opened the door, she hugged me, and my dad patted my shoulder. Then they turned to Y/n.

"Who's this, Colby?" My mom asked, smiling at Y/n.

"Mom, Dad, this...This is my girlfriend, Y/n"

"Hello." She said shyly. 

My parents gasped and my mom squealed happily.

"How long have you guys been together?!" She asked excitedly as she took Y/n into a hug with open arms.

"Uh about 3 months." I respond smiling. I could tell Y/n was more comfortable knowing my parents already adore her.


"Here babe. Let me get this for you." I say picking up the last heavy box of Y/n's from the U-Haul truck. 

"Thanks, Bubs." She said as she kissed my cheek.

We went to the elevator and went up to my apartment. When we went in, i set the box down in the living room and Y/n took my hand. I turned to her and smiled as she groaned see the number of boxes. I chuckled at her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"We can start unpacking tomorrow, babe." 

She sighed in relief and i picked her up bridal style, carrying her to our room. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I laid her on our bed and leaned over her and kissed her. She cupped my face in her hands and i chuckled.

"Welcome home, baby." I whisper to her.


"Babe, come here!" I call to Y/n when she was over, talking to my parents in the yard. 

I was leaning on the railing of the porch at the moment with my hands in my jacket pockets. Y/n quickly finished the conversation and jogged over to me.

"What's up, babe?"

"I have a question for you." I say, smirking a bit.

I saw my dad smiling at me in the yard and nodded his head since he knew about this. I looked down before taking Y/n's hand in mine and i looked into her beautiful eyes.

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